Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year's eve! And the discussion about 2012? XD

2010's over! Over! O.o

Tomorrow is a new year. XD And the start of 2011. ..I think this went faster than Grade 5. O_o
So happy new year, everyone! :))

Also about 2012, I found out something.

Late 2011, solar explosions will start to happen. Not only that, Yahoo speculates that alien lifeform are going to attack us. ..O.O

Alien Lifeform! Imagine if aliens came here! Those presumably fictional (from watching too much tv, this was how I suspected aliens looked.)green goobered creatures with mass intelligence.
XD I wonder if 2012 does happen, the 4th wall will break.
Anyone have any ideas about 2012?

Well, if it does happen, we just spent our whole lives not paying a lot. And our lives were mostly school. XD Hurray.

Next year, it is the year of the Rabbit. Our presumably unlucky zodiac year is over. I never got a tiger necklace, either.


XD Well, have a great 2011. I'll see you on the next blog? XD

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Boat of fate- Rie Fu