Saturday, October 23, 2010


Ugh, fanfiction writing can mess up your neck..

Anyways, hi there! It's been a short time since I last wrote an entry. But anyways, I guess I'm going to put this here because MSN is being stupid and not letting me access fanfiction central.

Next up:

Time Travel-Episode 2

Ikusen Academy- Episode..25? O_O

Sakura Kiss-Cont. from Episode 2

Parallel Worlds-Episode 2


Aghhh.. Why must the plots stretch soo long? Why is my brainstorm soo long?! T_T

Oh well. At least there's no writer's block. Hrmmm..XD
Marriland's done his Black/White walkthrough, now! =D Man, is that convenient..

I guess that's all again? Well, bye.

~Angelic Espeon likes purple.~

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