^ Banner above is not mine. I just found it on google with absolutely no idea who the owner is. So therefore, if the owner, randomly stumbles upon this blog, I wish to say that I am sorry I did not ask for any permission, but if you did create the banner, you are freaking awesome.
Weeeeeeee. It's a Wednesday. Wednesdays are so gloomy, they're like a second version of Monday. Not really. It's probably just because it's raining outside, and I think I hear a chainsaw outside. Also, I feel sort of nauseous. Well, not really, but.. yeah.
Wee. Multitasking between the comic and fanfiction. Wee, wee, wee.
Words can't describe my abyss-like boredom right now. Except abyss. And maybe oblivion.
I was on the YGOTAS page, and I found out that the deal for the US dub has been cut off. Well, that doesn't affect me much in the first place, since I don't have any normal tv shows to watch. But will that stop YGOTAS? T_T?
No card-game playing people on bikes. T_T
Dammit. My game just froze.
Wee.. going to the library today. And does my head ever hurt...
Well, bye. XD
"Weeeeeee~!" - Angelic Espeon
Mood Song: Super Sonic Dance(Again.) - Lily
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
What is the world coming to when Quilavas are claustrophobic?
Especially since their fictional creatures in a fictional world created by a fanboy.
XD This is just a quick update on Heartgold, where my Quilava gave me a reason to blog. Pepsi (The aforementioned Quilava.) also appears to be scared of bug trainers. Hmm. XD
This is my team!
Quilava, Pepsi, at level 22
Sandshrew, Sandstorm, at level 19
Furret, Tanuki, at level 18
Flaafy, Scout, at level 18
Just finished third badge, yeah, I'm near underlevelled, but I beat Whitney with such little problems that it doesn't really matter. XDXD I'm going to get mah Eevee soon!
Debate in my head between whether I'm going to use a HM slave for Fly or just keep my dear Lapras.
Well, I can't surf yet, so..
Oh well. XD Furret can learn Surf, but I like Lapras. =D
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: World is Mine - Kagamine Twins Duet
XD This is just a quick update on Heartgold, where my Quilava gave me a reason to blog. Pepsi (The aforementioned Quilava.) also appears to be scared of bug trainers. Hmm. XD
This is my team!
Quilava, Pepsi, at level 22
Sandshrew, Sandstorm, at level 19
Furret, Tanuki, at level 18
Flaafy, Scout, at level 18
Just finished third badge, yeah, I'm near underlevelled, but I beat Whitney with such little problems that it doesn't really matter. XDXD I'm going to get mah Eevee soon!
Debate in my head between whether I'm going to use a HM slave for Fly or just keep my dear Lapras.
Well, I can't surf yet, so..
Oh well. XD Furret can learn Surf, but I like Lapras. =D
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: World is Mine - Kagamine Twins Duet
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Bloomacncheez Pokemon Parody (LOL, almost spelled it as 'Paroday'. Paroday~~) and "If it all goes well, High Touch!"
Man, I don't know what did it. Being reminded of my old deleted youtube account, or thinking about Pokemon.
Either way, I was led to type "randomness101208" in the search bar.
Oh my gosh, nostalgia. >.>
And then, after watching her two videos..
I come into realization.
And then another search. And then it reminded me of the transition between Grade 5 and Grade 6.
"Umaku ittara, High Touch!"
Man, I miss that.
XDXD Before I post the lyrics of High Touch, I will post the first Pokemon BMNC Parody!
And now, I said I would post the lyrics of High Touch. Well now I hope you get a taste of High Touch every time you see this, because as you read this, it will be like a big particle-thingy of High Touch shoved in your face. =D Now enjoy my sarcasm.
Hikari/ Her American cousin, Dawn(See pink, it's her.):
Kenka nakanaori mata kenka,
Iitai koto ippai aru kedo,
Ichiban wa..
"Itekurete Arigato!"
We fight, we make up, and then we fight again,
There's so much things I want to say to you,
But the first has got to be..
"Thanks for always being there for me!"
Satoshi/His American Cousin, Ash (See blue, it's him.):
Tabi wa michidzure, yo wa nasake,
Wakata you na kao shiteru, kedo,
Honto wa..
"Itte kurete ureshi!"
"Companions on this journey, compassion on this road."
I pretend I understand that, but the truth is..
"I'm really happy you're here for me!"
Naisu Patonaa!
Naisu Raibaruu!
Oshite Ageru yo.
Hippai de ageru.
Miageru taiyou, nandaka, mabushirute!
You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
I'll push you forward.
I'll pull you back.
The sun seems so brilliant when I look up at it!
Umaku ittara, Hai Taachi!
Hekonjattemo Motodoori!
I~ssho naraba,
Akirameru no wa hayai ze,
If it all goes well, High Touch!
If we're feeling down, we can come right back up!
As long as we're together,
I won't give up that easily,
Nerai sademo BABURU kousen!
Rayori naru Pocchama dakedo,
Tokidoki wa, Hazurechatte Meccha Pinchi!
"Shoot them with Bubble Beam!"
I've slowly come to rely on Piplup, but,
I find myself in a mega pinch!!
Kiai komete juuman boruto,
Ore no jiman Pikachuu dakedo,
Kantan ni...
Katere wake, janai!
I cry out, "Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu is my pride and joy, but,
To put it in simple terms..
That doesn't mean I always win!
Naisu Patonaa!
Naisu Raibaruu!
Koe Kakeatte,
FOROO, Shiaeba,
Omotta toori ni waza mo kimari desu!
You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
We may fight, but,
As long as we follow each other,
I think we'll surely find a way to get along!
Umaku ittara ne hai taachi!
Kyou no shori wa wasurenai
I~ssho naraba,
Donna pinchi mo nigeteku!
Because it all went well, High Touch/High Five!
I won't ever forget today's victory!
As long as we're together..
Any pinch is escapable!
Ude wo nobashi hai tacchi!
Egao ippai kokorodzuyoi!
I~ssho naraba......
Tsuyoi oitemo uerukamu!
Extending our arms, High Touch!
Smiling this much is so heartwarming!
As long as we're together..
Even the strong tailwind is welcoming!
Kyou mo ashita mo asattemo
Tabi wa zutto tsudzuiteku kedo
Sugu soba ni sono egao!
Today, tomorrow, and the day after..
This journey goes on forever..
But always..
Your smile is always with me!
Kita e minami e nishi higashi
Keshiki kurukuru kawaru kedo
Doko ni datte......
Itsumo sono egao!
To the north, the south, east and west,
The scenery keeps on changing,
But wherever I go..
Your smile is always there!
Naisu paatonaa!
Naisu raibaru!
Mamotte kureru yo
Tasukete kureru
Hirogaru kouya ni michi ga massugu ni
You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
Always protecting me
Always saving me
Our road goes on and on through a never ending waste land.
Sora no shita de hai tacchi!
Kotoba yori mo wakari yasui!
I~ssho naraba..
Yume ni mukatte toberu ze!
Under the sky, High Touch!
That's more easily understandable than words!
As long as we're together..
We can fly away and face our dreams!
Umaku ittara, Hai Taachi!
Hekonjattemo Motodoori!
I~ssho naraba,
Akirameru no wa hayai ze,
If it all goes well, High Touch!
If we're feeling down, we can come right back up!
As long as we're together,
I won't give up that easily,
Umaku ittara ne hai taachi!
Kyou no shori wa wasurenai
I~ssho naraba,
Donna pinchi mo nigeteku!
Because it all went well, High Touch/High Five!
I won't ever forget today's victory!
As long as we're together..
Any pinch is escapable!
Wow, that's almost as long as my average fanfiction. (Around 2,000 words.). XD Such a pain to type.
And yes, I did type it. And I editted some of the japanese transliteration, so it wasn't completely plagiarism.
Anyway, credit to animelyrics.com for the japanese words for me to fiddle around with. XD
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Romeo and Cinderella - Kagamine Twins
Either way, I was led to type "randomness101208" in the search bar.
Oh my gosh, nostalgia. >.>
And then, after watching her two videos..
I come into realization.
And then another search. And then it reminded me of the transition between Grade 5 and Grade 6.
"Umaku ittara, High Touch!"
Man, I miss that.
XDXD Before I post the lyrics of High Touch, I will post the first Pokemon BMNC Parody!
And now, I said I would post the lyrics of High Touch. Well now I hope you get a taste of High Touch every time you see this, because as you read this, it will be like a big particle-thingy of High Touch shoved in your face. =D Now enjoy my sarcasm.
Hikari/ Her American cousin, Dawn(See pink, it's her.):
Kenka nakanaori mata kenka,
Iitai koto ippai aru kedo,
Ichiban wa..
"Itekurete Arigato!"
We fight, we make up, and then we fight again,
There's so much things I want to say to you,
But the first has got to be..
"Thanks for always being there for me!"
Satoshi/His American Cousin, Ash (See blue, it's him.):
Tabi wa michidzure, yo wa nasake,
Wakata you na kao shiteru, kedo,
Honto wa..
"Itte kurete ureshi!"
"Companions on this journey, compassion on this road."
I pretend I understand that, but the truth is..
"I'm really happy you're here for me!"
Naisu Patonaa!
Naisu Raibaruu!
Oshite Ageru yo.
Hippai de ageru.
Miageru taiyou, nandaka, mabushirute!
You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
I'll push you forward.
I'll pull you back.
The sun seems so brilliant when I look up at it!
Umaku ittara, Hai Taachi!
Hekonjattemo Motodoori!
I~ssho naraba,
Akirameru no wa hayai ze,
If it all goes well, High Touch!
If we're feeling down, we can come right back up!
As long as we're together,
I won't give up that easily,
Nerai sademo BABURU kousen!
Rayori naru Pocchama dakedo,
Tokidoki wa, Hazurechatte Meccha Pinchi!
"Shoot them with Bubble Beam!"
I've slowly come to rely on Piplup, but,
I find myself in a mega pinch!!
Kiai komete juuman boruto,
Ore no jiman Pikachuu dakedo,
Kantan ni...
Katere wake, janai!
I cry out, "Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu is my pride and joy, but,
To put it in simple terms..
That doesn't mean I always win!
Naisu Patonaa!
Naisu Raibaruu!
Koe Kakeatte,
FOROO, Shiaeba,
Omotta toori ni waza mo kimari desu!
You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
We may fight, but,
As long as we follow each other,
I think we'll surely find a way to get along!
Umaku ittara ne hai taachi!
Kyou no shori wa wasurenai
I~ssho naraba,
Donna pinchi mo nigeteku!
Because it all went well, High Touch/High Five!
I won't ever forget today's victory!
As long as we're together..
Any pinch is escapable!
Ude wo nobashi hai tacchi!
Egao ippai kokorodzuyoi!
I~ssho naraba......
Tsuyoi oitemo uerukamu!
Extending our arms, High Touch!
Smiling this much is so heartwarming!
As long as we're together..
Even the strong tailwind is welcoming!
Kyou mo ashita mo asattemo
Tabi wa zutto tsudzuiteku kedo
Sugu soba ni sono egao!
Today, tomorrow, and the day after..
This journey goes on forever..
But always..
Your smile is always with me!
Kita e minami e nishi higashi
Keshiki kurukuru kawaru kedo
Doko ni datte......
Itsumo sono egao!
To the north, the south, east and west,
The scenery keeps on changing,
But wherever I go..
Your smile is always there!
Naisu paatonaa!
Naisu raibaru!
Mamotte kureru yo
Tasukete kureru
Hirogaru kouya ni michi ga massugu ni
You're a nice partner!
You're a nice rival!
Always protecting me
Always saving me
Our road goes on and on through a never ending waste land.
Sora no shita de hai tacchi!
Kotoba yori mo wakari yasui!
I~ssho naraba..
Yume ni mukatte toberu ze!
Under the sky, High Touch!
That's more easily understandable than words!
As long as we're together..
We can fly away and face our dreams!
Umaku ittara, Hai Taachi!
Hekonjattemo Motodoori!
I~ssho naraba,
Akirameru no wa hayai ze,
If it all goes well, High Touch!
If we're feeling down, we can come right back up!
As long as we're together,
I won't give up that easily,
Umaku ittara ne hai taachi!
Kyou no shori wa wasurenai
I~ssho naraba,
Donna pinchi mo nigeteku!
Because it all went well, High Touch/High Five!
I won't ever forget today's victory!
As long as we're together..
Any pinch is escapable!
Wow, that's almost as long as my average fanfiction. (Around 2,000 words.). XD Such a pain to type.
And yes, I did type it. And I editted some of the japanese transliteration, so it wasn't completely plagiarism.
Anyway, credit to animelyrics.com for the japanese words for me to fiddle around with. XD
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Romeo and Cinderella - Kagamine Twins
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Rough Collie! Science Experiment! :3
To who usually reads this: (LOL, I'm probably just talking to myself right now.)
XD Only read if your a dog reader. Because this whole post is splashed with doggy-ness. Oh, and the color is based on what I saw a lot today. A cabbage that should actually be named another color, the red cabbage!!
Haley came over to do the science experiment today. (It took much longer than I expected. 4 hours..) XD And we bought way too much cabbage. Aghhh.
Oh well. It turned out pretty well. I mean, it was pretty interesting to see our acid indicator at work.
And when we rinsed it out..
"Rainbowwwwww.. 8D"
And then we did a bunch of random stuff with my plushies. XD It was really fun. And we finished our science experiment! Yay~ XD
And now on to the first two words of the title.
The 'Rough Collie'.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="503" caption="The famous 'Lassie' dog. "]
This breed originated somewhere from Scotland. There are two coat variations. The rough collie, or the 'Lassie' dog, and the smooth collie, or the one that looks like Lassie got sheared.
They were a favorite of Queen Victoria's. And I also happen to favor them. And the German Shepherd Dog. XD I favor the herding breeds.
Rough Collies are very intelligent, and are easily trained, provided that you reinforce the training. Positively. They are very sensitive.
LOL. I can't decide if I want less of a guard dog, (Every dog has individual traits, but overall, Collies aren't really agressive.) or the one that's more commonly a guard dog, is extremely loyal and very intelligent, but more likely to snap at every passerby..
The German Shepherd is bred with a high protective instinct. Which is kind of what I want. Agh.
LOL. I bet you're thinking, "ZOMG POINTLESS RAMBLING."
So, bye.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: E-type - Far up in the air
XD Only read if your a dog reader. Because this whole post is splashed with doggy-ness. Oh, and the color is based on what I saw a lot today. A cabbage that should actually be named another color, the red cabbage!!
Haley came over to do the science experiment today. (It took much longer than I expected. 4 hours..) XD And we bought way too much cabbage. Aghhh.
Oh well. It turned out pretty well. I mean, it was pretty interesting to see our acid indicator at work.
And when we rinsed it out..
"Rainbowwwwww.. 8D"
And then we did a bunch of random stuff with my plushies. XD It was really fun. And we finished our science experiment! Yay~ XD
And now on to the first two words of the title.
The 'Rough Collie'.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="503" caption="The famous 'Lassie' dog. "]
This breed originated somewhere from Scotland. There are two coat variations. The rough collie, or the 'Lassie' dog, and the smooth collie, or the one that looks like Lassie got sheared.
They were a favorite of Queen Victoria's. And I also happen to favor them. And the German Shepherd Dog. XD I favor the herding breeds.
Rough Collies are very intelligent, and are easily trained, provided that you reinforce the training. Positively. They are very sensitive.
LOL. I can't decide if I want less of a guard dog, (Every dog has individual traits, but overall, Collies aren't really agressive.) or the one that's more commonly a guard dog, is extremely loyal and very intelligent, but more likely to snap at every passerby..
The German Shepherd is bred with a high protective instinct. Which is kind of what I want. Agh.
LOL. I bet you're thinking, "ZOMG POINTLESS RAMBLING."
So, bye.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: E-type - Far up in the air
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Media Player Shuffle! (With help from the random number generator.. XD)
LOL. This again. This time with only 22 songs. (I think it was 30 last time, so to be honest, not much of a difference. XD)
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in parentheses after the song name.
1. What would you say about your boyfriend?
Shining Star - Pretty Cure OST (XD This half makes sense.)
2. What is the first thing you say in the morning?
Black★Rock Shooter - Hatsune Miku + Nico Nico Chorus (O.O BLACK ROCK SHOOTER, WHERE ARE YOU NOW?!?!?)
3. Your teacher is…
Far up in the air - E-Type (..O.O Oh my, my teacher is far up in the air?!? HOW?!? O_o Oh. An Airplane. Riight.)
4. What’s written on your classroom’s blackboard?
KOKOROxKiseki- <Originally by Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len> Yamai & Usa(We're listening to a story~ =D While the teacher's far up in the air..)
5. How would you describe your next-door neighbors?
Rolling Girl - <Originally by Hatsune Miku> Yonji (My next door neighbors are masochists?)
6. What would your Best Friend say about you?
Bouken Desho Desho - Aya Hirano (XDXD)
7. How do you feel right now?
Maggaare Spectacle - Koizumi Itsuko (I forgot what Maggaare means. So I'll be all like into a Kyonko cosplayer, YOU, YOUR A MYSTERY.)
8. What’s on your bedside table right now?
God Knows - Aya Hirano (I so want a music box. XD)
9. What did you do when you woke up this morning?
God Knows - Aya Hirano (._. THIS AGAIN? Uh.. Oh. Maybe it means I'm saying prayers.)
10. When you open your wardrobe, you see…
KOKOROxKiseki-<Originally by Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin> Usa and Yamai (I see a miracle, and a robot heart in my wardrobe. Absolutely lovely.)
11. What did you say after you last attended a concert?
Together we'll make a promise - Cori Yarkins (Who am I making a promise to? O_O)
12. If you had to write a Fan Fic right now, what would it be called?
Shining Star - Pretty Cure OST (...Eh.. No, I'm too lazy to start up a new fanfic..T_T)
13. A song you would sing at your school’s talent show.
Pop got us falling in love again - Remixed by DarkxIntensity (No.. it's a remix... so I have to say random things fast..)
14. Your life’s theme song?
Let me be with you - Chobits OST (......Well, I guess that could work.)
15. How would you describe what you are doing this moment?
Greed's Accident -Chihara Minori as Nagato Yuki (.... MUHAHAHAHAHA MONEY SPENDER MUHAHAHAHAHA)
16. If you had to go and jump off a building, what would your last words be?
17. Your motto is…
Discotheque Love - Kagamine Len (LOL. A Len song after a Rin song. I also happen to be listening to it right now. DJ GOT US FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN~~~~~ ...Sorry.)
18. If you could buy anything in this world, you would buy…
Rolling Girl - Yonji (I would buy a rolling girl, why? O_O)
19. What did you dream about tonight?
Black★Rock Shooter - Hatsune Miku + Nico Nico Chorus (Aw. A girl who goes searching for her best friend.)
20. Any last words?
Pop got us falling in love again - Remixed by DarkxIntensity (Pop certainly has not got us falling in love again. XD)
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Discotheque Love - Kagamine Len
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in parentheses after the song name.
1. What would you say about your boyfriend?
Shining Star - Pretty Cure OST (XD This half makes sense.)
2. What is the first thing you say in the morning?
Black★Rock Shooter - Hatsune Miku + Nico Nico Chorus (O.O BLACK ROCK SHOOTER, WHERE ARE YOU NOW?!?!?)
3. Your teacher is…
Far up in the air - E-Type (..O.O Oh my, my teacher is far up in the air?!? HOW?!? O_o Oh. An Airplane. Riight.)
4. What’s written on your classroom’s blackboard?
KOKOROxKiseki- <Originally by Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len> Yamai & Usa(We're listening to a story~ =D While the teacher's far up in the air..)
5. How would you describe your next-door neighbors?
Rolling Girl - <Originally by Hatsune Miku> Yonji (My next door neighbors are masochists?)
6. What would your Best Friend say about you?
Bouken Desho Desho - Aya Hirano (XDXD)
7. How do you feel right now?
Maggaare Spectacle - Koizumi Itsuko (I forgot what Maggaare means. So I'll be all like into a Kyonko cosplayer, YOU, YOUR A MYSTERY.)
8. What’s on your bedside table right now?
God Knows - Aya Hirano (I so want a music box. XD)
9. What did you do when you woke up this morning?
God Knows - Aya Hirano (._. THIS AGAIN? Uh.. Oh. Maybe it means I'm saying prayers.)
10. When you open your wardrobe, you see…
KOKOROxKiseki-<Originally by Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin> Usa and Yamai (I see a miracle, and a robot heart in my wardrobe. Absolutely lovely.)
11. What did you say after you last attended a concert?
Together we'll make a promise - Cori Yarkins (Who am I making a promise to? O_O)
12. If you had to write a Fan Fic right now, what would it be called?
Shining Star - Pretty Cure OST (...Eh.. No, I'm too lazy to start up a new fanfic..T_T)
13. A song you would sing at your school’s talent show.
Pop got us falling in love again - Remixed by DarkxIntensity (No.. it's a remix... so I have to say random things fast..)
14. Your life’s theme song?
Let me be with you - Chobits OST (......Well, I guess that could work.)
15. How would you describe what you are doing this moment?
Greed's Accident -Chihara Minori as Nagato Yuki (.... MUHAHAHAHAHA MONEY SPENDER MUHAHAHAHAHA)
16. If you had to go and jump off a building, what would your last words be?
17. Your motto is…
Discotheque Love - Kagamine Len (LOL. A Len song after a Rin song. I also happen to be listening to it right now. DJ GOT US FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN~~~~~ ...Sorry.)
18. If you could buy anything in this world, you would buy…
Rolling Girl - Yonji (I would buy a rolling girl, why? O_O)
19. What did you dream about tonight?
Black★Rock Shooter - Hatsune Miku + Nico Nico Chorus (Aw. A girl who goes searching for her best friend.)
20. Any last words?
Pop got us falling in love again - Remixed by DarkxIntensity (Pop certainly has not got us falling in love again. XD)
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Discotheque Love - Kagamine Len
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Paper cuts hurt? O.o
Why does a paper cut execute more pain than when I accidentally cut my finger with a knife? That does not make sense. XD
Yay!!~ My computer is not dead anymore~~ So happy. :3
Hmm. I'm in a downloading mood. Any non-rpg games you recommend?
Something like Cooking Mama is good. Maybe I'll download Gardening Mama (I'm pretty sure there's one. XD) ... if it works on my R4.
So yeah, it's Spring Break! That was fast. And like I said before, definitely, the science project has been way less headache than there was last year.
Ahhh... headaches.
..I have one right now. Sweeeeeet.
XD As a kid, I remember..
I used to love the Gameboy Advance's DOGZ..2 a lot. I loved it. I played it on the emulator alot. But then I couldn't remember the name.
Now I found it. XD
I'm gonna download this one -- The one for the DS anyway. Hehe~
LOL. The beginning speech is,
"Hi! I'm (INSERT YOUR NAME HEREEEEZ)! I'm in the third grade (...)"
Well, bye. :D
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Super Sonic Dance- Lily
Yay!!~ My computer is not dead anymore~~ So happy. :3
Hmm. I'm in a downloading mood. Any non-rpg games you recommend?
Something like Cooking Mama is good. Maybe I'll download Gardening Mama (I'm pretty sure there's one. XD) ... if it works on my R4.
So yeah, it's Spring Break! That was fast. And like I said before, definitely, the science project has been way less headache than there was last year.
Ahhh... headaches.
..I have one right now. Sweeeeeet.
XD As a kid, I remember..
I used to love the Gameboy Advance's DOGZ..2 a lot. I loved it. I played it on the emulator alot. But then I couldn't remember the name.
Now I found it. XD
I'm gonna download this one -- The one for the DS anyway. Hehe~
LOL. The beginning speech is,
"Hi! I'm (INSERT YOUR NAME HEREEEEZ)! I'm in the third grade (...)"
Well, bye. :D
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Super Sonic Dance- Lily
Friday, March 4, 2011
Rin and Len; KOKORO/KISEKI And my poor computer..
I'm typing this through my brother's computer. XDXD
As promised in the title, I give you the Nico Nico Chorus cover of the song.
It's pretty cool, they include Rin and Len's voices in there. XD
Among those singers, these two are my favorites
^ My favorite is the first singer, her name is Yamai.
That being said, I love Usa's soft voice, too. Their contrast is amazing.
I first heard of Yamai through her version of Servant of Evil
I have to admit, I first thought the voice was sung by a boy. Well done.. XDXDXD
XD From where you're viewing it from, it'll say,
'Len - Servant of Evil English Subbed' or something like that. But this version is by Yamai.
And since then, it's been a long time since I've heard LEN'S version. Which I did, yesterday.
The pain of using PS3 internet. Takes 1 minute to load a 30 second video, and I can't comment on stuff. >_< Oh well. At least I had the internet. XD I spent the last club day killing my throat. But I'm on the road of recovery!! However, along my road to recovery, I think I sprayed my sickness to a number of people. T_T I'm sorry. I'll try not to be as close to as many people when I'm sick. T_T T_T
BTW, I've gotten a literal chain of coughs now. It started from September, ended early October, started mid October, went on until December, started in late December, ended in January, and then started now.
Jeez, I love Len and Rin <3
And I hated the people in the story of evil, (Not the main characters, like, the citizens.)
If they DIDN'T separate Rin and Len's fates, they could have avoided many things, and Len could have stayed alive. And poor Miku.
Also, I noticed in all of the 'makings' of VOCALOID songs, (Like, you know, Re_Birthday, KOKORO..) Rin and Len are usually the main protagonists. Why is that? Why not Miku? O.o
XD I love the `Happy Version`of Regret Message.
"If we could be born again, I don't want any more french fries.."
Selfish adult reasons - "Rock, Paper, Scissors! Rin wins, Rin gets to rule over the country!"
Len: WTF?!?!?!
XD Yeah, I love Rin and Len.
Also, for my previous post, the Meltdown one, I meant to post this version, (Although to be honest, I really do like the first one, it's just that I figured the pre-chorus I liked was from this one.)
XDXD Yeah, I love the part from 0:42-0:51
Where the male parts sing and the female parts barely start.
And now on to my poor computer.
ARGHHHEWFUIHSICNICNAINI A . Ultimate reset, Master reset, Doom reset,
I hate the blue screen of death.
^ Actual Windows Problem name. (I searched it up, and it gave me 'Blue screen of death' as it's official name..)
And now I have to take it to Henderson mall for that reset.
I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.
Dear Vivi, hi. I'm hiding a letter in these random words. Well, it's not really hidden, but most people would skip it.
XD I found out that the phone number I have from you is your house number. Privacy reasons, I obviously won't put it on here.
Well, yeah, that's about it. XD If you need me, message me, you already know the number XD
I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.
LOL, and since most of my talk was about Rin and Len..
I end with this picture of Rin and Len!

Synchronocity is all about how Rin is trapped deep into the earth as an eternal diva by Miku (Who like, sings 11 percent of the series.) and how Len is trying to find the voice in his head, (which is Rin), and he travels so far to find her, and has a near death given by Miku, and the series ends when he reaches her.
It ends because the makers of Synchronocity are too lazy to finish it. Just like me and my fanfiction. But because of Master reset, it's not like I can access it anyway. And I ALMOST finished an episode (A day in the story.) of the Phoenix Wright fanfiction I made.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: KOKOROxKISEKI - Yamai and Usa
As promised in the title, I give you the Nico Nico Chorus cover of the song.
It's pretty cool, they include Rin and Len's voices in there. XD
Among those singers, these two are my favorites
^ My favorite is the first singer, her name is Yamai.
That being said, I love Usa's soft voice, too. Their contrast is amazing.
I first heard of Yamai through her version of Servant of Evil
I have to admit, I first thought the voice was sung by a boy. Well done.. XDXDXD
XD From where you're viewing it from, it'll say,
'Len - Servant of Evil English Subbed' or something like that. But this version is by Yamai.
And since then, it's been a long time since I've heard LEN'S version. Which I did, yesterday.
The pain of using PS3 internet. Takes 1 minute to load a 30 second video, and I can't comment on stuff. >_< Oh well. At least I had the internet. XD I spent the last club day killing my throat. But I'm on the road of recovery!! However, along my road to recovery, I think I sprayed my sickness to a number of people. T_T I'm sorry. I'll try not to be as close to as many people when I'm sick. T_T T_T
BTW, I've gotten a literal chain of coughs now. It started from September, ended early October, started mid October, went on until December, started in late December, ended in January, and then started now.
Jeez, I love Len and Rin <3
And I hated the people in the story of evil, (Not the main characters, like, the citizens.)
If they DIDN'T separate Rin and Len's fates, they could have avoided many things, and Len could have stayed alive. And poor Miku.
Also, I noticed in all of the 'makings' of VOCALOID songs, (Like, you know, Re_Birthday, KOKORO..) Rin and Len are usually the main protagonists. Why is that? Why not Miku? O.o
XD I love the `Happy Version`of Regret Message.
"If we could be born again, I don't want any more french fries.."
Selfish adult reasons - "Rock, Paper, Scissors! Rin wins, Rin gets to rule over the country!"
Len: WTF?!?!?!
XD Yeah, I love Rin and Len.
Also, for my previous post, the Meltdown one, I meant to post this version, (Although to be honest, I really do like the first one, it's just that I figured the pre-chorus I liked was from this one.)
XDXD Yeah, I love the part from 0:42-0:51
Where the male parts sing and the female parts barely start.
And now on to my poor computer.
ARGHHHEWFUIHSICNICNAINI A . Ultimate reset, Master reset, Doom reset,
I hate the blue screen of death.
^ Actual Windows Problem name. (I searched it up, and it gave me 'Blue screen of death' as it's official name..)
And now I have to take it to Henderson mall for that reset.
I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death. I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.
Dear Vivi, hi. I'm hiding a letter in these random words. Well, it's not really hidden, but most people would skip it.
XD I found out that the phone number I have from you is your house number. Privacy reasons, I obviously won't put it on here.
Well, yeah, that's about it. XD If you need me, message me, you already know the number XD
I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.I hate the blue screen of death.
LOL, and since most of my talk was about Rin and Len..
I end with this picture of Rin and Len!
Synchronocity is all about how Rin is trapped deep into the earth as an eternal diva by Miku (Who like, sings 11 percent of the series.) and how Len is trying to find the voice in his head, (which is Rin), and he travels so far to find her, and has a near death given by Miku, and the series ends when he reaches her.
It ends because the makers of Synchronocity are too lazy to finish it. Just like me and my fanfiction. But because of Master reset, it's not like I can access it anyway. And I ALMOST finished an episode (A day in the story.) of the Phoenix Wright fanfiction I made.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: KOKOROxKISEKI - Yamai and Usa
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