Yes, I did so space out the title on purpose.
Before we move on to our.. spotlight topic of the day, I would just like to bring out the day's highlights.
Yay! School today!
Wow, I can't believe I just said that.
Man, breaks are evil. Unless you're an extremely lethargic, lazy and/or drowsy person, you, at some point of break, really have an urge to go back to school because it's SO DAMN BORING.
And it was school today. XD I think I got 2 hours of sleep today, but that's alright. Band shook me awake... somehow. XD
Surprisingly, most of us slipped back into normal schedule much quicker than I anticipated. Though the amount of math homework is something I disagree with. XDXD
Aghh. I thought we wouldn't be doing wrestling right away tomorrow. Since it's a new term, won't we have a fitness test or something? (Ugh, why did I just remind myself and whoever's reading this that. Yeah, stupid me.)
Anyway, on to our spotlight subject..
That is..
The cuteness that is Tamaki and Haruhi's love. XDXD
Or TamaHaru for short. Or HaruTama. Whatever you prefer =)
[caption id="attachment_537" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Kawaii. XD"]
It started out.. I don't think so typical.
XD Tamaki could have all the Kuma-chans in the world, but he is still convinced that he is Haruhi's second father.
And even though Kasanova(Is it Kasanova? I forgot. XD) so clearly pointed that out to him, and he got depressed for a few seconds..
Hey, a few seconds later, guess what? Our 'Father' is back. XD
And Haruhi disliked him. Not hated, just thought he was plain annoying. But Haruhi's a nice person. She took a liking to the Host Club she was so suddenly forced into.
Both of them were completely oblivious. Maybe it seemed that Haru-chan would at least have a little idea, but no.. XD She's very blunt, and can't see that happening, that Haru-chan.
And yes, I call her Haru-chan. XD
But she did realize her feelings though. Only in the manga. Manga exclusive. Can't emphasize that enough. XD
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="875" caption="Ah, seems Miss Blunthead has a crush. "]
Kya, cute. XD
Now in the manga storyline,(Barely any anime.. XD) I shall continue on.
Then, in this same time period, Hikaru and Kaoru both fall for Haruhi. And they fight. They fight, fight, fight. XD
And then they separate for a while, with Kaoru trying to be the more mature one, but for some reason I can't remember, Hikaru reminds them that they can still be the same without a separation. And then for some reason, that persuades Kaoru's mind to let Hikaru chase her.
Okay, so maybe that story was not quite right. Maybe it was something else. But it's honestly been a while since I last read the manga. XD
And then, of course, everyone but Tamaki and Haruhi knows they like each other. Hikaru is angry at this, and persuades Tamaki to realize his feelings.
Guess what? After.. 20 chapters, it worked. XDXD
But I have to say, it wasn't him who did the confession. It was actually Haruhi.
His reaction wasn't perfect, I admit.. XD
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="210" caption="Tamaki: SCREAM~~~~"]
But then he confessed too. But poor Hikaru.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="209" caption="Aw. I feel sorry for Hikaru..... and Kaoru. "]
I'm sorry the image is so tiny. I just got it off of Google. Read the disclaimer at the top if you are the owner of these manga scans, and that image on the very top with Tamaki and Haruhi in it.
And then they went on a fabulous date.
Err.. didn't start out that way, though. XD

Then it was all nice, warm and fluffy.
[caption id="attachment_538" align="aligncenter" width="237" caption="The definition of nice and fluffy."]
And then, they go into the aquarium, where they meet a small kid, who bumps into them and cry. I think he lost his mother or something.
Then Tamaki flares away with magic, which makes the little kid stop crying, and Haruhi becomes impressed with that, which Tamaki shamefully admits that he had been practicing it to impress her.
Then the Zuka Club comes and randomly starts chasing them, all the way to the fountain, and then into a car. Well, no, they didn't jump into the car. They got distracted by 1:00pm doves. XD Awesome trick, on Tamaki's part.
And then, they visit the mother of Haruhi's grave. Her dad is there, saying how Haruhi is growing up and how he wishes he could keep her just a little longer (Or something like that.).
Then he hides when Haruhi and Tamaki go by. Haruhi says she's leaving for the states, and then this happens.
[caption id="attachment_539" align="aligncenter" width="238" caption="Haruhi saying she's leaving for the states, plus her dad, all coddled up in a corner. "]
'Kay, maybe I was lying, that is the exact thing I just said.
But then, Haruhi's dad comes out, spazzes at Tamaki, hugs Haruhi, and gives her her investment money(I think).
And the finale is Tamaki, along with the REST of the host club, is going to the States to study. LOL.
That description was honestly too brief. You have to (If you haven't already, that is.) watch the anime and read the manga, to get a real grasp of what it's like. XD
And here's some grasp, of what Haruhi and Tamaki are like. It is the Ouran Day: Best Romance of Anime Boston 08. Made by Klarrens ( I think.) and the song is Ordinary Day, sung by Vanessa Carlton. She's one of my favorite singers 8D
Sweeeeet. ^_^
And that concludes, "Best couple of the month", brought to you by
I just had to do that.
HaruTama all the way! =)
XD A more interesting blog post would have been a rant about Friday. Which I am, going to do.. on Friday. XDXD
Bye bye ^^
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: 1,000 miles - Vanessa Carlton
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