Thursday, September 2, 2010

PoKeMon! Or.. why can't I buy HGSS?!? T_T

You may kill Tsutaja after watching if you like.
TSUTAJA, YOU SUCK!! T_T ...Chikorita isn't popular for it's vines!! T_T Creepy Snake... You even have arms and legs. ..He looks like Charizard with a leaf on his butt. (He actually turns into a snake in his final evo.. What the?!)
Anyways...Do you know what I saw today?
HGSS is even cheaper than Platinum! Well...10 cents cheaper, but still!!
And.. I couldn't buy it. *cries in a puddle*
Okay, guys! 5 days, and school starts! O.o
I'm not sure I'm happy about that..ish. XD
Today, we went to Cultus lake. I forgot where it was, but there were so much geese. I love them because they turn themselves upside down and stick their heads into the water. Apparently, that's how they catch fish. XDXD Speaking of fish, we got a huge one! Yay!! XD
I forgot.
Wasn't it a pretty day, today? =D
Well, as I said earlier, School's about to start. I'm sure there are a lot of fan pages that say something like..
" First day of School: Yay! School started! Second day of School: Dude, when's Summer.." XDXD Because I saw at least 5. Well, this is our final year at Avalanche. I want to be in Vivi's class!! And if it's already decided, does that mean we don't get to have suckers?? T_T
I guess that's all. XD See ya!

~Angelic Espeon wants to eat an Orange.~

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