Monday, August 17, 2009

The secret cave

Hello all! And today we'll be catching Gible in the so called "Secret Cave"  This cave is Wayward Cave! Now let's see if i can find it. XD Found it!!! Time to go downstairs..Target today: Girl Gible
Take 1: Zubats nothing big.. (THANK GOODNESS THIS ISN'T A POKERADAR ADVENTURE! GOD! )  Bronzor! Hmm I'll have to fix you something. Please wait. Your order is served thank you for sitting at Happy Happy Restaurant we hope we don't see you again.                                                        \_//
Take 2 and Action!: Gible Gible Gible Gible Gible. (='.'=) Screw Screw Screw Screw.
Take 3: Gible..! Oh there you are!  Goooo Master Ball!

Next Post: Backlot's garden