Monday, July 6, 2009

New Home, New Heroine !

Alright. Get ready.. for the craziest animal life you'd ever experience... Animal Crossing! ...Ok not a good entrance but still..  alright, moving on ... this will be PurpleEspeon's first debut as a walkthrough writer. We all start in a cab....In a cab with a driving turtle.. As i said this walkthrough IS full of crazy animals. So prepare yourself! This turtle will ask you a few questions, these questions will decide your look I'm not doing the questions just because that i don't know all of them. Well if you started on a new game you'll get to be in a town you decide to name it. For example.. "Turtle : So, Where are you going? U: Canada."Despite me typing Canada you can make the name Sinnoh or a place that doesn't exist. After which the turtle will ask you for your name ! I made my name Ruru .. Hehe . Then he'll ask you why do you want to move to whichever town you named it. I don't remember all of the options but if you choose shopping your residence will be near a shopping district. If you choose Beach your house will be near a beach. If you choose certain answers (Not the inspire-me-to-live-there one) You will get a character face which depends entirely on what you choose. So you'll arrive in whatever u named your town in my case Sinnoh, you will go into a big building that's the town hall . There will be someone at the counter. She's a bird , No!(Actually yes) she's a plane She's.. Pelly! ..Another Cheesy Opening. Pelly is your Morning to 10pm um.. Counter Bird . She helps you with posting letters, changing town tunes, depositing your money to pay off mortgage. I'll explain that later.  Anyways she'll be like .."This is the town hall, what may i do for u?" You say either "I moved in!" or "I came by Cab!" She'll respond the same so pick randomly. She'll tell you that Nook made a house for you. She shows you where the house is on the map and then tells you how to open the map from where you are. Anyways Blahblahblah go to ur house and go upstairs. Hmm you can't save intresting. Go outside and you'll find Nook .Nook will be all like .. "Do u like your house?" And then he'll ask you to work at his place. It's too bad . You don't have an option you have to go. You can save before you do and that is the end of episode one.

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