Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rin's ideal idea of death; Nuclear Reactor. And also, some stuff about Nico Nico!

XD The title was a giveaway.

Nico Nico Chorus of Meltdown!

Not sure why, but I like how they go, "Ahhh~" and the chorus. XD
And also, yes, Rin. It's VERY fun to jump down on a Nuclear Reactor and explode into itty bitty bits. At least that's how I think it works. Everytime I think of nuclear, I think of 'BOOM!'
For example,
Vivi: XD Imagine if we went near a nuclear ____
Me: O_o (BOOOM!)
Man, I love Nico Nico's singers. They're awesome.
Did you hear their chorus version of Black Rock Shooter? It sounds epic. I don't know why, it just does.
XD I was playing Idol Days and I WAS reaching the end, had it not been stupid ad pop up and closing my game.. -_-"
Ahhhhhhh~Ghhhhh~ XD I should find a song to memorize the Government stuff, 'cause you know, looking at it is a great way to get an eyesore. I just got a typo error. That's proof of an eyesore. And I just got another one. MAN, I wanna get VOCALOID and edit the information into some alien-jibberish song. It doesn't matter if it doesn't go with the flow(Tune-wise) anyway, (Although I'll probably gag numerous times in the song -- Don't ask.) It's probably easier to memorize than this.
XD We have Pink day tomorrow. This morning, we were shown a video of a bunch of random kids dancing at a mall.. I forgot what mall, but I KNOW it's at Richmond or something, and then they took out their jackets revealing pink shirts.
BTW, they were dancing to 'Just the way you are'. XDXD
Um.. I don't know, but I think Vivian put a random history of the date for Silent Day (I think.) last year, so..
Pink Day = Anti- Bullying.
A new kid was being bullied for wearing pink. As a result, a whole bunch of other kids showed their support by wearing pink, to show that it's okay to wear pink.
It's a nice idea, I think. XD
XD Now I'm listening to the Nico Nico Chorus of Just Be Friends, rap at the beginning. O_o

My back hurts. >< I'm a old lady. >_<
XD Science Fair~ How's your class's hypothesis's going out? It's like a half-half situation for all the classes (Except maybe Ms. Plesha's), or so I heard, because Mr. Dudley came over yesterday with his class and we all studied the subject together.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Hatsune Miku/Nico Nico Chorus - Black
Rock Shooter


  1. Is it weird to say that I like the first 2 guy's voices?

  2. LOL, I like them, too.
    I also like the first pre-chorus part done by the people!

  3. ^ Wrong version!
    But still, the pre-chorus sounds pretty good. XD
