XD Only read if your a dog reader. Because this whole post is splashed with doggy-ness. Oh, and the color is based on what I saw a lot today. A cabbage that should actually be named another color, the red cabbage!!
Haley came over to do the science experiment today. (It took much longer than I expected. 4 hours..) XD And we bought way too much cabbage. Aghhh.
Oh well. It turned out pretty well. I mean, it was pretty interesting to see our acid indicator at work.
And when we rinsed it out..
"Rainbowwwwww.. 8D"
And then we did a bunch of random stuff with my plushies. XD It was really fun. And we finished our science experiment! Yay~ XD
And now on to the first two words of the title.
The 'Rough Collie'.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="503" caption="The famous 'Lassie' dog. "]
This breed originated somewhere from Scotland. There are two coat variations. The rough collie, or the 'Lassie' dog, and the smooth collie, or the one that looks like Lassie got sheared.
They were a favorite of Queen Victoria's. And I also happen to favor them. And the German Shepherd Dog. XD I favor the herding breeds.
Rough Collies are very intelligent, and are easily trained, provided that you reinforce the training. Positively. They are very sensitive.
LOL. I can't decide if I want less of a guard dog, (Every dog has individual traits, but overall, Collies aren't really agressive.) or the one that's more commonly a guard dog, is extremely loyal and very intelligent, but more likely to snap at every passerby..
The German Shepherd is bred with a high protective instinct. Which is kind of what I want. Agh.
LOL. I bet you're thinking, "ZOMG POINTLESS RAMBLING."
So, bye.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: E-type - Far up in the air
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