Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dear Vivi~

Today, I'm going to write a blog post/ note to my best friend, Vivi-chan~ XD That's who.. 'you' is, if you see that word, Vivi~ XDXD

"My. Poor. Nose. T^T Stupid cold." After some sniveling, and some soul searching (Laugh here.), I find that I terribly miss my Grade 6 year. Even though I kept complaining about the shots. And Movers and Shakers. XD

-Sigh- Things seem different now. So different. I don't know how to explain it. I remember, when you and I will sometimes put notes for each other in our blogs. Mostly stuff like, "Go on~~ T_T" or "Hihi~ XD" Ah, those days were fun. XDXD It's so near my 12th birthday now. It's near the end of this year, too. Wasn't it fast?

I miss when I was hyperactive. Well, cross that out, I'm still hyperactive. XD Maaan, I hate growing up. :/Hehe,  I'm reading your blog right now. :D Some of the posts bring back a lot of memories~ XD  Like the first time I visited your house, and how many times I begged to visit again after..I think you remember that. ^_^"

I miss Grade 5......... :/ XD I remember on the last day, (Or something like that.) we were playing this Taiko drum ds game, and it had the Pokemon 'Together' song on it, and when it went, "Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah!" (LOL.) Our classmates were staring at us... I remember how you and Kiaunna ganged up on my poor Empoleon and knocked him out. T_T He will have his revenge through his ancestors one day!! XD

Today, I went to Costco. There were a lot of christmas stuff.. and cookies. 8D We ate soup.. and cookies. Then we went out..and cookies. Okay, that won't work. Well, Viv, I'm sorry I can't die in gym with you. (LOL? O_O) Have a nice day anyways, mmkay? =D Night~ =3

Mood Song: Koi wa nan darou-Mermaid Melody

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