Monday, January 31, 2011

Short Post... XD

Yayayayayay. The title doesn't cut half off into the screen anymore......

LOL. Uhmmm. Yeah.  XD Love Len's version of World of Mine.
Look, over here.

8D Len's antics are funny. XDXD
VOCALOID project for me and Vivi! XD
But the program's so big, I think I should beg my brother to order it online for me. Hmm. Then again, I don't know how much all of the programs in total cost. Sigh.
Arrrrrgh!!! >_< I can't find my R4!! It disappeared!!!! T_T
..I hope I can find it soon........ Sigh.

~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Kagamine Len ~ World is Mine


  1. LOL. I love when Rin carries Len and when Len is screaming like hell on the collar-coaster.

  2. I love when Rin runs over Len with a ..bulldozer (I think. XD)
    And when they say,
    "Remember the first song we sang? OK. "Green is the enemy, right?" "
