At this point, I'm just glad they didn't replace Ash.
Hm.. Here!

Well.. Ash looks more tanned than usual. This is the character sheet that passed out a while ago. I got it from Pokebeach, though, on this page.
Well.. I hate the bat Pokemon. I mean, look at it's eyes! IT'S EYES SCARE ME!!
I'm guessing the guy with the Umbreon are one of the protaganists' dads. Those taller versions of Mijumaaru and Tsutaaja's evolutions. This makes me like Tsutaja a little more. Though seeing the trailers, I think that Mijumaaru might actually be the first starter to be more likely to be a female. Well, it's interesting though. I mean it seems to also be an ice type~!
Apparently, you have 3 rivals now. And the triple battle option. I'm never using it.. too complicated..
Also, I'm really sad! I hate that that they removed the option to walk with your Pokemon! I mean, I really loved that option in HGSS!!! T_T
I only like about.. 5 of the Pokemon in the new region. They better put in the other regions' Pokemon!! T_T
Well, to end this blog post..
Here's the trailers to Pokemon Sunday playing the demo version of Black and White, and the English subbed version of the preview to Best wishes, Mijumaaru is cute!! Though I think you would care less about that. XD
Link to the Pokemon Sunday People playing Black and White
Link to the Pokemon: Best Wishes Subbed Preview.
Sorry they're links. The embed videos selection is acting up.. Well, see ya!
~Angelic Espeon~
Hm.. Here!
Well.. Ash looks more tanned than usual. This is the character sheet that passed out a while ago. I got it from Pokebeach, though, on this page.
Well.. I hate the bat Pokemon. I mean, look at it's eyes! IT'S EYES SCARE ME!!
I'm guessing the guy with the Umbreon are one of the protaganists' dads. Those taller versions of Mijumaaru and Tsutaaja's evolutions. This makes me like Tsutaja a little more. Though seeing the trailers, I think that Mijumaaru might actually be the first starter to be more likely to be a female. Well, it's interesting though. I mean it seems to also be an ice type~!
Apparently, you have 3 rivals now. And the triple battle option. I'm never using it.. too complicated..
Also, I'm really sad! I hate that that they removed the option to walk with your Pokemon! I mean, I really loved that option in HGSS!!! T_T
I only like about.. 5 of the Pokemon in the new region. They better put in the other regions' Pokemon!! T_T
Well, to end this blog post..
Here's the trailers to Pokemon Sunday playing the demo version of Black and White, and the English subbed version of the preview to Best wishes, Mijumaaru is cute!! Though I think you would care less about that. XD
Link to the Pokemon Sunday People playing Black and White
Link to the Pokemon: Best Wishes Subbed Preview.
Sorry they're links. The embed videos selection is acting up.. Well, see ya!
~Angelic Espeon~
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