Saturday, October 1, 2011

Waiii~ New blog, new blog!

Or I should say, this is my back up blog. Along with my other doggie one.
I have to say, it's great nostalgia to see my old posts XD It was so much more fun, damn it.
Well, I guess I should have something to talk about.
Since my old posts were Pokemon, I guess that's one subject.
I want to hear from you, though.
Give me your opinions on certain things, you know?
So.. once a week, imma ask a random question and hope someone answers it, hahah ^_^; 
Okay, so question number one for YOU guys is...
Picture this. You have the perfect family that you would never leave. Then you find out you have terminal cancer.
You have 1 out of 2 choices, obviously.
Live for 5 years with your family and then die.


Stay frozen 50 years in which they find the cure but in which your family will probably be dead.

So what's your choice? Mine would be to live with them for 5 years. Hey, no one is immortal in this place anyway.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Auto Draft

Why am I so damned lazy part #1

What this is about: A series of rants ranting herself because she is just that pathetic/Actual blog post/Rants/Randomness/Cake(LIES.)/....

So you walk in the hallways at school, after dismissal. You walk out the classroom and BOOM! The human centipede basically just appear.
Then you find out the boys in your school are so messed one of them messed up the floor of their washroom with their own feces.
The awkwardness.

So anyway, not that anyone is anticipating my return, but I will try to write 3 blog posts a day again. Not including today since I have writer's block from writing a Soundless Voice/Proof of Life story, which since my only reader(Or not.) is probably Viv, is up on the Fanfiction Central on MSN.
So, so. How's life for you?
Mine isn't what I consider miserable and obviously, as you've seen in the first paragraph, not royal paradise. Oh well. It's not supposed to be anyway.
Write, write, write, write, write/Type, type, type, type, type.
When you come down to it, there's not much to say. Not much that could impress all parties of people anyway.
But COOKIES always cheer people up. Why is that? Because COOKIES are not a lie. COOKIES lie beside you when you need them.
..Why did I emphasize cookies? Now people will think it's a hidden message or something, dear god.
Oh well...
I guess this is goodbye for now.
~ R A V E N
~ Angelic Espeon
~Matryoshka- Miku and Gumi~

Monday, September 26, 2011


Read this until the end~~ You get cake!

At a WalMart store, a cashier hands this little boy some money back. The boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old. The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.'...Then the little boy turned to the old woman next to him, ''Granny, are you sure I don't have enough money?'' The old lady replied, ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.'' Then she asked him to stay there for just 5 minutes while she went to look around.
She left quickly.
The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.
A lady walked toward him and asked him who he wished to give this doll to.
'It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for Christmas. She was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her.'
She replied to him that maybe Santa Claus would bring it to her after all, and not to worry.
But he replied back sadly. 'No, Santa Claus can't bring it to her where she is now. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.'
His eyes were so sad while saying this,
'My Sister has gone to be with God. Dad dy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.'' My heart nearly stopped.
The little boy looked up at the lady and said, 'I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall.' Then he showed her a very nice photo of himself. He was laughing. He then told me 'I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won't forget me.' 'I love my mommy and I wish she didn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister.' Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly. She quickly reached for her wallet and said to the boy. 'Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll!'' OK' he said, 'I hope I do have enough.' She added some of her money to his without him seeing and they started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money. The little boy said, 'Thank you God for giving me enough money!' Then he looked at the lady and added, 'I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give it to my sister. He heard me!'' 'I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose.'' 'My mommy loves white roses.' A few minutes later, the boys granny returned and the lady left with her basket. She finished her shopping in a totally different state of mind from when she started. She couldn't get the little boy out of her mind. Then she remembered a local newspaper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl. The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma. Was this the family of the little boy? Two days after this encounter with the little boy, The woman read in the newspaper that the young woman had passed away. She couldn't stop herself as she bought a bunch of white roses and went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was for people to see and make last wishes before her burial. She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest. She left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that her life had been changed forever. The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine, and in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.
Now you have 2 choices:
1) Pass this on.
or 2) Ignore it as if it never touched your heart.

I'm not really one to touch spam, and it wasn't obligation I felt that made me put this up, but.. yeah. It's a touching one out of other touching ones, but it doesn't really matter. It reminds you of humanity's good side X) And that's good enough for me.
What a cool story, I know ._. You're free to do whatever you just did before this.

Oh right, cake was a lie :] I just fooled you into reading all of this ;)
XD Okay, that's all I have to say. Until next time where I might actually not be a lazy ass and put up pictures!

~ R A V E N
~ Angelic Espeon

Monday, August 29, 2011

LOLLLL. This is totally the act of boredom.

Well, since Miss Angelic Espeon is too lazy to give a crap about not putting vacation posts, she will put up random videos! Nah, kidding. I will put up vacation photos and all that stuff later, it's just that I've been kind of busy attempting to do push ups and study and be a model student. Well, so far, I fail. ANYWAY, entertain yourself with this barrage of videos I have for you, simpleton. Entertain yourself, I say. I SAID ENTERT-- *shot*

0:35-  Is he gay.. "Of course he's gay!" ..or Europeon "Ohhh....." (LOL.) 1:40 -GAY,GAY,GAY,GAY,GAY~ *surrounded by girls* "DAMN IT!"(Ahh, poor gang.) 2:45-2:50- "I HAVE A BIIIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! THIS MAN'S GAY AND EUROPEAN!" "WOAH!" (LOLLLL. WOAH!) Well, isn't that fun? I think I should make posts shorter, that way, I can put up more. Yeah, I probably should. In that case, I'll be going now. Everyone, enjoy your.. time of day. ~Angelic Espeon enjoys her spicy apple tea~ Mood Song: Pajama Party - Swimming with Dolphins

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Curls. So much curls. @_@

So I mixed up the date we were going to the U.S. (Once again..) and went today. I probably slept every time we went to the car, but it was so humid it was hard to sleep. I'm actually grateful it was raining at some points. XDXD
We went to Tulalip(That casino near the outlet.), and ate there. Nom nom nom mashed potatoes. XD The brocollie cheddar soup was actually pretty good, you should try it.
Then we went to Seattle Outlet.
My dad got this... hot pink pocket camcorder. And by hot pink, I mean the color Vivian assigned to me in her comic. N

I guess my highlight of the day was I got my hair curled-- for free, since it was a demo. I shall have curled hair for three days. I shall look like a poodle for three days. XDXD Then we went to Walmart, and with the camera, I took  2 pictures and some videos that I don't think will be able to work ^ ^"

The badness of quicktime. Anyway, XD my font keeps screwing with me, so..
Here they are, my pictures! They're not the most wonderfult hing in the world, but who doesn't like a handful of bunnies.

[caption id="attachment_622" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Primadonna. She smells of rose. And she's so adorable. XDXD"][/caption]


[caption id="attachment_623" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="This is Shirousa. And before you're wondering, there were only white ones left. T_T Shirousa has the scent of vanilla. It's so.. vanilla-like. Because it's vanilla. XD Also her caption was broken. T_T"][/caption]

Since I have no(Damn you, Quicktime.)video to show you, I'm going to show you... um.. um..
I'll decide. Tomorrow. That's right, tomorrow. Heheh. Now go to sleep, you. I should be, and I will after finishing this post.

~Angelic Espeon, she is snappy.~
Mood Song: Youtopia- Owl City

Sunday, July 10, 2011

'Subtle' Anime Subtitle Mistakes

LOL, this made me laugh. ^_^
Here, is some anime subtitle mistakes that
were gathered on the web. I took out all of
the..inappropriate ones, hahah. XD

[caption id="attachment_612" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption=""What was that?! It sounded like a homo being strangled!!" XDXDXD Ah.. I apologize in advance if you're actually homosexual. It's a mistake.LOL. Just, LOL. XDXD"][/caption]

I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be inspirational, but.. *shakes head*

This should so be parodied. XDXDXDXD

I hope you got as good of a laugh as I did! Oh yeah, it should be obvious by now, but these characters, pictures, and animes, do not belong to me. I only provided captioning.
Well, until next time! I think I shall make a new post wen I get my camera. Or not. *troll face*

~Angelic Espeon, possibly epically fails at trolling~
Mood Song: Your Guardian Angel.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The speed... and Double Lariat.

Luka is now one of my favorite Vocaloids, denying that would be a lie.
I just heard Double Lariat, and part of Rip Release(Which is Luka's reaction to being played by Len in Spice! I think she kills him in the end.. And although he deserves it, I can't help but think, "Poor Len/")

You should hear Double Lariat, too.

This song is about not giving up, it's fairly inspiring.
This is a mix between World is Mine and Don't say Lazy. And it goes really well. Here. I fell utterly in love with it. o_o It's just, just// gah.

I'm going to rely on time's miracle to make this summer pass by fast. I don't care what good a break does. I mean, I understand you need one, but, school gave me something to do, enjoyable or not.

Which brings me to another point. Grade 7 was in my eyes, an enjoyable and memorable year. I had a strange dream, talking to someone who was close to me. And there was a incredibly red sunset. I'm not kidding, it's as red as Japan's flag.
One of my goals would be to watch the sunrise and the sunset. Which is going to be really hard, but it can probably be accomplished in th e following w
eek, I think I'm going to the U.S. on Monday, then leaving for Las Vegas on Tuesday. I think. XDXD
Hmm..what I am going to shall try accomplishing this summer..
1) Find a spot where watching the sun is perfect.
2) Improve on Geometry.
3) Learn basic Chinese and Japanese.(Obviously, this is not as much Chinese than it is Japanese.)
4) Gather materials to make cosplay outfit! 8D
5) Act out Rilianne, the daughter of evil.
6) Try cooking.
7) Go to a dog show, or a dog event nearby.
8) My dad gave me permission to use his old camera,once he gets his new one,   so... photographs, away!
There. That's not all of it, but that will occupy me at the moment.
Sorry if I make mistakes on my typing, it's because it's hard to see when the words are actually going outside the box.. o_o
Anyway, I hope you have a great summer. Pegasus says, "Just fabulous!"
Bye! ^_^

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Last Night, Good Night - Hatsune Miku.
(Ahh, if only dreams could be real. With the exception of nightmares.)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bragging Rights and Japanese Diaries.

Holy crap, my concentration was at it's fullest today.
I actually studied. o A o ...Yes, I know, I'm
that lazy.
But I'm proud~ I actually wrote one paragraph of Kanji! Well, copying Google Translate, but 1 paragraph! For some reason, this gives me authority to make a blog post and post two pictures of it! Captioned by your sincere bragging monster, Angelic Espeon.

[caption id="attachment_602" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Polarized picture ftw. No really, it looks cool, doesn't it? XD It probably looks like a bunch of jumble. OH WELL! XD"][/caption]

Hey, don't kill me, I know I got some of the kanji wrong. Probably because I don't know how to.. constructive criticism would be pleasant here. And since I'm such a bragging monster, here's another one. Another one and I'm done, really. It's 12:14, what energy do I have?

[caption id="attachment_603" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Not polarized, but whatever. Mraaahhh ZOMBIE MODE."][/caption]

See ya. Please tell me what you think if you have the time. Not like, "OMG *troll block*" though. Oh well, can't blame you if you did, with my bragging. Yeah, I know I'm very finicky.
Oh well, just don't go overboard with the trolling. Good bye.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Jaden's Rap(Super Clean)
^ Well, it's actually the one playing on the ipod right now, soooo.. XDXD

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just for this reason.

So I was listening to the velvet remix of Aku no Musume, or Daughter of Evil.
People were commenting on how brutal the guillotine sounded and I honestly didn't think it was that bad, because you might remember me thinking the guillotine in the Nico Nico Chorus didn't scare me.
...Holy crap, this one shocked me. You can hear blood. Freaking blood!

4:02, the moment of the creepy guillotine.
Hah.. they really should have used that instead.

Bye Bye!
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Shan Hu Hai/Coral Sea - Jay Chou

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi.

Remember when the only one available was a camera rip in a cinema? Well, apparently, not any more. I actually have the whole movie. In one video. Holy earphones with no cover on one ear, it's actually the whole thing. The whole 2 hours and something minutes.
Problem is, this stupid troll filed this as copyright, so it may be removed by the time you see this, but enjoy it anyway, you can change it to 1080p, you know, so it has to be awesome. XD And of course, it's subbed.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shuffle #3! And that other copy and paste thing!

Okay, let's start!

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in parentheses after the song name.

1. What would you say about your boyfriend?

SHINING STAR - Tomoko Nakashima (...This again? XD)

2. What is the first thing you say in the morning?

Perfect - Hedley (Perfect, so perfect, everything's so perfect.. *later that day* OMG TODAY WAS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE -Complain and whine filter-)

3. Your teacher is…

Blue Bird - Ikimono Gakari (Thus the start of de-evolution.)

4. What’s written on your classroom’s blackboard?

Let me be with you(Piano ver.) (Things are starting to make less and less sense.)

5. How would you describe your next-door neighbors?

How far we've come - Matchbox Twenty (They obviously believe in 2012. "WAKING UP AT THE START OF THE END OF THE WORLD.")

6. What would your Best Friend say about you?

ONE - Crystal Kay (Why yes, I am ONE person. And I couldn't think of anything, so don't kill me~)

7. How do you feel right now?

8. What’s on your bedside table right now?

River flows in you - Yiruma (...God, I hate you, Mother Nature.)

9. What did you do when you woke up this morning?

Rolling Girl - Yonji(Originally by Hatsune Miku.) (I'm not a masochist >_< I will not roll down the hill one more time.)

10. When you open your wardrobe, you see…

 Saihate - Hatsune Miku (Frankly, I am not very interested in the furthest ends of this wardrobe. It does not lead to Narnia.)

11. What did you say after you last attended a concert?

Together Forever - Pokemon OST (OMG! *insert idol here* WE'LL BE TOGETHER FOREVER IN MY FANFICTION!!!111!!!)

12. If you had to write a Fan Fic right now, what would it be called?

Far up in the air - E-type (That sounds like Vivi's one!)

13. A song you would sing at your school’s talent show.

Hare Hare Yukai - Aya Hirano, Chihara Minori, Yuko Goto
(Yeah! With Vivian and another person!~)

14. Your life’s theme song?

Houki Boshi - Younha (Yup! That would work just fine!!)

15. How would you describe what you are doing this moment?

Greed's Accident - Chihara Minori(As Nagato Yuki) (..I guess that's one very off topic way to describe it..)

16. If you had to go and jump off a building, what would your last words be?

Hot air balloon - Owl City (SOMEONE! ANYONE! A HOT AIR BALLOON?!?!)

17. Your motto is…

Butterfly on your right shoulder - Kagamine Rin; Kagamine Len (...WHY? WHY WOULD I PAY ATTENTION TO A MERE INSECT ON YOUR RIGHT SHOULDER?!)

18. If you could buy anything in this world, you would buy…

Together - Pokemon OST (Technically, you can't buy that.)

19. What will you dream about tonight?

Yura Yura - Hearts Grow (That's nice :) A strong friendship, then.)

20. Any last words?

Meltdown - Kagamine Rin ('Kay, see ya, I want to dive into a nuclear reactor.)

My unfortunate luck is the shadow.
Being with everyone is the cloud I wish I could ride on everyday.
Happiness is what I long for.
Someone(I didn't know what to put here.) will protect me from anything.
"Mr. Bear", I hope, will be by my side.
My true friends(*coughcough* Vivian *cough*) cannot be a traitor.
My mother will always stick with me.

 The devil will always be following and destroying,
The angel will always restore and help,
Which is how we got the angelic devil and the demonic angel.

~ Angelic Espeon ~
Mood Song: Distance - Utada Hikaru

Aya Hirano, Chihara Minori, Yuko Goto

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The english dub of what happened in the anime during the waltz of Ouran.

..Because I couldn't actually find one that's not a dub. I know, I suck. Anyway...

I actually have some favorite parts. I know, I know, I should be killed and fed to monstrous little leeches.
"I never danced with a commoner before.."-Tamaki
"Well, I never danced with an idiot before, so I guess we're even." = Haruhi

Also, I just love Kaoru and Hikaru's part. XD I don't know why.

And this is probably my most favorite part.
'Enchante.. moron." - Kyoya.
With that, goodbye. -=3 It's getting closer and closer to the end of the year. Mraah.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Perfect - Hedley


Friday, May 13, 2011

A four leaf clover on Friday the 13th.

I love bragging about this for reasons I am about to explain (LOL, did I just make a reference.) I found a lucky thing on a supposedly unlucky day. How occult-like. So today is Friday the 13th. It is also the 13th birthday of 3 people, and again, how occult-like.
I was randomly searching for a clover because I was bored and I found it. Now I'm going to press it and keep it in my asian folder thing. LOL
So much for being unlucky, right? Oh well. Hopefully nothing bad will happen the next day, or the evening, because that is when the bad luck happens. To people around me, anyway.
XD If you happen to be one of the three people that have a birthday today, I didn't put down your name for the sake of your privacy. But happy birthday! Good luck today XD And good luck on your 13th year that began today. LOL
So I was looking through my blog posts and I came across a 'Couple of the month' one.
Okay, since my newly obtained anime obsession is Kaichou-wa-maid-sama!, my favorite couple of the month is..

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="130" caption="Usui Takumi and Misaki Ayuzawa!"][/caption]

LOL They're so cute. I haven't fully read the manga yet, but I've completely watched the anime so that's enough, although that's only part of the storyline. Fail. Oh well... XDXD
Ah.. how should I start. Okay, let's start with the heroine, Ayuzawa Misaki. Misaki-chan, basically, is Seika High's president. Since her father left the family, she doesn't trust men that much. It's also because 80% of the school population is male, and she wants to bring more girls into the school. Also because he left a debt on the family, she has to work as a maid, because working as a maid get you tons of money because of the fanservice-- anyway..
And although this is by now, a cliche dude, Usui was still freaking awesome. I was honestly trying my best not to like him BECAUSE he was so cliche. XD But this won me over.

Usui comes in around 0:46, and his puppy face appears about 5 seconds after that. LOL, he used an actual dog. XDXD But it's still so damn cute-- I'm sorry.
By cliche, I mean Usui is the type of guy that all the girls in the school fawn over. But the way he does things for Misaki made me surprised.
Arriving at the exact same time when she needs help, having super human hearing. They're the golden pair because they're both perfect. I mean, Misaki can break out of chains! SERIOUSLY!
Usui jumped off the roof to get a picture from her. XD This will seem unreasonable, unless you've actually watched the anime.
Which is also when he confessed he liked her, at episode 6. But Misaki ignores that... kind of.
And then basically, Usui rescues her at the exact same time she calls for him, when she's calling because there's a judo expert pervert (Exactly why she can't fight him off, because she has aikido.) . By the way, Tora is.. I hate him. I just hate his voice, I hate it. He adds nya to the end of his sentence, probably one of the japanese accents..
But for some reason that makes him extremely annoying because he's a pervert.
I understand his name is Tora(Which means tiger, which reminds me of a cat.) but they did not need to add nya..
Anyway, the series progresses, with Usui finding out Misaki has a fear for the occult, apparently. And then they almost kiss.

A huge part of the episode is here.  They don't show the kiss scene, but they show hugs. =D
BTW, LOL, "Misa, what the hell is that?"
^ She has to work at the beach, so.. =3 If you couldn't tell, he kissed her back to prevent her from going out in a bikini, because Usui doesn't like men looking at her. XD

XD Then, more progressing, until Misaki meets her childhood friend, Hinata (Yes, a childhood friend enters the mix.), who has a crush on her.
And even though I love Usui and Misaki, I really feel sorry for Hinata. He's not a bad person at all. He's so innocent, compared with Usui. Honestly, I feel sorry, because he cries when he realized Misaki liked Usui, although she herself had not realized it yet.
It's really funny when Hinata appears. Misaki says that there is no such thing as a human randomly falling out of the sky, and he appears right in front of them, out of the sky, from the roof..
LOL He makes Usui's physical body seem like a minority.
And then he goes, "Oh, I'm so careless to drop my food.."
Then he goes calling Misaki mean in a whiny manner, because of her strictness as the president. But when he remembers her from his childhood he is like.. a puppy. XDXD
And then I don't know why, but the concept that they fighting for Misaki like dogs came up. Which explains Usui's puppy face above.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Seriously guys, I know you like her, but you didn't have to take it that far.."][/caption]

And then in a scene where Hinata helps Misaki clean up the school, they both get soaking wet because he does not know how to work a hose.
So Usui borrows her his uniform (He has a shirt underneath.), and Hinata realizes that, like I said earlier, Misaki likes Usui.
Now I seriously feel sorry.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1280" caption="Aw.. poor Hinata."][/caption]

Sorry for the huge picture, couldn't find any other ones.

If you're wondering why they're in the Romeo and Juliet getup, they won in a love contest that they(Mostly Misaki), were dared to do. And then her ex-enemy, some guy tells her that Usui is enduring much from her and he does not understand why Usui still likes her.. and then that makes Misa-chan realize she likes him.
This is pretty much the most emotional Misaki-chan's been. XD In the anime anyway.  But I think this is the most endearing couple the month of spring, where love blows the hardest apparently.. for my horoscope anyway. Goodbye. Oh wait, here's a commemoration pic!

[caption id="attachment_584" align="aligncenter" width="130" caption="Wahh.. so cute. XD"][/caption]

Well, although it's almost over because I lagged this post so much, Happy Friday 13th. And goodbye.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Hot Air Balloon-Owl City

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Unique take on KOKORO; Rin dies first.

And that's because Rin is Len's sister in this one, (Or close friend, I don't know.) and Rin apparently gets ill and dies. (LOL, She almost always dies because she gets ill.)

W-wait, did Len cut his own heart out? ...Oh my gosh. Or maybe it's that scene we saw at the beginning, with Rin and Len both in a hospital and looking sort of like a mummy. And then Rin gets an error for overthinking. Her eyes turn red. And back to blue when Len hugs her.
Jeez, I remember the first time I listened to this, it made me cry. Rin really does specialize in the, 'Pain in someone who's left the world'. Kind of style.Poor Len is usually the person who dies, though.
Also, I laugh at Len trying to style Rin's hair, while Rin tried to make him into a cross dresser. And then Len dies.. but the fact that makes me happy is that he's happy when he dies :3
And the end shows that Rin made Len (ROBOT MADE ROBOT.), with the KOKORO that Scientist Len gave her, and they both look at Human Rin's grave together. O_O
Kyah, moe.
LOL BAI. Imma watch Mermaid by Rin now.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Sleeping Beauty - Hatsune Miku

New Obsession; Vocaloid Chorus, and one special Nico Nico Evil Story for you.

I mean, have you heard them? Well, you probably have. But if you haven't, I'll give you a brief description. Basically, like Nico Nico Chorus, but with VOCALOID. REAL ROBOTS!
Wow, did I really just say that?
By the way, I haven't realize how Gakupo's and Luka's voice were so awesomely used until now, in this Butterfly on your right shoulder mix.

Gakupo sounds like a mix between KAITO and Luka, which would make sense, since his color scheme is purple. But I do know that it is because he likes eggplants. LOL XD

By the way, if you're wondering, I'm pretty sure the extra VOCALOIDs is to fill in for the melody, both soprano and altos. And the people who aren't even VOCALOIDS are possibly the ones who mixed the music. Of course this is all just an assumption, but I don't hear any people in there.
Here's a special chorus dedication, unfortunately, they're people -- Wow, do I sound weird? LOL
Princess of Evil~

Oh my gosh, the laugh at the beginning sounds slowed down, HOLY ****. Oh yeah, apparently the guillotine is extremely realistic. Anyway, very creepy, as expected of Rin, the singer of Fear Garden. But you know these are one of the songs that make my throat hurt just listening to it, the intro that is. So high. O A O I can sing Regret Message, but Princess of Evil seems kind of scary. Especially going like, "OHOHOHOHO! Now, kneel down! (Or something like that.)"
Now you're probably wondering where Len is.. Ahh, well.. here he is, except he may be dead by the end of this video. Ill humor is my specialty.

ZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMG. ZOMG. Oh yes, I'm sorry, it's not high-pitched. This actually makes me go more on the "aww.." than "TT_TT" Although it does still make me sad.
Heck, Disappearence of Hatsune Miku makes me sad, too.
Anyway, uwah. The beginning with Princess of Evil playing on the 'radio', and the random protest crowd, most likely the people who killed Len. And then, it's most likely Len serving Rin, and then the priest who baptized the two. And then in one part, VOCALOID Len comes in.
Aww. This is so sweet. Servant of Evil highly emphasizes Len's sweetness, and how many times he died. Then again, how much of his songs don't make him dead? Really, if you think about it, there's probably about 5, and they emphasize Len's .. playboy side.
By the way, I love the chorus part, and the part where Len says for Rin to be happy and how he'd protect her.. at the ..bridge part. I heard shiawase, so I'm pretty sure that's what he said. The voice at the end is Yamai! YAY! Before the song ends, where Rin cries. ...
Aw.. I feel sorry for her.
The last song here is Regret Message, because it's the last song they did for the evil series.

What they say at the prologue is basically the chorus, but Rin says that she doesn't need the bottle, when Len is the one who fulfills her wishes. And this does make me more sad than Servant of Evil does, because I know the feeling of regret and wishing you did some things earlier. Such a true song.
Anyway, apparently, the reason she saw Len was because she cut herself with the bottle, and something happened, and she started seeing things-- but that doesn't mean she dies, you haters.
And I think the dialogue at the end is the prelude to KOKORO, but with a different story, because Len is there as well. And of course, Rin drops a tear.

Awwez, the twinz are so cute, *spaz attack*
Okay, bye bye now, I've got to be an otaku and stare longingly at cosplay outfits-- Don't ask.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Meltdown - Kagamine Rin

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Karakuri 卍 Burst [Kagamine Rin・Len Append] And it's secret meaning....

Oh my gosh.. I love the chorus so much. XDXD

This other version was more accurate, "Destroyed, Destroyed" and "Oh, how frail, brittle and weak humans are", but I liked this version, just because of the transliteration, "Shattered, Shattered" Oh yeah, apparently someone cried, because they were both so crazy. Mostly Rin. Also, neat, Rin has her left eye covered, and Len has his covered.. or maybe they lost it.
And not to say, I love Rin's outfit in this, the hair.. I love it. That's how I put it up, except I have bangs. XDXD
Len looks like a pirate. Ah, if you don't get the storyline..
Basically, Rin is stolen away from Len, for some.. stupid reason, and she grows up and forgets Len, and Len gets abducted by KAITO, I think, and he also grows up forgetting Rin. And then they remember each other. Oh, but admiring this awesome chorus (and song), is not the real purpose of this. No, there is a deeper meaning in this song.. It is hidden.. in the backwards version of this song...

Listen closely. You'll hear both of them repeat orange, and a bunch of gibberish. So now you know the true meaning... IT'S ABOUT THEIR CHARACTER ITEM, ORANGE.
Rin says it, too! But her sentence is too long! Just like my talking!!
Okay, you're probably sick of this by now.
Bye bye~!

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Karakuri 卍 Burst - Rin and Len . APPEND POWER.

Monday, April 25, 2011

XD I love this.

XD Okay, I don't like the fact that she quits singing, but I think it's funny. XD Also, the subs might go stupid on you. If it doesn't make sense, click on the youtube button. Meep. :3
Oh yeah. Notice the font change? I finally got the fontkit thing to work. I know that's not the name, but I forgot the name.
XD If you want to know, you can ask me. You most likely don't though, seeing how tiny my font is. Never mind that, mai baaad 8D You might also notice the blogs aren't showing up on MSN anymore. It's to protect against people, just in case they see.. "certain" things.

Hahah, I've been watching a lot of the 'happy version' videos of sad songs lately. It makes me happy and are boredom killers.

I just watched Marley and Me on Netflix, and boy, is it sad. Later on, I found out that the movie was originally made for charity, because it induces tears in people, and they found out that that saves lives when like, converted into a special liquid..
So they put it out in theatres, and just collected tears.
Don't ask, I don't know how they do that either.

But the story is true. It's like Hachiko, which is another one of the sad movies...
Jesus christ, what's with dogs dieing in every single movie? It's like Rin and Len. I guess that's how they get the big bucks. Dammit, stupid director.

Okay, I admit, that was another one of my pointless and short rants. Well, bye bye.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Google it! - Megurine Luka and Gakupo duet.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Great, now I'm turning like some certain people. DOCTOR HAX-- No, I'm just kidding.
This is a relatively short post dictating my recent Heartgold adventures.
In point form for the most part.
Enjoy your point form adventure. LOL.

. Got my female Growlithe. Named her Yuuki, the japanese meaning of courage. And in some cases, little princess.

. Got my female Eevee, named her Kira, which is a sun godess. Maybe her name would be better off as Amaterasu. XD I'm obsessed lately.

. Sandstorm evolved into Sandslash. Yaay~

And now, to the modern training world..
"Trainer Some and Trainer thing sent out Wigglytuff and Clefable!

Go! Pepsi and Scout! (Quilava and Flaafy.)"

And now we're going to speed things up, to the moment where Clefable used Metronome.
"Clefable used Seed Flare!"
As you may know, Seed Flare is Shaymin's signature move.
Ironically, at the same time, I was thinking about that Magikarp that used Roar of Time with Metronome.

HAIL MY TECHNICAL TELEPATHY! (Mock and troll here.)

The next day, my quest for Morty's badge, and that stupid fire stone awaits...

What a reference to VOCALOID. And speaking of that..
I want to show you what people consider the most human version of Black Rock Shooter by a VOCALOID.

I do agree with them. XD Bai :3

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Melancholic - Kagamine Rin

Friday, April 22, 2011

What is your favorite VOCALOID?

Such a short short post. I only posted this to check my ability to post polls.
How useless, right? XD
Oh well. Enjoy your little poll. Muhahahaha.

[polldaddy poll=4929246]
You can add new answers. I think. If you can't, I'll post a edit later.
Night :3

~Angelic Espeon is now similar to a undead zombie~
Mood Song: Trick and Treat - KagamineRin and Len

Saturday, April 16, 2011

VOCALOID. Doing concerts. Holy.

Honestly, I never expected a singing robot to go this far into a live concert.
By that sentence, I mean Japan is seriously lucky to have such talented people.
I believe they will rise up again, really fast. Japan is so amazing.

Look at this! It's Luka performing at a live concert~!!

SHE'S SO PRETTY! I can't emphasize the talent of the people of Japan, VOCALOID is so wonderful. Luka is so wonderful in this one, they made her look emotional. XD
Also, am I the only one that wants to feel her hair? XDXD

The Kagamines! Rin's first, because whenever I say their names together, I tend to say Rin's first. Do you? XD

And with this song, I come to a disappointing realization. GAH, they're in the screen.....
But still, I was fooled, I can't believe how realistic they look. Again, Japan is amazing. And all the other words that mean amazing.
A side comment, though, I wish Rin had her meltdown outfit on, but I like how she just appeared with a bunch of sparkles, too. LOL XD
Also, the way her ribbon flops side to side is so cute. XDXDXD I love the ribbon so much. XD
And because one of her songs is my all-time favorite, here's another Rin song.

Before we continue on with Len's performance, which is the sequel to this next song, I just want to say that even though this is about a insane queen, I really like it, Rin's acting is pretty convincing, in a cartoonish way. XDXD

You may have anticipated it, but this is indeed, Daughter of Evil, or Aku no Musume.
Riiiin! You look so awesome!! WHY AM I SAYING THIS!!!
LOL, Len gets crossdressed again. (Sorry, I just had to do that.. I'm sorry..)
I love the crowd, they cheer when Rin does one of her acts. What I mean is, when she goes, "Oh! You insolent woman!" <- This line done by Len. Although he isn't there. Does that explain the voice that sounds pitched? XDXD Ah, that reminds me about the happy version of this song.
Do I have ADD or something? I can't seem to stay on task.
Anyway.. Too much Rin, you might say.. which is why it's Len time! (ish.)
And now, we have our Len-chan! (Man, can you just imagine an argument about this?
"Servant": Milady, why the prefix, "chan"? You're not regarding him as a shota boy(LOLOLOLOL 8D), are you?
Me: No, Sebastian[Typical Butler/Servant name?], he's just like a small kid.
"Servant": Milady, what about "Spice!" ?
Me: Shut the **** up. Also, get me a harpoon gun, I need to shoot KAITO for influencing Len.)
Aku no Mesume, or, Servant of Evil.
But that's because he's the 2011 model/ this is the 2011 concert. And the other ones were 2010. GO, UPDATED LEN, GO, GO, GO!~

Technically, this is also by Rin. ...I don't want to spoil, unless you've noticed that Rin is Len's background voice and vice-versa.
Okay, I'll sound mean in this one, but Len looks so dramatic! X3
Awesome :)
His dances are funny, but I really like it. It definitely looks realistic enough that he looks like he's dancing amongst the audience. :3 Speaking about dance, do you notice the intros of both songs (Aku no Musume and Aku no meshitsukai.) are the same? Ahh, I guess they ran out of ideas for his dance? So not fair. XDXD
Also, did someone say yay when his head got chopped off?
"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" (To the people who did, of course. LOL Wait, unless they were saying, "Iie."  or,  "LEEEEEN!!!" In which case, all is forgiven.)
If you're wondering why the videos so far of Len has been a duet, it's because...
Noble reason: I honestly can't really find any videos of him singing alone.
Not-so-noble reason: DON'T RIN AND LEN LOOK CUTE TOGETHER?!?
Nah, I'm kidding. This next video, is Trick or Treat, followed by a medley of both twins, with Len actually singing on his own (I think.)in SPICE!.

Rin.. Len..Kitty.. LOL
Both in their solos, have a positively evil look on their face. Not kidding, you should see it for yourself. (Assuming you were too lazy to go play the video. It's exactly why there's a description here in the first place. LOL)
Ahh. Cuuute. LOL
*awesome troll takes over*
*me takes over*
That wasn't very trollish. Which is exactly why his name is "Awesome" troll.
Uwah. Rin does robot dance at 1:13-1:16, Len from 1:16-1:20.
Ahh, wait no, I got it completely wrong. Mannequin dancing/doll dancing, which makes perfect sense, since the song is about dolls killing..their..previous owner. XD (I remember in one PV.. POOR MIKU.)
XDXD I just realized that Len was technically more girly (tail-wise) than Rin! Probably Rin put that purple ribbon on his tail. Ahh, poor Len, always forced to crossdress.
Ahh, and I also love when, "Ah, you bad child, you're awake so early?" Holy.
And then Rin.. "If you're not blindfolded, then should I blind you instead?"
LOL. Nice people/robots/half-kitty(Furry? *gets bricked to the head*)/dolls, aren't they.
Rin's giggle, creepiest thing, ever.

These are one of the songs where I deem Len's appearance to be basically, freaking epic. He just appeared.. out of Rin..
Which adds on to the proof of their name, Kagami, which means mirror.
So I guess in this one, they're either supposed to be lovers, or mirror images,
hahahaha, Leeen.
Rin's purpose in the song is to dance there and look pretty.  Oh, and be Len's background voice. Ahh, poor Rin.
Yay, I've found a new favorite song. XD
And we move on to the medley. Which I don't wanna dub~~ It's so long. LOL.
But it has KOKORO in it, too, which you can skip, which I won't skip. LOL.

Transitions, are amazing. But, gah, I hate that they didn't play at least the first verse.. Oh well.
There. Tell me when you're done.

Hmm, hmm, hm, hmm, hmm, hm. Hmm, hmm, hmm,hmm, hmmmmm.
Done? Okay..
That brings us to the end of the review of this concert. I'm not doing the rest, because these two were the ones I feel that stood out. Len and Rin had more emotion, and Luka, as you can see from my first reaction, was the most realistic.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Just Be Friends - Megurine Luka

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rin, Len, stop dieing so much!! D:

I swear, if there was a record for most deaths, Rin and Len would receive it. Oh, the reincarnation record, too.
I just watched Paper Planes, Prisoner, Soundless Voice and Proof of life. Right now I'm watching recycle bin. The cruel person who would delete Len.. O.o
Stupid producers. They have enough sad fans, so stop killing poor twins/mirror images/whatever the song interprets them at the moment

LOL, this was a short and useless ramble. Goodbye.


~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Let me be with you - Chobits OP

Monday, April 4, 2011

T a m a H a r u :3

Note: Remember that Ouran High was created by Bisco Hatori, and therefore, it does not belong to me. This is the disclaimer for all the photos used in this blog post. All images were found on Google. And the video used at the end was for the Anime 2008 Boston Winner of Best Romance. The original youtube user who made this was KLARRENS. But this video is from another user, as I can't find her video.
Yes, I did so space out the title on purpose.
Before we move on to our.. spotlight topic of the day, I would just like to bring out the day's highlights.
Yay! School today!
Wow, I can't believe I just said that.
Man, breaks are evil. Unless you're an extremely lethargic, lazy  and/or drowsy person, you, at some point of break, really have an urge to go back to school because it's SO DAMN BORING.
And it was school today. XD I think I got 2 hours of sleep today, but that's alright. Band shook me awake... somehow. XD

Surprisingly, most of us slipped back into normal schedule much quicker than I anticipated. Though the amount of math homework is something I disagree with. XDXD
Aghh. I thought we wouldn't be doing wrestling right away tomorrow. Since it's a new term, won't we have a fitness test or something? (Ugh, why did I just remind myself and whoever's reading this that. Yeah, stupid me.)
Anyway, on to our spotlight subject..
That is..
The cuteness that is Tamaki and Haruhi's love. XDXD
Or TamaHaru for short. Or HaruTama. Whatever you prefer =)

[caption id="attachment_537" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Kawaii. XD"][/caption]

It started out.. I don't think so typical.
XD Tamaki could have all the Kuma-chans in the world, but he is still convinced that he is Haruhi's second father.
And even though Kasanova(Is it Kasanova? I forgot. XD) so clearly pointed that out to him, and he got depressed for a few seconds..
Hey, a few seconds later, guess what? Our 'Father' is back. XD
And Haruhi disliked him. Not hated, just thought he was plain annoying. But Haruhi's a nice person. She took a liking to the Host Club she was so suddenly forced into.
Both of them were completely oblivious. Maybe it seemed that Haru-chan would at least have a little idea, but no.. XD She's very blunt, and can't see that happening, that Haru-chan.
And yes, I call her Haru-chan. XD
But she did realize her feelings though. Only in the manga. Manga exclusive. Can't emphasize that enough. XD

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="875" caption="Ah, seems Miss Blunthead has a crush. "][/caption]

Kya, cute. XD
Now in the manga storyline,(Barely any anime.. XD) I shall continue on.
Then, in this same time period, Hikaru and Kaoru both fall for Haruhi. And they fight. They fight, fight, fight. XD
And then they separate for a while, with Kaoru trying to be the more mature one, but for some reason I can't remember, Hikaru reminds them that they can still be the same without a separation. And then for some reason, that persuades Kaoru's mind to let Hikaru chase her.
Okay, so maybe that story was not quite right. Maybe it was something else. But it's honestly been a while since I last read the manga. XD
And then, of course, everyone but Tamaki and Haruhi knows they like each other. Hikaru is angry at this, and persuades Tamaki to realize his feelings.
Guess what? After.. 20 chapters, it worked. XDXD
But I have to say, it wasn't him who did the confession. It was actually Haruhi.
His reaction wasn't perfect, I admit.. XD

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="210" caption="Tamaki: SCREAM~~~~"][/caption]

But then he confessed too. But poor Hikaru.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="209" caption="Aw. I feel sorry for Hikaru..... and Kaoru. "][/caption]

I'm sorry the image is so tiny. I just got it off of Google. Read the disclaimer at the top if you are the owner of these manga scans, and that image on the very top with Tamaki and Haruhi in it.
And then they went on a fabulous date.
Err.. didn't start out that way, though. XD
And she was about to leave, when the host club escorted him, and took him out to change his clothes, and he was back.
Then it was all nice, warm and fluffy.

[caption id="attachment_538" align="aligncenter" width="237" caption="The definition of nice and fluffy."][/caption]

And then, they go into the aquarium, where they meet a small kid, who bumps into them and cry. I think he lost his mother or something.
Then Tamaki flares away with magic, which makes the little kid stop crying, and Haruhi becomes impressed with that, which Tamaki shamefully admits that he had been practicing it to impress her.
Then the Zuka Club comes and randomly starts chasing them, all the way to the fountain, and then into a car. Well, no, they didn't jump into the car. They got distracted by 1:00pm doves. XD Awesome trick, on Tamaki's part.
And then, they visit the mother of Haruhi's grave. Her dad is there, saying how Haruhi is growing up and how he wishes he could keep her just a little longer (Or something like that.).
Then he hides when Haruhi and Tamaki go by. Haruhi says she's leaving for the states, and then this happens.

[caption id="attachment_539" align="aligncenter" width="238" caption="Haruhi saying she's leaving for the states, plus her dad, all coddled up in a corner. "][/caption]

'Kay, maybe I was lying, that is the exact thing I just said.
But then, Haruhi's dad comes out, spazzes at Tamaki, hugs Haruhi, and gives her her investment money(I think).
And the finale is Tamaki, along with the REST of the host club, is going to the States to study. LOL.
That description was honestly too brief. You have to (If you haven't already, that is.) watch the anime and read the manga, to get a real grasp of what it's like. XD
And here's some grasp, of what Haruhi and Tamaki are like. It is the Ouran Day: Best Romance of Anime Boston 08. Made by Klarrens ( I think.) and the song is Ordinary Day, sung by Vanessa Carlton. She's one of my favorite singers 8D

Sweeeeet. ^_^
And that concludes, "Best couple of the month", brought to you by
I just had to do that.
HaruTama all the way! =)

XD A more interesting blog post would have been a rant about Friday. Which I am, going to do.. on Friday. XDXD
Bye bye ^^

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: 1,000 miles - Vanessa Carlton

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


^ Banner above is not mine. I just found it on google with absolutely no idea who the owner is. So therefore, if the owner, randomly stumbles upon this blog, I wish to say that I am sorry I did not ask for any permission, but if you did create the banner, you are freaking awesome.

Weeeeeeee. It's a Wednesday. Wednesdays are so gloomy, they're like a second version of Monday. Not really. It's probably just because it's raining outside, and I think I hear a chainsaw outside. Also, I feel sort of nauseous. Well, not really, but.. yeah.
Wee. Multitasking between the comic and fanfiction. Wee, wee, wee.
Words can't describe my abyss-like boredom right now. Except abyss. And maybe oblivion.
I was on the YGOTAS page, and I found out that the deal for the US dub has been cut off. Well, that doesn't affect me much in the first place, since I don't have any normal tv shows to watch. But will that stop YGOTAS? T_T?
No card-game playing people on bikes. T_T

Dammit. My game just froze.
Wee.. going to the library today. And does my head ever hurt...
Well, bye. XD
"Weeeeeee~!" - Angelic Espeon

Mood Song: Super Sonic Dance(Again.) - Lily

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What is the world coming to when Quilavas are claustrophobic?

Especially since their fictional creatures in a fictional world created by a fanboy.

XD This is just a quick update on Heartgold, where my Quilava gave me a reason to blog. Pepsi (The aforementioned Quilava.) also appears to be scared of bug trainers. Hmm. XD

This is my team!
Quilava, Pepsi, at level 22
Sandshrew, Sandstorm, at level 19
Furret, Tanuki, at level 18
Flaafy, Scout, at level 18

Just finished third badge, yeah, I'm near underlevelled, but I beat Whitney with such little problems that it doesn't really matter. XDXD I'm going to get mah Eevee soon!
Debate in my head between whether I'm going to use a HM slave for Fly or just keep my dear Lapras.
Well, I can't surf yet, so..
Oh well. XD Furret can learn Surf, but I like Lapras. =D

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: World is Mine - Kagamine Twins Duet

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Bloomacncheez Pokemon Parody (LOL, almost spelled it as 'Paroday'. Paroday~~) and "If it all goes well, High Touch!"

Man, I don't know what did it. Being reminded of my old deleted youtube account, or thinking about Pokemon.
Either way, I was led to type "randomness101208" in the search bar.
Oh my gosh, nostalgia. >.>

And then, after watching her two videos..
I come into realization.

And then another search. And then it reminded me of the transition between Grade 5 and Grade 6.
"Umaku ittara, High Touch!"
Man, I miss that.
XDXD Before I post the lyrics of High Touch, I will post the first Pokemon BMNC Parody!

And now, I said I would post the lyrics of High Touch. Well now I hope you get a taste of High Touch every time you see this, because as you read this, it will be like a big particle-thingy of High Touch shoved in your face. =D Now enjoy my sarcasm.

Hikari/ Her American cousin, Dawn(See pink, it's her.):
Kenka nakanaori mata kenka,
Iitai koto ippai aru kedo,
Ichiban wa..
"Itekurete Arigato!"
We fight, we make up, and then we fight again,
There's so much things I want to say to you,
But the first has got to be..
"Thanks for always being there for me!"

Satoshi/His American Cousin, Ash (See blue, it's him.):
Tabi wa michidzure, yo wa nasake,
Wakata you na kao shiteru, kedo,
Honto wa..
"Itte kurete ureshi!"

"Companions on this journey, compassion on this road."
I pretend I understand that, but the truth is..
"I'm really happy you're here for me!"

Naisu Patonaa!
Naisu Raibaruu!
Oshite Ageru yo.
Hippai de ageru.
Miageru taiyou, nandaka, mabushirute!

You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
I'll push you forward.
I'll pull you back.
The sun seems so brilliant when I look up at it!

Umaku ittara, Hai Taachi!
Hekonjattemo Motodoori!
I~ssho naraba,
Akirameru no wa hayai ze,

If it all goes well, High Touch!
If we're feeling down, we can come right back up!
As long as we're together,
I won't give up that easily,

Nerai sademo BABURU kousen!
Rayori naru Pocchama dakedo,
Tokidoki wa, Hazurechatte Meccha Pinchi!

"Shoot them with Bubble Beam!"
I've slowly come to rely on Piplup, but,
I find myself in a mega pinch!!

Kiai komete juuman boruto,
Ore no jiman Pikachuu dakedo,
Kantan ni...
Katere wake, janai!

I cry out, "Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu is my pride and joy, but,
To put it in simple terms..
That doesn't mean I always win!

Naisu Patonaa!
Naisu Raibaruu!
Koe Kakeatte,
FOROO, Shiaeba,
Omotta toori ni waza mo kimari desu!

You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
We may fight, but,
As long as we follow each other,
I think we'll surely find a way to get along!

Umaku ittara ne hai taachi!
Kyou no shori wa wasurenai
I~ssho naraba,
Donna pinchi mo nigeteku!


Because it all went well, High Touch/High Five!
I won't ever forget today's victory!
As long as we're together..
Any pinch is escapable!

Ude wo nobashi hai tacchi!
Egao ippai kokorodzuyoi!
I~ssho naraba......
Tsuyoi oitemo uerukamu!

Extending our arms, High Touch!
Smiling this much is so heartwarming!
As long as we're together..
Even the strong tailwind is welcoming!

Kyou mo ashita mo asattemo
Tabi wa zutto tsudzuiteku kedo
Sugu soba ni sono egao!

Today, tomorrow, and the day after..
This journey goes on forever..
But always..
Your smile is always with me!

Kita e minami e nishi higashi
Keshiki kurukuru kawaru kedo
Doko ni datte......
Itsumo sono egao!

To the north, the south, east and west,
The scenery keeps on changing,
But wherever I go..
Your smile is always there!

Naisu paatonaa!
Naisu raibaru!
Mamotte kureru yo
Tasukete kureru
Hirogaru kouya ni michi ga massugu ni

You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
Always protecting me
Always saving me
Our road goes on and on through a never ending waste land.

Sora no shita de hai tacchi!
Kotoba yori mo wakari yasui!
I~ssho naraba..
Yume ni mukatte toberu ze!

Under the sky, High Touch!
That's more easily understandable than words!
As long as we're together..
We can fly away and face our dreams!

Umaku ittara, Hai Taachi!
Hekonjattemo Motodoori!
I~ssho naraba,
Akirameru no wa hayai ze,

If it all goes well, High Touch!
If we're feeling down, we can come right back up!
As long as we're together,
I won't give up that easily,

Umaku ittara ne hai taachi!
Kyou no shori wa wasurenai
I~ssho naraba,
Donna pinchi mo nigeteku!


Because it all went well, High Touch/High Five!
I won't ever forget today's victory!
As long as we're together..
Any pinch is escapable!

Wow, that's almost as long as my average fanfiction. (Around 2,000 words.). XD Such a pain to type.
And yes, I did type it. And I editted some of the japanese transliteration, so it wasn't completely plagiarism.
Anyway, credit to for the japanese words for me to fiddle around with. XD

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Romeo and Cinderella - Kagamine Twins

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rough Collie! Science Experiment! :3

To who usually reads this: (LOL, I'm probably just talking to myself right now.)
XD Only read if your a dog reader. Because this whole post is splashed with doggy-ness. Oh, and the color is based on what I saw a lot today. A cabbage that should actually be named another color, the red cabbage!!
Haley came over to do the science experiment today. (It took much longer than I expected. 4 hours..) XD And we bought way too much cabbage. Aghhh.
Oh well. It turned out pretty well. I mean, it was pretty interesting to see our acid indicator at work.
And when we rinsed it out..
"Rainbowwwwww.. 8D"

And then we did a bunch of random stuff with my plushies. XD It was really fun. And we finished our science experiment! Yay~ XD

And now on to the first two words of the title.
The 'Rough Collie'.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="503" caption="The famous 'Lassie' dog. "][/caption]

This breed originated somewhere from Scotland. There are two coat variations. The rough collie, or the 'Lassie' dog, and the smooth collie, or the one that looks like Lassie got sheared.
They were a favorite of Queen Victoria's. And I also happen to favor them. And the German Shepherd Dog. XD I favor the herding breeds.
Rough Collies are very intelligent, and are easily trained, provided that you reinforce the training. Positively. They are very sensitive.
LOL. I can't decide if I want less of a guard dog, (Every dog has individual traits, but overall, Collies aren't really agressive.) or the one that's more commonly a guard dog, is extremely loyal and very intelligent, but more likely to snap at every passerby..
The German Shepherd is bred with a high protective instinct. Which is kind of what I want.  Agh.

LOL. I bet you're thinking, "ZOMG POINTLESS RAMBLING."
So, bye.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: E-type - Far up in the air

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Media Player Shuffle! (With help from the random number generator.. XD)

LOL. This again. This time with only 22 songs. (I think it was 30 last time, so to be honest, not much of a difference. XD)

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in parentheses after the song name.

1. What would you say about your boyfriend?

Shining Star - Pretty Cure OST (XD This half makes sense.)

2. What is the first thing you say in the morning?

BlackRock Shooter - Hatsune Miku + Nico Nico Chorus (O.O BLACK ROCK SHOOTER, WHERE ARE YOU NOW?!?!?)


3. Your teacher is…

Far up in the air - E-Type (..O.O Oh my, my teacher is far up in the air?!? HOW?!? O_o Oh. An Airplane. Riight.)


4. What’s written on your classroom’s blackboard?

KOKOROxKiseki- <Originally by Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len> Yamai & Usa(We're listening to a story~ =D While the teacher's far up in the air..)


5. How would you describe your next-door neighbors?

Rolling Girl - <Originally by Hatsune Miku> Yonji (My next door neighbors are masochists?)



6. What would your Best Friend say about you?

Bouken Desho Desho - Aya Hirano (XDXD)


7. How do you feel right now?

Maggaare Spectacle - Koizumi Itsuko (I forgot what Maggaare means. So I'll be all like into a Kyonko cosplayer, YOU, YOUR A MYSTERY.)

8. What’s on your bedside table right now?

God Knows - Aya Hirano (I so want a music box. XD)

9. What did you do when you woke up this morning?

God Knows - Aya Hirano (._. THIS AGAIN? Uh.. Oh. Maybe it means I'm saying prayers.)


10. When you open your wardrobe, you see…

KOKOROxKiseki-<Originally by Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin> Usa and Yamai (I see a miracle, and a robot heart in my wardrobe. Absolutely lovely.)


11. What did you say after you last attended a concert?

Together we'll make a promise - Cori Yarkins (Who am I making a promise to? O_O)


12. If you had to write a Fan Fic right now, what would it be called?

Shining Star - Pretty Cure OST (...Eh.. No, I'm too lazy to start up a new fanfic..T_T)

13. A song you would sing at your school’s talent show.

Pop got us falling in love again - Remixed by DarkxIntensity (No.. it's a remix... so I have to say random things fast..)



14. Your life’s theme song?

Let me be with you - Chobits OST (......Well, I guess that could work.)


15. How would you describe what you are doing this moment?

Greed's Accident -Chihara Minori as Nagato Yuki (.... MUHAHAHAHAHA MONEY SPENDER MUHAHAHAHAHA)

16. If you had to go and jump off a building, what would your last words be?


17. Your motto is…

Discotheque Love - Kagamine Len (LOL. A Len song after a Rin song. I also happen to be listening to it right now. DJ GOT US FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN~~~~~ ...Sorry.)

18. If you could buy anything in this world, you would buy…

Rolling Girl - Yonji (I would buy a rolling girl, why? O_O)



19. What did you dream about tonight?

BlackRock Shooter - Hatsune Miku + Nico Nico Chorus (Aw. A girl who goes searching for her best friend.)

20. Any last words?

Pop got us falling in love again - Remixed by DarkxIntensity (Pop certainly has not got us falling in love again. XD)

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Discotheque Love - Kagamine Len


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Paper cuts hurt? O.o

Why does a paper cut execute more pain than when I accidentally cut my finger with a knife? That does not make sense. XD

Yay!!~ My computer is not dead anymore~~ So happy. :3
Hmm. I'm in a downloading mood. Any non-rpg games you recommend?
Something like Cooking Mama is good. Maybe I'll download Gardening Mama (I'm pretty sure there's one. XD) ... if it works on my R4.
So yeah, it's Spring Break! That was fast. And like I said before, definitely, the science project has been way less headache than there was last year.
Ahhh... headaches.
..I have one right now. Sweeeeeet.
XD As a kid, I remember..

I used to love the Gameboy Advance's DOGZ..2 a lot. I loved it. I played it on the emulator alot. But then I couldn't remember the name.

Now I found it. XD
I'm gonna download this one -- The one for the DS anyway. Hehe~
LOL. The beginning speech is,
"Hi! I'm (INSERT YOUR NAME HEREEEEZ)! I'm in the third grade (...)"



Well, bye. :D

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Super Sonic Dance- Lily

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rin and Len; KOKORO/KISEKI And my poor computer..

I'm typing this through my brother's computer. XDXD
As promised in the title, I give you the Nico Nico Chorus cover of the song.

It's pretty cool, they include Rin and Len's voices in there. XD
Among those singers, these two are my favorites

^ My favorite is the first singer, her name is Yamai.

That being said, I love Usa's soft voice, too. Their contrast is amazing.
I first heard of Yamai through her version of Servant of Evil


I have to admit, I first thought the voice was sung by a boy. Well done.. XDXDXD

XD From where you're viewing it from, it'll say,
'Len - Servant of Evil English Subbed' or something like that. But this version is by Yamai.

And since then, it's been a long time since I've heard LEN'S version. Which I did, yesterday.

The pain of using PS3 internet. Takes 1 minute to load a 30 second video, and I can't comment on stuff. >_< Oh well. At least I had the internet.  XD I spent the last club day killing my throat. But I'm on the road of recovery!! However, along my road to recovery, I think I sprayed my sickness to a number of people. T_T I'm sorry. I'll try not to be as close to as many people when I'm sick. T_T T_T

BTW, I've gotten a literal chain of coughs now. It started from September, ended early October, started mid October, went on until December, started in late December, ended in January, and then started now.


Jeez, I love Len and Rin <3
And I hated the people in the story of evil, (Not the main characters, like, the citizens.)
If they DIDN'T separate Rin and Len's fates, they could have avoided many things, and Len could have stayed alive. And poor Miku.
Also, I noticed in all of the 'makings' of VOCALOID songs, (Like, you know, Re_Birthday, KOKORO..) Rin and Len are usually the main protagonists. Why is that? Why not Miku? O.o

XD I love the `Happy Version`of Regret Message.
"If we could be born again, I don't want any more french fries.."

Selfish adult reasons - "Rock, Paper, Scissors! Rin wins, Rin gets to rule over the country!"
Len: WTF?!?!?!

XD Yeah, I love Rin and Len.
Also, for my previous post, the Meltdown one, I meant to post this version, (Although to be honest, I really do like the first one, it's just that I figured the pre-chorus I liked was from this one.)

XDXD Yeah, I love the part from 0:42-0:51
Where the male parts sing and the female parts barely start.

And now on to my poor computer.
ARGHHHEWFUIHSICNICNAINI A . Ultimate reset, Master reset, Doom reset,
I hate the blue screen of death.

^ Actual Windows Problem name. (I searched it up, and it gave me 'Blue screen of death' as it's official name..)
And now I have to take it to Henderson mall for that reset.

I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.
Dear Vivi, hi. I'm hiding a letter in these random words. Well, it's not really hidden, but most people would skip it.
XD I found out that the phone number I have from you is your house number. Privacy reasons, I obviously won't put it on here.
Well, yeah, that's about it. XD If you need me, message me, you already know the number XD
I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.

LOL, and since most of my talk was about Rin and Len..
I end with this picture of Rin and Len!

Rin and Len, from the song series, Synchronicity
Synchronocity is all about how Rin is trapped deep into the earth as an eternal diva by Miku (Who like, sings 11 percent of the series.) and how Len is trying to find the voice in his head, (which is Rin), and he travels so far to find her, and has a near death given by Miku, and the series ends when he reaches her.
It ends because the makers of Synchronocity are too lazy to finish it. Just like me and my fanfiction. But because of Master reset, it's not like I can access it anyway. And I ALMOST finished an episode (A day in the story.) of the Phoenix Wright fanfiction I made.

~Angelic Espeon~

Mood Song: KOKOROxKISEKI - Yamai and Usa