Tuesday, February 8, 2011

KAITO: When I get home, my wife always pretends to be dead.

O_o Miku-chan? Daijoubu?
"Eh. Daijoubu. I just have a  fake arrow shot through my head."
XDXD I wanna see KAITO's face when she does this for the first time.......

XD No death by leek?

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood song: Kagamine Len- New Millenium


  1. Aww... That's cute. And wasn't the first death by leek? XD
    Death by Chocolate
    Death by Vanilla
    Death by... leek?

  2. XD No, I meant Miku found dead with a leek stabbed thorough her or something!
    XDXD And I meant when she was dead for the very first time with KAITO coming in..
    I bet he'd be like..
    "@_@ OMG, MIKU?!??!???"
