SCREW! We have 3 tests! All in one week! TT_TT..
Mon. = Math
Tues.:French (Although it could be on Weds.)
Weds.:Science and (Maybe) French..
today we learned about Ancient Greece. Why Men are naked in the olympics *heavy blush* and yeah....And heres one odd fact. U might have known it already. I know you probably do. Girls get married at 13. 13!!..And they have to have kids...Eesh..TT-TT"
Oh! Oh! Oh!..All we have to do is the title page for our booklet! ^^ and thats pretty much it. Except if anyone plans to do the bonus chapter..
Uh..I've reached the 7th badge. Thats right, special events usually appear at this point. And I'm right. Well..I'm addicted to Sailor Moon again! I was looking for music vids and saw a S.M. video(Sailor Moon.) and..I decided to watch the whole series again. XDXD's nice.. except the openings sorta cheesy. ...Guess that's that.
So..bye now!
**Heaven and Earth**
The love beneath 
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