Friday, January 8, 2010

RaNdOmNeSs iN MuSiC!! (IsH)


It's like what the title says.

This is really random.

I'm listening to Super Junior's  "Sorry Sorry"

....thumbs up. XDXD , NEVER play this at school or people MAY think your weird. MAY.

*Cough cough* Thomas. XDXD Ok enough randomness from me. ....And pigs may never fly again. Oh wait. They never did.

...Does that mean this blog doesn't exist? No, no it doesn't.

My " Seriousness" part:

Ok, first off, I'm sorry for not blogging that "daily" anymore.

Why? Well.....

The combination of overwork from gym, and overload of  homework. (GACK!!)

My "..." part:

The truth is, this keyboard is typing slow. Ish.

Here's something really random:

Romeo:Oh, Juliet! Won't you marry me?

Juliet:Oh, dear Romeo, of course!!

Yep, something to "..." about. Because 1, that was weird. 2, I'm not the creater of those two.

Eh......what else.

"Ja ne!!!"

~*Heaven and Earth*~

The love, or monster underneath..