I love this thing! It's sooo catchy!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Read if you want? Or is it more like you watch the videos if you want..
Me uploading this is really random...XD I'm sorry! Just that..this episode rules!! XDXD Although it IS up to you if you want to watch it..(I mean really theres a crazy girl villain.)
*Heaven and Earth*
Love from underneath..
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
SCREW! We have 3 tests! All in one week! TT_TT..
Mon. = Math
Tues.:French (Although it could be on Weds.)
Weds.:Science and (Maybe) French..
today we learned about Ancient Greece. Why Men are naked in the olympics *heavy blush* and yeah....And heres one odd fact. U might have known it already. I know you probably do. Girls get married at 13. 13!!..And they have to have kids...Eesh..TT-TT"
Oh! Oh! Oh!..All we have to do is the title page for our booklet! ^^ and thats pretty much it. Except if anyone plans to do the bonus chapter..
Uh..I've reached the 7th badge. Thats right, special events usually appear at this point. And I'm right. Well..I'm addicted to Sailor Moon again! I was looking for music vids and saw a S.M. video(Sailor Moon.) and..I decided to watch the whole series again. XDXD Ah..music's nice.. except the openings sorta cheesy. ...Guess that's that.
So..bye now!
**Heaven and Earth**
The love beneath 
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Battle Frontier!
Yay~...I'm gonna do more of those blog posts where I catch Pokemon. Soon. But first..I forgot to tell you in my Pokemon HG post..well the one I posted today..
Because I'm just that lucky I caught a Ditto. Yeah in Pokemon HG. I am shocked too.
XDXD Also in today..I reached Ecruteak City which you should not be surprised. Since I said I saw a GROWLITHE. XDXD ish. Well...What else....mm...I have to catch 32 Pokes for viv to trade. I managed to catch like 8. I think cuz I forgot if I saved or not..XDXD
Oh yeah! My Egg from Prof. Elm hatched into a male Togepi~! So..I think that's all~
---------Bye Bye now!---------
**Heaven and Earth**
I'm gonna try to put walkthrough pics up!
Yay~..........I want a visit.
I want a visit but I.....I don't know. Weird-ish feeling combined with ..calm-ish song? (Smile) Uh...So...I finished my V.A. homework and Page 17..Didya know? We're on chapter 3...the next chapter is a bonus. I wonder what it's about....Well? What do you think about it?... I guess you can comment or send me a email~ ..I still haven't laid a hand on my ds yet. *breathebreathebreathe* Ah...But I don't really need to .
1.It's night time.That means I can't do anything with Furi, my Eevee.
2......I have to finish this blog post.
..With number 2 done I'm going to finish this up and add another one! Okk? bye~
**Heaven and Earth**
~Jirachi and Manaphy's Diary~/
Glad to see I'm not in the dump...XD
Anyways...You weren't expecting this rpg diary entry since u'd think I dump it.
Well...Anyways. I have no idea how...but I got 2 Lugias..And I got alot. Now Im fighting in the Battle Area.
Fun! Fun! Fun! Uh....well?
I guess thats it.
...Bye bye now~
**Heaven and Earth**
Uh...Hmm? Uhh.......Dotdotdot
Uh..I'm listening to High Touch right now!.....I can't play Pokemon HG cuz I'll waste energy..TT-TT..Now the music's changed to Together~...Now..I got a Quilava and an Eevee
...How I got a female Eevee was really really weird. ...
I wished for a female Eevee..and I got one.
Now you tell me is that weird or not. I really think it is.
That also happened with Growlithe.
...Now I'm creeped out by my electric powers..O-O
**Creeped out**
P.S. What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
Friday, October 23, 2009
P-O-K-E-M-O-N! P-O-K-E-M-O-N (Party!) XD
So far..I got a Pokemon HeartGold thats patched!
And doesnt freeze very often!
Uhh..I made a special exception this time..
I decided to make Cynda my starter~
And...sadly Im not putting Butterfree on my team..TT-TT
If you wanna see~ here's my team~XD
Flame-Cyndaquil lvl 13
Miru-Mareep lvl 7-8 (going to be lvl 8)
Porun-Pidgey lvl 12
Yayz~ Im gonna get a..Espeon a..Dewgong..a..Growlithe!
Gonna make a decent team. I will also have 2 fire types!
aka Flame and Growlithe..
Bye now!
*Heaven and Earth*
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Short Tip.
Uh..this is for vivi.
The grinding thing doesnt freeze when you ..grind it...but it does take a long time to operate. So PLEASE be patient.
Thank you!
*Heaven and Earth*
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
the....interim report cards...
I got mostly Gs...
And...I cant concetrate right now...I'm sorry..
ღChiko-Chan and Kellღ
The day of the day of the day that I got my arm shot by a gun.
Hihi!....Ik. I love to put in random titles..but today was really random ish..XD Sorry if it shocked you for a bit..anyways..today..uhh...
I dont know..I'm sorry but I got in an arguement about Umbreon being weak and..I won. Yay for winning for Vivi! But I'm in a confused mood right now..so yeah..
Today..umm..we played with mud and..and I forgot my water bottle..XD Uh...
well...I did my title page..and..and..*Sigh* Its hard to say anything without a specific-ish topic. I guess I'm going to talk about Pokemon!
uh..Vivis being really nice! Shes helping me download Pokemon HG and I think Cooking Mama 3. =3 thanks vivi! Uhh....yeah thats pretty much it. XD I'll see you soon! Well..you can say what you thought about this~..although its just my thoughts. Anyways..I hope you have a good night~
Bye for now!
ღ KelKel and Chiko-Chan ღ
Reach Out For the Skies/My Island Home
The title well..it's based on a song that's a national day Song from Singapore in 2006
. Truth is every year theres a song released for the celebration of Singapores B-day!
So yeah. If you wanna see them heres the videos!
And for the second one ignore the video..if you want.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Uh...Prof. Kelly and Chiko-Chan here.
Here on we're going to talk about science stuff...not! *hits board*
No, I am not about to turn into some maniac crazed scientist because that was random. Uh..today we'll teach you the basics of uhh...
Oh that's right. The internet's not on so I can't teach you about that. Annoying i know. Um I can however..Holy Matromony the internet's working! O.O
That means I can teach you the basics of ...ACKALANTIS!
Bye for now!
ish "Uhh..this is a random blog post and I have to sleep soon, so yeah.
Here on we're going to talk about science stuff...not! *hits board*
No, I am not about to turn into some maniac crazed scientist because that was random. Uh..today we'll teach you the basics of uhh...
Oh that's right. The internet's not on so I can't teach you about that. Annoying i know. Um I can however..Holy Matromony the internet's working! O.O
That means I can teach you the basics of ...ACKALANTIS!
Bye for now!
ish "Uhh..this is a random blog post and I have to sleep soon, so yeah.
I think I'm gonna show you stuff that I write on my notepad when the internets not working or when I'm bored!-ish. XD"
==Heaven and Earth==
An afternote:
Yayz! ..OWWWW TT-TT My arm..*sniff*
Yay? I'm sure all the Grade 6 girls agree with me..that the girl shot hurts alot! *Sniff* Why? You want to ask? Maybe your a boy? Or maybe you never took the shot before? Well..either way..it makes your hands so numb and..and why do I talk like Janice on her own blog? Anyways.....just here to say...
1. I couldn't make a blog post yesterday cuz the internet wasn't working (I HATE IT)
2. Ecology project! I'm doing it on Arctic Hare! Cutie!
3. Uh...I have no idea! XDXD
Anyways...the internet was being real stupid yesterday....So unforturnately the information I put in for the food web may be fake...I hope not...well..yeah.
About the Ecology project, it's looking better! I think the bonus chapter ..well I think your supposed to type it. Supposedly. XDXD Uhh........Like I said. I have no idea! XDXD
--Heaven and Earth--
Sunday, October 18, 2009
For those who want a HG rom..(that probably doesn't freeze often)
Yay! Take my hint: I wanna download this!..So can you tell me how to?
This is different than the one Vivi helped me download...I dont really care if I have to start over my file..but I need someone to see if it freezes alot after the Goldenrod Badge. Thanks!
Heres the link!:http://www.rom-freaks.net/download-5602466-file-4168_-_Pokemon_Heart_Gold_(J)-nds.html
Heaven and Earth
[Edit]:Here's a english patch link! http://http://dl.poke-mega.org/pokemon-heart-gold-english-patched-6-j-nintendo-ds/ (turns out this is a rom)
^(Edit)^: New ones! For vivi is a complete translation for SS ! http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=179686 (although the translation isn't finished yet.)
And one for me! http://www.romulation.net/forum/index.php?topic=23083.0
Yay. Bye!! Hopefully I won't do another edit. But please comment to see which one you like the most!!
Hihi!!! Uhh.....I just beat Whitney! XD I beat her with Shion's poison powder!
Uhh...now it just froze. No. Actually my ndsl is kidnapped by my bro!
I shall stare..........Anyways..bye!
Heaven and Earth
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Hmm...Hi! Finished the String Art homework just now!
So yeah. Anyways...for the trade...
Growlithe (Girl)-Blaze
Beedrill-Spear!(Oh boy this list is getting long..TT-TT)
Vulpix-Rokon (female!)
Lapras-Baby Blue (Female!)
Dratini-Sky Blue (Female!)
There , viv your nicknames!
Friday, October 16, 2009
The song that never ends...
XD. Vivi, Hales, Janice , Cristyn and a few others should know this.
In the favorite sheets example there's a entry where it says "The song that never ends" ..So I searched it up randomly on youtube today.
XD the lyrics are...
This is the song that never ends...
It just goes on and on my friend..
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because..
(repeat like infinity times)
*Heaven and Earth*
In the favorite sheets example there's a entry where it says "The song that never ends" ..So I searched it up randomly on youtube today.
XD the lyrics are...
This is the song that never ends...
It just goes on and on my friend..
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because..
(repeat like infinity times)
*Heaven and Earth*
Thursday, October 15, 2009
~I`m back!(Yay. XD)~
Hihi! I'm back~! Although...It was soo boring without Janice or Haley or Vivi! >..<
We went to Washington..in Portland...and we stayed in a hotel! While I was in the hotel I decided to go on ebuddy. Vivi wasn't on but Janice was. We had a convo! It was like this!
Me:I'm in a hotel!
Me:But I think I have to go soon! So..bye!
Yeah, like some of you have heard I have went to a hotel. Like I said to Janice which she then spread the news to everyone! XDXD Anyways..I'm bak! And I..*cough* got 2 nosebleeds in the U.S. ..TT-TT THERE WAS SKY SHAYMIN IN THERE!..BUT I COULDN'T BUY IT! TT-TT ..Although I might be able to get Keroro for Vivi the next time its her b-day. Speaking of b-days, mine is at December the 10th!
So when is yours? I want to know so I can get you gifts! Of course I have to know what you like first. XD Just don't ask for anything over 20 dollars. XDXD
*Heaven and Earth*
We went to Washington..in Portland...and we stayed in a hotel! While I was in the hotel I decided to go on ebuddy. Vivi wasn't on but Janice was. We had a convo! It was like this!
Me:I'm in a hotel!
Me:But I think I have to go soon! So..bye!
Yeah, like some of you have heard I have went to a hotel. Like I said to Janice which she then spread the news to everyone! XDXD Anyways..I'm bak! And I..*cough* got 2 nosebleeds in the U.S. ..TT-TT THERE WAS SKY SHAYMIN IN THERE!..BUT I COULDN'T BUY IT! TT-TT ..Although I might be able to get Keroro for Vivi the next time its her b-day. Speaking of b-days, mine is at December the 10th!
So when is yours? I want to know so I can get you gifts! Of course I have to know what you like first. XD Just don't ask for anything over 20 dollars. XDXD
*Heaven and Earth*
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Daycare Woes
Laugh at this ! Unforturnately Youtube deleted the original one..*sniff*
A tribute to Lucario and Gardevoir!
Note:Don't watch if you don't like..XD
- I'm going on vacation! Be back around uhh..i dunno. But I think I'll be back on Wednesday and in school on Thursday.I think.
- Riolu evolved into Lucario!
Uhh...that's pretty much it. Look here for recent announcements. Thank you!
♥Heaven and Earth♥
Part 3
I lost ..: P but at least I defeated 2 of the Pokemon Castle Valet Darach uses..anyways..uhhh..I dunno! I'm going to type something! Or something to type in. XD
~ ☆ Smile ☆~
"The stars look pretty tonight!"
*music plays*
When day time turns to night..
When the moon shines bright..
When your tucked in tight..
When everything's alright..
Slip softly to that place..
Where secret thoughts run free..
And there comes face to face..with who you want to be..so..
Swim across the ocean blue..
Fly a rocket to the moon..
You can change your life..
Or you can change the world..
Take a chance, don't be afraid..life is yours to live..
Take a chance and the best is yet to come..
Make a wish...
it's up to you..
find the strength inside..
then watch your dreams come true...
you don't need the shooting star..
The magic's right there in your heart..
close your eyes...
believe, and make a wish...
Chiisaki Mono..
Sore wa watashi..
Watashi desu..
Magi de naku..
Kage mono naka..
Kokoro wa so saa dake gaa..
Da neii makenaii..
Ashito ri noii o..
Soshite..Watashi wa..
Osanaii Koronii..
Tsu go shi Tsu Tsu..
Moto deuu ku..
Imiwo..Shira Tsuu da uu..
Ko ee mu da dowo..
Orete..Kure ga haa togi nii..
Aoke baa...
Michi de Kuru..
Watashi no Kore daa..
Soro,Soro nagaru..
Kaze no nakani kimi mo..
Gubaii Aakaa de re kuu..
Kure gaa..
Kigure oo..uu gu ta kimi chi..
Uu oo sashi de ii ru..
Soro Soro Nagaru..
Kaze ii naite uu tori..
Watashi..Futawa..Te ii..Kozu..
Ooohh..I've always wished for happiness..
And finally fufilled my wish..
'cause all I just need..to see you smile...
Sora wo..(Make a wish..)
Aoke baa..(It's up to you..)
Michi De Kuru..Watashi no ko we waa(Watch your dreams come true..)
Soro Soro Nagaru..Kaze ii naite uu tori..(And don't just stop there..)
Ii narii..Maii Ataa re i uu (In my heart..Believe..Make a wish..)
Ooo ta woo (Make a wish)
It's up to you (It's up to you..)
Find the strength inside..(Find the strength inside..)
And watch your dreams come true..(And watch your dreams come true..)
You don't need a shooting star, the magic's right there in your heart..(You don't need a shooting star..the magic's right there in your heart..)
Close your eyes..(Close your eyes..)
Believe..and make a wish ..(Believe..and make a wish..)
(Make a wish..)
"Yes..the stars are beautiful tonight.."
"Good night.."
"Good night.."
Wasn't that romantic-ish and random?
XD bye!!
☆Keep smiling, Keep smiling for me☆
Part 2!
Die Purugly. Thanks! 18 CP? sob. The next opponent seems weird. Oh wellz. I hate Bibarels I hate Bibarels I hate Biba-Yay! it fainted! So happy..sob.cry. XD Is Kabutops a ground type? It doesn't seem to have a lot of defence.. 14th battle! Yayz! XD Die Huntail..(ITS A GIRL! O.O) WOULD EVERYONE STOP CRUNCHING MY LUXRAY??? Switch out! Ow..Solarbeam hurt.. This Bellosom has alot of defence.. Byebye Bellosom! I'm missing some of the Pokemon in the pokedex..oh well. Part 3 is a battle..yay! Since we still have part 2.Luxray..sniff.DX AHH! Stinking Camerupt..bye old man! huh? bye!
Battle Castle..AGAIN!
I had to start over in the battle castle.I forgot to save..XD
Anyways Rainstorm's doing great! I just got 28 CP..Hmmm...now I'm going to fight a Lombre..Which..well..nvm. DIE LOMBRE! Awwwww...XD I'm faster than it! *gasp* XD
Cubone just died. Sad tragedy...Spoink..Uhhh..Go Shion! If this was a real battle I would gain alot of exp. unforturnately it's not. sniff sniff...XD..Corsola? Oh well. Even though My Empo became really strong because of the TMs I gave it ..I still need to switch to Shion.XD Switch..again!..It used Yawn..Screw..I'll have to switch soon.. Machop! Switch! Flamethrower!...I hate you Machop..T-T Switch! Thunder Fang!
That was the 6th round. PURUGLY???? This person trained..with the net and the tv.
-_-" Bye Solrock? Switch! Octa..zooka? Thunder Fang..again! DIE PURUGLY! IT USED GROWL! GASP. Back to reality we have someone use Brick Break..it did half damage. No no! Empoleon! Purugly is UGLY! DON'T FALL IN LOVE!! Switching..to Sunshine! Flamethrower! Purugly is dead. Next round! the 8th! This time I'm entering Celta instead of Sunshine..just to try. XD Rainstorm! EXECUTE the EXEGGCUTE! Use Brick Break!..it's a grass type? O.O Then use Peck! Again! Again! There. Earthquake! Peck! Round 8 is completed. Thank you Thank you. MARSHTOMP??? AHHHHHH!!!..Sorry..I have a fear battling over used starters for some reason.. Gardevoir go! Used Magical Leaf..~ but Gardevoir's in the red zone..anyways..die Marshtomp! Sorry Celta..Right now Ash's "theme" is playing. The under the skirt of a girl song. XD Anyways Thunder Fang! Nice.. it's a tough opponent! I'm inpressed.. XD Bye Kingler! Thunder Fang that Relicanth!..Screw? Bye Relicanth! 19 CP??? oh well.."You and your Pokemon could use an obedience lesson from me." Noo...switch! Die Tropius! Thanks! Charge Beam! Thanks..you did great Celta! Shion is going to bite a Kingler. XD Crunch! Again! Again! Ahh..such relaxing music. GOOD EFFORT? I hate you Darach.. I'll go on and on and on and on and on..Ok shut up me. Anyways..Prinplup vs. my Rainstorm! Prinplup fainted. Die Machoke..yay! it fainted! My leg's soo numb..
Oh well. Furret used Dragon Rage! Lol it only used Assist. This is part 1 of the sparring.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Oneshot Pokemon Story!
Decided to make this since I was bored! Enjoy~(Maybe I'll even make it a fanfic.You never know! or do you?)
Kiara:So..*yawn*..So sleepy..so tired..I guess this is what it's like to be part of the Elite 4..Anyway..I guess I woke up..let's see..Oh ..it's Wallace's birthday!
Cynthia:Hard getting used to the schedule?
Kiara:I guess so..well..today's Wallace's birthday?
Cynthia:Yes! He doesn't really want anything except a day off.
Kiara:Well..maybe I can do that..
Cynthia:Are you sure?
Kiara:Yup! I'm going to hold a meeting with the other Elite 4 so I can see their opinion! Maybe they'll let Wallace off.
Kiara:Guys..don't you think we should give Wallace a break? I mean it IS his birthday.
Flint:Sure! I agree! I mean I've seen him looking pretty tired lately!
Kiara:Really..then I'm sure he'd be happy. Very happy.
Flint:Do you guys agree?
Karen:Mmhmm! I agree! Wallace-kun looked sooo worn out!
Kiara:Thanks Karen I knew you would agree.
I like Karen she's been such a great help since I've became a champion. She helped me so many times. We've become like sisters.
Will..is weird. He lifts me in the air with Alakazam. I usually need help from Cynthia.
Glacia:That's sweet! I'm sure Wallace is going to like it.
Glacia treats me like her daughter. Her Glaceon warmed up with me and stays with me alot outside it's pokeball.
Blue:Yep! Even in the Kanto region and moving about..he deserves a break!
Blue is like my brother and Wallace's brother. He's nice.
Lance:Yeahhh..sureeee..(I guess Wallace has his days.)
Lance..is nice..mean..nice..quiet..and..nice.
Kiara:Thanks! I'm sure Wallace would be really happy! Meeting over!
Karen: That's really considerate!
Umbreon:Breee! *sparklesparkle* Breeeon!
Kiara:Umbreon! *patpat* Looks so healthy~
Karen:Thanks! Umbreon wants to see your Espeon.
Espeon:Espeeee! *orb sparkles* Speeon!
Kiara:They're playing so well together!
Karen:Mm hmm!
Wallace:Were you the people who put me on a day off?
Karen:We figured you need one.
Wallace:Thank you so very much. It's going to be a day without fans!
Kiara:Yep! Go to the swimming pool with Milotic! It's sunny out.
Wallace:I will! Thanks again!
Kiara:Well? He liked it! That's my birthday present to him.
Karen:Well..it's our birthday present!
Kiara:Haha! Yeah!
Im gonna continue this in a separate place! XD
Kiara:So..*yawn*..So sleepy..so tired..I guess this is what it's like to be part of the Elite 4..Anyway..I guess I woke up..let's see..Oh ..it's Wallace's birthday!
Cynthia:Hard getting used to the schedule?
Kiara:I guess so..well..today's Wallace's birthday?
Cynthia:Yes! He doesn't really want anything except a day off.
Kiara:Well..maybe I can do that..
Cynthia:Are you sure?
Kiara:Yup! I'm going to hold a meeting with the other Elite 4 so I can see their opinion! Maybe they'll let Wallace off.
Kiara:Guys..don't you think we should give Wallace a break? I mean it IS his birthday.
Flint:Sure! I agree! I mean I've seen him looking pretty tired lately!
Kiara:Really..then I'm sure he'd be happy. Very happy.
Flint:Do you guys agree?
Karen:Mmhmm! I agree! Wallace-kun looked sooo worn out!
Kiara:Thanks Karen I knew you would agree.
I like Karen she's been such a great help since I've became a champion. She helped me so many times. We've become like sisters.
Will..is weird. He lifts me in the air with Alakazam. I usually need help from Cynthia.
Glacia:That's sweet! I'm sure Wallace is going to like it.
Glacia treats me like her daughter. Her Glaceon warmed up with me and stays with me alot outside it's pokeball.
Blue:Yep! Even in the Kanto region and moving about..he deserves a break!
Blue is like my brother and Wallace's brother. He's nice.
Lance:Yeahhh..sureeee..(I guess Wallace has his days.)
Lance..is nice..mean..nice..quiet..and..nice.
Kiara:Thanks! I'm sure Wallace would be really happy! Meeting over!
Karen: That's really considerate!
Umbreon:Breee! *sparklesparkle* Breeeon!
Kiara:Umbreon! *patpat* Looks so healthy~
Karen:Thanks! Umbreon wants to see your Espeon.
Espeon:Espeeee! *orb sparkles* Speeon!
Kiara:They're playing so well together!
Karen:Mm hmm!
Wallace:Were you the people who put me on a day off?
Karen:We figured you need one.
Wallace:Thank you so very much. It's going to be a day without fans!
Kiara:Yep! Go to the swimming pool with Milotic! It's sunny out.
Wallace:I will! Thanks again!
Kiara:Well? He liked it! That's my birthday present to him.
Karen:Well..it's our birthday present!
Kiara:Haha! Yeah!
Im gonna continue this in a separate place! XD
Battle Tower with Cheryl!
Just kidding. Anyways Im basically at the battle tower with Cheryl. Doesnt really matter. She has a Milotic.. *.* But its male. XD
Just kidding. Anyways Im basically at the battle tower with Cheryl. Doesnt really matter. She has a Milotic.. *.* But its male. XD
Battle Area! Battle Castle!..What is with this trainer..
Anyway..I got thru the Elite 4 Thanks to my Jirachi and some handy moves.
XD Anyways..I'm in the battle castle right now..and I'm fighting this Karate girl who..said Hwoahh Hwoahh in the beginning. Weird. This is my 2nd round in Battle castle! Which means after I finish this round I'm gonna need to fight 7 trainers more to get to the 21st battle! Right now Hitmonchan's being plain annoying..And my Empoleon's lvl 50. XD Anyway..Viv can visit my house but not today or early next week since I'm gonna be away. Bye~
XD Anyways..I'm in the battle castle right now..and I'm fighting this Karate girl who..said Hwoahh Hwoahh in the beginning. Weird. This is my 2nd round in Battle castle! Which means after I finish this round I'm gonna need to fight 7 trainers more to get to the 21st battle! Right now Hitmonchan's being plain annoying..And my Empoleon's lvl 50. XD Anyway..Viv can visit my house but not today or early next week since I'm gonna be away. Bye~
Friday, October 9, 2009
100 percent on French Quiz! aka 21/21
Yayyay!..I guess today wasn't that bad..I just got to explain why i didnt do one of my homeworks. It dissapeared.
Seriously.And my teacher didnt know what to say to that..gym wasn't that bad either. We didn't do one of those aggravating warm ups! YAY! Also I got full marks on a French quiz that I've been talking about a few blog posts ago..all in all today wasn't that bad.
Seriously.And my teacher didnt know what to say to that..gym wasn't that bad either. We didn't do one of those aggravating warm ups! YAY! Also I got full marks on a French quiz that I've been talking about a few blog posts ago..all in all today wasn't that bad.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
*snifflesniffle* I didn't finish my wood project..TT-TT I didnt finish it cuz there wasn't any hammers! TT-TT I also forgot to bring home one of my homeworks..I probably have to stay in after school..*sigh*
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
French Quiz. And no its not on French Fries.
Umm..French quiz wasn't hard..Uhhh...yeah. Today at gym I didnt suffer. Actually the ball rolled to the Penalty Box..I actually had a good time~ XDXD And.. uhh..
I lent "Chloe" my R4. I hope she didn't "ruin" it.Anyways...well..yeah So yeah. Tell me what you think of today!
Monday, October 5, 2009
QuestShipping:Kenta & Marina.
Description:Kenta likey Marina. He like..Screamed when he received her Pokegear. XD
Uhhh..this is really short and sort of...meant to be a discussion.If you know the couple well...good for you. Write what you think!
Ah!!!! Usually I like being sick...but this is ridiculous.
Why? I sneeze like every 30 minutes or so. And when I do...it does not feel good. Sigh..I might as well tell you my awesome(or not.) day.
And so everything begins...with me sneezing. ok..I looked seriously sick in the morning.
It didnt get worst. But it sure felt like it.The day goes on and on..well it wasn't that bad..but it wasn't that good either..=( And...*sigh* I don't know. But at least the french quiz wasn't today...I mean..it's one of those days..where you don't expect what's happening. Sure I mean we do have a schedule and all...but it can change pretty fast..umm..im using .... alot. I noticed it when I was typing..maybe today just wasn't a good day fit with a good mood. Although the pears they gave was pretty good! And that is my first exclamation mark in this post..XDXD those are my first XDs ..XD and I think I'm cheering up..maybe I'm just sad cuz im sick..but it doesn't matter anymore. Does it? I don't know. Oh well. Bye!!~
Sunday, October 4, 2009
//The Sun and the Moon//
Yesterday, the sun and the moon were together! one side was a full moon the other side was red clouds with a sun so bright that I couldn't really see it. XD this post was really random. The day before yesterday, I saw a rainbow near a street near vivis house. Nothing much to say here..sooooo.
Bye now!
Galactic Boss Cyrus///
Yay for being underleveled. Cyrus.Golbats.Sneasels.Murkrows. And Im on to his last Pokemon, Sneasel! Umm my Pokemon are all in their evolved forms. Im getting a runny nose..uhhh im trying to kill Sneasel without my Eeveelution. Wanna guess? its one of my favorite Pokemon. But..its not a specific one..who is that mystery eeveelution? After answers I'll post my answer..so? Guess!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Pokemon Platinum!!
XD uhh...I got a Kirlia and a Azumarill.XD ummm...nothing much to say here. Everyone's getting sick lately. H1N1?!?!?! lol Ok I'm going off topic.XD Uhh..
I just reached Veilstone City but i didn't save..cuz..APPARENTLY MY B BUTTON FOR EVOLUTIONS ISN'T WORKING!..I was just testing out the evolution stones I got from the ruins and then I couldn't stop Eevee from evolving.It's a tragedy. A sad,sad tragedy. XDX Uhh..I'm gonna create some vids on youtube! Coming soon to your laptop/computer! Thank you.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Swim,bowl, GOOOO!!!
today we went to Revs and like..Hyde Creek for a field trip. XD. The bowling balls were so happy-i mean heavy. XDXD Uhh then after like 1 and a half game we stopped playing and went to the Swimming pool/Hyde Creek.The changing room part was..awkward..
WE SAW A NAKED WOMAN IN THE SHOWER! XDXD Hales laughed at that. Then me went to shallow pool. I grabbed a Flareon Float. Viv grabbed the Umbreon slash Vaporeon float. Then we went swimming. XDXD This went on and on for like 1 hour.
Then we changed. Some naked ppl. And then we went home. Pretty fun though. XDXD
Ish. Now I wanna go to the Aquatic Center..TT_TT Oh well..do you wanna go swimming again? comment!
WE SAW A NAKED WOMAN IN THE SHOWER! XDXD Hales laughed at that. Then me went to shallow pool. I grabbed a Flareon Float. Viv grabbed the Umbreon slash Vaporeon float. Then we went swimming. XDXD This went on and on for like 1 hour.
Then we changed. Some naked ppl. And then we went home. Pretty fun though. XDXD
Ish. Now I wanna go to the Aquatic Center..TT_TT Oh well..do you wanna go swimming again? comment!
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