Wednesday, March 30, 2011


^ Banner above is not mine. I just found it on google with absolutely no idea who the owner is. So therefore, if the owner, randomly stumbles upon this blog, I wish to say that I am sorry I did not ask for any permission, but if you did create the banner, you are freaking awesome.

Weeeeeeee. It's a Wednesday. Wednesdays are so gloomy, they're like a second version of Monday. Not really. It's probably just because it's raining outside, and I think I hear a chainsaw outside. Also, I feel sort of nauseous. Well, not really, but.. yeah.
Wee. Multitasking between the comic and fanfiction. Wee, wee, wee.
Words can't describe my abyss-like boredom right now. Except abyss. And maybe oblivion.
I was on the YGOTAS page, and I found out that the deal for the US dub has been cut off. Well, that doesn't affect me much in the first place, since I don't have any normal tv shows to watch. But will that stop YGOTAS? T_T?
No card-game playing people on bikes. T_T

Dammit. My game just froze.
Wee.. going to the library today. And does my head ever hurt...
Well, bye. XD
"Weeeeeee~!" - Angelic Espeon

Mood Song: Super Sonic Dance(Again.) - Lily