Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Ughhh.. my head hurts. o.o
Anyways, I finally got on to the computer! I was spending my time trying to play the clarinet before that. XD
Right now, it's on my leg. It's shiiiny~XD I just cleaned it...with the swab...thing.
T_T Vivi isn't on! But it's probably my fault..^^"
I finally got the hang of assembling it.. but I still need the book. So..half-get it kind of thing.
Which kind of brings me to the topic that we're having..
Gym. O_O Well, for some people anyways.
I think we're having the fitness test tomorrow. Well..
Wish the class luck. 8D It's gonna be hard to get used to it again..though.
Sniff sniff.. my browser's acting stupid on me.. T_T
I think that's all.. I guess. XD
Bye bye~ ^o^

~Angelic Espeon~


  1. OSU~! Sorry, I would have gone on, but my mom was downstairs, and I didn't wanna make her go up because of me and my flute. Plus, Mikuru's here! XD I was playing with her.
