Tuesday, September 21, 2010

~Passing Stuff On~

This is where I will randomly put in Chain letters, Poems, and Random Stuff that I think is pretty good/funny. :D
.....Hm.. I'm actually going to start looking for Chain letters right now.
~ 10 Seconds Later~
Well.. I found the chain letters.
Alright! Number 1! Teresa Fidalgo:
hi…im...Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years

of being dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by

your side tonight FOREVER. if youdon’t believe it, google my

name…you’ll see..

Right here, I'm going to say that I DID googled her name. This is what came up.
She IS a real person. I think the chain letter was created by someone, because Teresa died in a car crash. The video in the link I just gave you, had 3 teens going out for some..party. Teresa came up, and she asked for a ride..
..And like, a few minutes later, she said..
"Do you see that spot over there? Right over there? That's where I had an accident..and DIED!!" And apparently, she turns into a undead (zombie-thing.) and attacks the driver David.
What's creepy, is if you go to the graveyard, you WILL find their graves. ..Ugh. And about Teresa, who said she died over there, the police have investigated, and found that there was actually a girl named Teresa Fidalgo who died there.
BUT.. that video on the link right there, was about the story. It was not real. Although the girl who died was real, we believed that she didn't attack anyone. But since that video became practically viral over time, I think a chain letter was made. XD Since the driver was alive, I think he was making money from that legend, as they were both born in the same place, and she's probably appeared in the news at least once.

#2: Bloody Mary. (UGH! I HATE THAT ONE!!)
Alright, to be honest, I'm scared of this one.

Subject: Bloody Mary's Death Curse


You are now cursed. You must send this on or you will be killed. Tonight at
12:00am, by Bloody Mary. This is no joke. So don't think you can quickly
get out of it and delete it now because Bloody Mary will come to you if you
do not send this on. She will slit your throat and your wrists and pull your
eyeballs out with a fork. And then hang your dead corpse in your bedroom
cupboard or put you under your bed. What's your parents going to do when
they find you dead? Won't be funny then, will it? Don't think this is a fake
and it's all put on to scare you because your wrong, so very wrong. Want to
hear of some of the sad, sad people who lost their lives or have been
seriously hurt by this email?

Annalise [Surname Removed] :She got this email. Rubbish she thought. She deleted it.
And now, Annalise dead.

Louise [Surname Removed]: She sent this to only 4 people and when she woke up in the
morning her wrists had deep lacerations on each. Luckily there was no pain
felt, though she is scarred for life.

Thomas [Surname Removed]: He sent this to 5 people. Big mistake. The night Thomas was
lying in his bed watching T.V. The clock shows '12:01am'. The T.V
misteriously flickered off and Thomas's bedroom lamp flashed on and off
several times. It went pitch black, Thomas looked to the left of him and
there she was, Bloody Mary standing in white rags. Blood everywhere with a
knife in her hand then disappeared. The biggest fright of Thomas's life.

Warning... NEVER look in a mirror and repeat -'Bloody Mary.Bloody Mary.'
Bloody Mary... I KILLED YOUR SON' Is it the end for you tonight! YOU ARE

We strongly advise you to send this email on. It is seriously NO
JOKE. We don't want to see another life wasted. ITS YOUR CHOICE... WANNA DIE
TONIGHT? If you send this email to...

NO PEOPLE - You're going to die.

1-5 PEOPLE - You're going to either get hurt or get the biggest fright of your

5-15 PEOPLE - You will bring your family bad luck and someone close to you
will die.

15 -25 OR MORE PEOPLE - You are safe from Bloody Mary


Wow.. I now understand why Vickie was scared of her. o.o
Alright! Why was this started? Was it real, was it fake? << I'm gonna cry if it's real. D: >>
UNGH! This is why I hate it so much!!
This was based on this legend that was meant to scare small children, most likely if they are naughty.
But still..
Alright! Want to hear other abbreviations of that same email?

-Seen on http://www.snopes.com/horrors/ghosts/bloodymary.asp-
1.  If you go into the washroom and look into the mirror, with the lights off and the room completely dark, and then say "Bloody Mary" thirteen times, she will appear and scratch your face up/off.

2. I was told that if you say, " *** Mary" seven times in front of a mirror in a dark room, you would see Satan's image on the mirror. The story was embellished (What does that mean?) even further by the story teller, who claims that after saying it three times, the mirror turned red, and that after 5, a unclear face will appear. (CREEPY!! T_T)

3.'Here's how I always heard the story. You go into a room with all the lights off (Works well in washroom.) You begin, in a whisper, chanting, "Bloody mary. Bloody mary. BLOODY MARY." and as you continue to chant, your voice should grow louder and louder, and form into a scream. While you are chanting, you should be spinning around at a medium rate, and be taking a glimpse at a mirror at every chant. Near the 13th repetition, she would appear and..?

A friend of mine, said a roommate tried this, and ran out screaming from the washroom. She was shaking, and appeared truly afraid and refused to tell anyone about the incident, but those who were around her when she came out, noticed that her hands were covered in blood. (T_T!)

I'm creeped out. But this is where the legend came from, presumably:
England's Queen Mary I. She was terrified of losing her beauty. Somehow, she got the idea that bathing in the blood of youthful, young, (like, 5 year olds.)girls would preserve her beauty. She got her nickname because during her reign, she put protestants to death in that exact idea. But she wasn't evil, it's just that she believed that doing that will save them from.. eternal evilness. Your soul in a eternal wellbeing, was far more important than your human body.
You remember Queen Elizabeth? She was the sister of Mary. I've never heard the bloody mary legend on her sister, though. Well, anyways, I read in a book once, they hated each other. I think Queen Elizabeth trapped Mary in a prison?  Mary wasn't a bad person, in fact, Queen Elizabeth ordered more deaths than she did. Why? I don't know. I think it's stress.
Urm.. Uh..
I'm going to end it here. I got scared of mirrors.
And my washroom.
I know it's not real because Mary wasn't murderous in any way, but..
It's just something about their fake cases..
But to end this with..a smile, I'm going to post this poem. It is not mine. But it is good.
This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.

She wants to see how many people get her poem..

It is quite the poem

Please pass it on.


Have you ever watched kids...

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain...

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast!

Time is short,

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask "How are you?"

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done,

Do you lie in your bed,

With the next hundred chores

Running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child,

We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste,

Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time

To call and say,'Hi'

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift.......

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.



I'm being honest. This touched my heart. It removed that fear from Bloody Mary.. :D At least a little.. o.o

With fear, I'm ending this. But I hope you enjoyed the two chain letters, and that poem. :D Sayonara.

~Angelic Espeon~




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