Sunday, January 24, 2010


The title is not telling the truth.


I'm watching Sailor Moon episodes right now!! ^^  Part of me is bored waiting for the video to load and the other part is basically staring at the screen! was your weekend? I can only know through comments...ish.

But now when I think about it, I forgot how my weekend was.

Oh yeah! For vivi...


My dad's been nagging me to give you this. So don't come nagging it to me..please?

"1675 Pinetree Way"

Is where I'm moving to next month. Don't worry, it's on your route to school. ...I'm saying that cuz I forgot if I saw that house when I came over.


So that's that~

Ah, I've ran out of things to talk about. Mostly cuz this isn't a talk show and I would look like I'm bragging.

So..Ja ne~


~Angelic Espeon~