Friday, September 30, 2011

Why am I so damned lazy part #1

What this is about: A series of rants ranting herself because she is just that pathetic/Actual blog post/Rants/Randomness/Cake(LIES.)/....

So you walk in the hallways at school, after dismissal. You walk out the classroom and BOOM! The human centipede basically just appear.
Then you find out the boys in your school are so messed one of them messed up the floor of their washroom with their own feces.
The awkwardness.

So anyway, not that anyone is anticipating my return, but I will try to write 3 blog posts a day again. Not including today since I have writer's block from writing a Soundless Voice/Proof of Life story, which since my only reader(Or not.) is probably Viv, is up on the Fanfiction Central on MSN.
So, so. How's life for you?
Mine isn't what I consider miserable and obviously, as you've seen in the first paragraph, not royal paradise. Oh well. It's not supposed to be anyway.
Write, write, write, write, write/Type, type, type, type, type.
When you come down to it, there's not much to say. Not much that could impress all parties of people anyway.
But COOKIES always cheer people up. Why is that? Because COOKIES are not a lie. COOKIES lie beside you when you need them.
..Why did I emphasize cookies? Now people will think it's a hidden message or something, dear god.
Oh well...
I guess this is goodbye for now.
~ R A V E N
~ Angelic Espeon
~Matryoshka- Miku and Gumi~

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