Okay, let's start!
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in parentheses after the song name.
1. What would you say about your boyfriend?
SHINING STAR - Tomoko Nakashima (...This again? XD)
2. What is the first thing you say in the morning?
Perfect - Hedley (Perfect, so perfect, everything's so perfect.. *later that day* OMG TODAY WAS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE -Complain and whine filter-)
3. Your teacher is…
Blue Bird - Ikimono Gakari (Thus the start of de-evolution.)
4. What’s written on your classroom’s blackboard?
Let me be with you(Piano ver.) (Things are starting to make less and less sense.)
5. How would you describe your next-door neighbors?
How far we've come - Matchbox Twenty (They obviously believe in 2012. "WAKING UP AT THE START OF THE END OF THE WORLD.")
6. What would your Best Friend say about you?
ONE - Crystal Kay (Why yes, I am ONE person. And I couldn't think of anything, so don't kill me~)
7. How do you feel right now?
8. What’s on your bedside table right now?
River flows in you - Yiruma (...God, I hate you, Mother Nature.)
9. What did you do when you woke up this morning?
Rolling Girl - Yonji(Originally by Hatsune Miku.) (I'm not a masochist >_< I will not roll down the hill one more time.)
10. When you open your wardrobe, you see…
Saihate - Hatsune Miku (Frankly, I am not very interested in the furthest ends of this wardrobe. It does not lead to Narnia.)
11. What did you say after you last attended a concert?
Together Forever - Pokemon OST (OMG! *insert idol here* WE'LL BE TOGETHER FOREVER IN MY FANFICTION!!!111!!!)
12. If you had to write a Fan Fic right now, what would it be called?
Far up in the air - E-type (That sounds like Vivi's one!)
13. A song you would sing at your school’s talent show.
Hare Hare Yukai - Aya Hirano, Chihara Minori, Yuko Goto
(Yeah! With Vivian and another person!~)
14. Your life’s theme song?
Houki Boshi - Younha (Yup! That would work just fine!!)
15. How would you describe what you are doing this moment?
Greed's Accident - Chihara Minori(As Nagato Yuki) (..I guess that's one very off topic way to describe it..)
16. If you had to go and jump off a building, what would your last words be?
Hot air balloon - Owl City (SOMEONE! ANYONE! A HOT AIR BALLOON?!?!)
17. Your motto is…
Butterfly on your right shoulder - Kagamine Rin; Kagamine Len (...WHY? WHY WOULD I PAY ATTENTION TO A MERE INSECT ON YOUR RIGHT SHOULDER?!)
18. If you could buy anything in this world, you would buy…
Together - Pokemon OST (Technically, you can't buy that.)
19. What will you dream about tonight?
Yura Yura - Hearts Grow (That's nice :) A strong friendship, then.)
20. Any last words?
Meltdown - Kagamine Rin ('Kay, see ya, I want to dive into a nuclear reactor.)
My unfortunate luck is the shadow.
Being with everyone is the cloud I wish I could ride on everyday.
Happiness is what I long for.
Someone(I didn't know what to put here.) will protect me from anything.
"Mr. Bear", I hope, will be by my side.
My true friends(*coughcough* Vivian *cough*) cannot be a traitor.
My mother will always stick with me.
The devil will always be following and destroying,
The angel will always restore and help,
Which is how we got the angelic devil and the demonic angel.
~ Angelic Espeon ~
Mood Song: Distance - Utada Hikaru
Aya Hirano, Chihara Minori, Yuko Goto
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
The english dub of what happened in the anime during the waltz of Ouran.
..Because I couldn't actually find one that's not a dub. I know, I suck. Anyway...
I actually have some favorite parts. I know, I know, I should be killed and fed to monstrous little leeches.
"I never danced with a commoner before.."-Tamaki
"Well, I never danced with an idiot before, so I guess we're even." = Haruhi
Also, I just love Kaoru and Hikaru's part. XD I don't know why.
And this is probably my most favorite part.
'Enchante.. moron." - Kyoya.
With that, goodbye. -=3 It's getting closer and closer to the end of the year. Mraah.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Perfect - Hedley
I actually have some favorite parts. I know, I know, I should be killed and fed to monstrous little leeches.
"I never danced with a commoner before.."-Tamaki
"Well, I never danced with an idiot before, so I guess we're even." = Haruhi
Also, I just love Kaoru and Hikaru's part. XD I don't know why.
And this is probably my most favorite part.
'Enchante.. moron." - Kyoya.
With that, goodbye. -=3 It's getting closer and closer to the end of the year. Mraah.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Perfect - Hedley
Friday, May 13, 2011
A four leaf clover on Friday the 13th.
I love bragging about this for reasons I am about to explain (LOL, did I just make a reference.) I found a lucky thing on a supposedly unlucky day. How occult-like. So today is Friday the 13th. It is also the 13th birthday of 3 people, and again, how occult-like.
I was randomly searching for a clover because I was bored and I found it. Now I'm going to press it and keep it in my asian folder thing. LOL
So much for being unlucky, right? Oh well. Hopefully nothing bad will happen the next day, or the evening, because that is when the bad luck happens. To people around me, anyway.
XD If you happen to be one of the three people that have a birthday today, I didn't put down your name for the sake of your privacy. But happy birthday! Good luck today XD And good luck on your 13th year that began today. LOL
So I was looking through my blog posts and I came across a 'Couple of the month' one.
Okay, since my newly obtained anime obsession is Kaichou-wa-maid-sama!, my favorite couple of the month is..
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="130" caption="Usui Takumi and Misaki Ayuzawa!"]
LOL They're so cute. I haven't fully read the manga yet, but I've completely watched the anime so that's enough, although that's only part of the storyline. Fail. Oh well... XDXD
Ah.. how should I start. Okay, let's start with the heroine, Ayuzawa Misaki. Misaki-chan, basically, is Seika High's president. Since her father left the family, she doesn't trust men that much. It's also because 80% of the school population is male, and she wants to bring more girls into the school. Also because he left a debt on the family, she has to work as a maid, because working as a maid get you tons of money because of the fanservice-- anyway..
And although this is by now, a cliche dude, Usui was still freaking awesome. I was honestly trying my best not to like him BECAUSE he was so cliche. XD But this won me over.
Usui comes in around 0:46, and his puppy face appears about 5 seconds after that. LOL, he used an actual dog. XDXD But it's still so damn cute-- I'm sorry.
By cliche, I mean Usui is the type of guy that all the girls in the school fawn over. But the way he does things for Misaki made me surprised.
Arriving at the exact same time when she needs help, having super human hearing. They're the golden pair because they're both perfect. I mean, Misaki can break out of chains! SERIOUSLY!
Usui jumped off the roof to get a picture from her. XD This will seem unreasonable, unless you've actually watched the anime.
Which is also when he confessed he liked her, at episode 6. But Misaki ignores that... kind of.
And then basically, Usui rescues her at the exact same time she calls for him, when she's calling because there's a judo expert pervert (Exactly why she can't fight him off, because she has aikido.) . By the way, Tora is.. I hate him. I just hate his voice, I hate it. He adds nya to the end of his sentence, probably one of the japanese accents..
But for some reason that makes him extremely annoying because he's a pervert.
I understand his name is Tora(Which means tiger, which reminds me of a cat.) but they did not need to add nya..
Anyway, the series progresses, with Usui finding out Misaki has a fear for the occult, apparently. And then they almost kiss.
A huge part of the episode is here. They don't show the kiss scene, but they show hugs. =D
BTW, LOL, "Misa, what the hell is that?"
^ She has to work at the beach, so.. =3 If you couldn't tell, he kissed her back to prevent her from going out in a bikini, because Usui doesn't like men looking at her. XD
XD Then, more progressing, until Misaki meets her childhood friend, Hinata (Yes, a childhood friend enters the mix.), who has a crush on her.
And even though I love Usui and Misaki, I really feel sorry for Hinata. He's not a bad person at all. He's so innocent, compared with Usui. Honestly, I feel sorry, because he cries when he realized Misaki liked Usui, although she herself had not realized it yet.
It's really funny when Hinata appears. Misaki says that there is no such thing as a human randomly falling out of the sky, and he appears right in front of them, out of the sky, from the roof..
LOL He makes Usui's physical body seem like a minority.
And then he goes, "Oh, I'm so careless to drop my food.."
Then he goes calling Misaki mean in a whiny manner, because of her strictness as the president. But when he remembers her from his childhood he is like.. a puppy. XDXD
And then I don't know why, but the concept that they fighting for Misaki like dogs came up. Which explains Usui's puppy face above.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Seriously guys, I know you like her, but you didn't have to take it that far.."]
And then in a scene where Hinata helps Misaki clean up the school, they both get soaking wet because he does not know how to work a hose.
So Usui borrows her his uniform (He has a shirt underneath.), and Hinata realizes that, like I said earlier, Misaki likes Usui.
Now I seriously feel sorry.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1280" caption="Aw.. poor Hinata."]
Sorry for the huge picture, couldn't find any other ones.
If you're wondering why they're in the Romeo and Juliet getup, they won in a love contest that they(Mostly Misaki), were dared to do. And then her ex-enemy, some guy tells her that Usui is enduring much from her and he does not understand why Usui still likes her.. and then that makes Misa-chan realize she likes him.
This is pretty much the most emotional Misaki-chan's been. XD In the anime anyway. But I think this is the most endearing couple the month of spring, where love blows the hardest apparently.. for my horoscope anyway. Goodbye. Oh wait, here's a commemoration pic!
[caption id="attachment_584" align="aligncenter" width="130" caption="Wahh.. so cute. XD"]
Well, although it's almost over because I lagged this post so much, Happy Friday 13th. And goodbye.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Hot Air Balloon-Owl City
I was randomly searching for a clover because I was bored and I found it. Now I'm going to press it and keep it in my asian folder thing. LOL
So much for being unlucky, right? Oh well. Hopefully nothing bad will happen the next day, or the evening, because that is when the bad luck happens. To people around me, anyway.
XD If you happen to be one of the three people that have a birthday today, I didn't put down your name for the sake of your privacy. But happy birthday! Good luck today XD And good luck on your 13th year that began today. LOL
So I was looking through my blog posts and I came across a 'Couple of the month' one.
Okay, since my newly obtained anime obsession is Kaichou-wa-maid-sama!, my favorite couple of the month is..
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="130" caption="Usui Takumi and Misaki Ayuzawa!"]
LOL They're so cute. I haven't fully read the manga yet, but I've completely watched the anime so that's enough, although that's only part of the storyline. Fail. Oh well... XDXD
Ah.. how should I start. Okay, let's start with the heroine, Ayuzawa Misaki. Misaki-chan, basically, is Seika High's president. Since her father left the family, she doesn't trust men that much. It's also because 80% of the school population is male, and she wants to bring more girls into the school. Also because he left a debt on the family, she has to work as a maid, because working as a maid get you tons of money because of the fanservice-- anyway..
And although this is by now, a cliche dude, Usui was still freaking awesome. I was honestly trying my best not to like him BECAUSE he was so cliche. XD But this won me over.
Usui comes in around 0:46, and his puppy face appears about 5 seconds after that. LOL, he used an actual dog. XDXD But it's still so damn cute-- I'm sorry.
By cliche, I mean Usui is the type of guy that all the girls in the school fawn over. But the way he does things for Misaki made me surprised.
Arriving at the exact same time when she needs help, having super human hearing. They're the golden pair because they're both perfect. I mean, Misaki can break out of chains! SERIOUSLY!
Usui jumped off the roof to get a picture from her. XD This will seem unreasonable, unless you've actually watched the anime.
Which is also when he confessed he liked her, at episode 6. But Misaki ignores that... kind of.
And then basically, Usui rescues her at the exact same time she calls for him, when she's calling because there's a judo expert pervert (Exactly why she can't fight him off, because she has aikido.) . By the way, Tora is.. I hate him. I just hate his voice, I hate it. He adds nya to the end of his sentence, probably one of the japanese accents..
But for some reason that makes him extremely annoying because he's a pervert.
I understand his name is Tora(Which means tiger, which reminds me of a cat.) but they did not need to add nya..
Anyway, the series progresses, with Usui finding out Misaki has a fear for the occult, apparently. And then they almost kiss.
A huge part of the episode is here. They don't show the kiss scene, but they show hugs. =D
BTW, LOL, "Misa, what the hell is that?"
^ She has to work at the beach, so.. =3 If you couldn't tell, he kissed her back to prevent her from going out in a bikini, because Usui doesn't like men looking at her. XD
XD Then, more progressing, until Misaki meets her childhood friend, Hinata (Yes, a childhood friend enters the mix.), who has a crush on her.
And even though I love Usui and Misaki, I really feel sorry for Hinata. He's not a bad person at all. He's so innocent, compared with Usui. Honestly, I feel sorry, because he cries when he realized Misaki liked Usui, although she herself had not realized it yet.
It's really funny when Hinata appears. Misaki says that there is no such thing as a human randomly falling out of the sky, and he appears right in front of them, out of the sky, from the roof..
LOL He makes Usui's physical body seem like a minority.
And then he goes, "Oh, I'm so careless to drop my food.."
Then he goes calling Misaki mean in a whiny manner, because of her strictness as the president. But when he remembers her from his childhood he is like.. a puppy. XDXD
And then I don't know why, but the concept that they fighting for Misaki like dogs came up. Which explains Usui's puppy face above.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Seriously guys, I know you like her, but you didn't have to take it that far.."]
And then in a scene where Hinata helps Misaki clean up the school, they both get soaking wet because he does not know how to work a hose.
So Usui borrows her his uniform (He has a shirt underneath.), and Hinata realizes that, like I said earlier, Misaki likes Usui.
Now I seriously feel sorry.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1280" caption="Aw.. poor Hinata."]
Sorry for the huge picture, couldn't find any other ones.
If you're wondering why they're in the Romeo and Juliet getup, they won in a love contest that they(Mostly Misaki), were dared to do. And then her ex-enemy, some guy tells her that Usui is enduring much from her and he does not understand why Usui still likes her.. and then that makes Misa-chan realize she likes him.
This is pretty much the most emotional Misaki-chan's been. XD In the anime anyway. But I think this is the most endearing couple the month of spring, where love blows the hardest apparently.. for my horoscope anyway. Goodbye. Oh wait, here's a commemoration pic!
[caption id="attachment_584" align="aligncenter" width="130" caption="Wahh.. so cute. XD"]
Well, although it's almost over because I lagged this post so much, Happy Friday 13th. And goodbye.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Hot Air Balloon-Owl City
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Unique take on KOKORO; Rin dies first.
And that's because Rin is Len's sister in this one, (Or close friend, I don't know.) and Rin apparently gets ill and dies. (LOL, She almost always dies because she gets ill.)
W-wait, did Len cut his own heart out? ...Oh my gosh. Or maybe it's that scene we saw at the beginning, with Rin and Len both in a hospital and looking sort of like a mummy. And then Rin gets an error for overthinking. Her eyes turn red. And back to blue when Len hugs her.
Jeez, I remember the first time I listened to this, it made me cry. Rin really does specialize in the, 'Pain in someone who's left the world'. Kind of style.Poor Len is usually the person who dies, though.
Also, I laugh at Len trying to style Rin's hair, while Rin tried to make him into a cross dresser. And then Len dies.. but the fact that makes me happy is that he's happy when he dies :3
And the end shows that Rin made Len (ROBOT MADE ROBOT.), with the KOKORO that Scientist Len gave her, and they both look at Human Rin's grave together. O_O
Kyah, moe.
LOL BAI. Imma watch Mermaid by Rin now.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Sleeping Beauty - Hatsune Miku
W-wait, did Len cut his own heart out? ...Oh my gosh. Or maybe it's that scene we saw at the beginning, with Rin and Len both in a hospital and looking sort of like a mummy. And then Rin gets an error for overthinking. Her eyes turn red. And back to blue when Len hugs her.
Jeez, I remember the first time I listened to this, it made me cry. Rin really does specialize in the, 'Pain in someone who's left the world'. Kind of style.Poor Len is usually the person who dies, though.
Also, I laugh at Len trying to style Rin's hair, while Rin tried to make him into a cross dresser. And then Len dies.. but the fact that makes me happy is that he's happy when he dies :3
And the end shows that Rin made Len (ROBOT MADE ROBOT.), with the KOKORO that Scientist Len gave her, and they both look at Human Rin's grave together. O_O
Kyah, moe.
LOL BAI. Imma watch Mermaid by Rin now.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Sleeping Beauty - Hatsune Miku
New Obsession; Vocaloid Chorus, and one special Nico Nico Evil Story for you.
I mean, have you heard them? Well, you probably have. But if you haven't, I'll give you a brief description. Basically, like Nico Nico Chorus, but with VOCALOID. REAL ROBOTS!
Wow, did I really just say that?
By the way, I haven't realize how Gakupo's and Luka's voice were so awesomely used until now, in this Butterfly on your right shoulder mix.
Gakupo sounds like a mix between KAITO and Luka, which would make sense, since his color scheme is purple. But I do know that it is because he likes eggplants. LOL XD
By the way, if you're wondering, I'm pretty sure the extra VOCALOIDs is to fill in for the melody, both soprano and altos. And the people who aren't even VOCALOIDS are possibly the ones who mixed the music. Of course this is all just an assumption, but I don't hear any people in there.
Here's a special chorus dedication, unfortunately, they're people -- Wow, do I sound weird? LOL
Princess of Evil~
Oh my gosh, the laugh at the beginning sounds slowed down, HOLY ****. Oh yeah, apparently the guillotine is extremely realistic. Anyway, very creepy, as expected of Rin, the singer of Fear Garden. But you know these are one of the songs that make my throat hurt just listening to it, the intro that is. So high. O A O I can sing Regret Message, but Princess of Evil seems kind of scary. Especially going like, "OHOHOHOHO! Now, kneel down! (Or something like that.)"
Now you're probably wondering where Len is.. Ahh, well.. here he is, except he may be dead by the end of this video. Ill humor is my specialty.
ZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMG. ZOMG. Oh yes, I'm sorry, it's not high-pitched. This actually makes me go more on the "aww.." than "TT_TT" Although it does still make me sad.
Heck, Disappearence of Hatsune Miku makes me sad, too.
Anyway, uwah. The beginning with Princess of Evil playing on the 'radio', and the random protest crowd, most likely the people who killed Len. And then, it's most likely Len serving Rin, and then the priest who baptized the two. And then in one part, VOCALOID Len comes in.
Aww. This is so sweet. Servant of Evil highly emphasizes Len's sweetness, and how many times he died. Then again, how much of his songs don't make him dead? Really, if you think about it, there's probably about 5, and they emphasize Len's .. playboy side.
By the way, I love the chorus part, and the part where Len says for Rin to be happy and how he'd protect her.. at the ..bridge part. I heard shiawase, so I'm pretty sure that's what he said. The voice at the end is Yamai! YAY! Before the song ends, where Rin cries. ...
Aw.. I feel sorry for her.
The last song here is Regret Message, because it's the last song they did for the evil series. What they say at the prologue is basically the chorus, but Rin says that she doesn't need the bottle, when Len is the one who fulfills her wishes. And this does make me more sad than Servant of Evil does, because I know the feeling of regret and wishing you did some things earlier. Such a true song.
Anyway, apparently, the reason she saw Len was because she cut herself with the bottle, and something happened, and she started seeing things-- but that doesn't mean she dies, you haters.
And I think the dialogue at the end is the prelude to KOKORO, but with a different story, because Len is there as well. And of course, Rin drops a tear.
Awwez, the twinz are so cute, *spaz attack*
Okay, bye bye now, I've got to be an otaku and stare longingly at cosplay outfits-- Don't ask.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Meltdown - Kagamine Rin
Wow, did I really just say that?
By the way, I haven't realize how Gakupo's and Luka's voice were so awesomely used until now, in this Butterfly on your right shoulder mix.
Gakupo sounds like a mix between KAITO and Luka, which would make sense, since his color scheme is purple. But I do know that it is because he likes eggplants. LOL XD
By the way, if you're wondering, I'm pretty sure the extra VOCALOIDs is to fill in for the melody, both soprano and altos. And the people who aren't even VOCALOIDS are possibly the ones who mixed the music. Of course this is all just an assumption, but I don't hear any people in there.
Here's a special chorus dedication, unfortunately, they're people -- Wow, do I sound weird? LOL
Princess of Evil~
Oh my gosh, the laugh at the beginning sounds slowed down, HOLY ****. Oh yeah, apparently the guillotine is extremely realistic. Anyway, very creepy, as expected of Rin, the singer of Fear Garden. But you know these are one of the songs that make my throat hurt just listening to it, the intro that is. So high. O A O I can sing Regret Message, but Princess of Evil seems kind of scary. Especially going like, "OHOHOHOHO! Now, kneel down! (Or something like that.)"
Now you're probably wondering where Len is.. Ahh, well.. here he is, except he may be dead by the end of this video. Ill humor is my specialty.
ZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMG. ZOMG. Oh yes, I'm sorry, it's not high-pitched. This actually makes me go more on the "aww.." than "TT_TT" Although it does still make me sad.
Heck, Disappearence of Hatsune Miku makes me sad, too.
Anyway, uwah. The beginning with Princess of Evil playing on the 'radio', and the random protest crowd, most likely the people who killed Len. And then, it's most likely Len serving Rin, and then the priest who baptized the two. And then in one part, VOCALOID Len comes in.
Aww. This is so sweet. Servant of Evil highly emphasizes Len's sweetness, and how many times he died. Then again, how much of his songs don't make him dead? Really, if you think about it, there's probably about 5, and they emphasize Len's .. playboy side.
By the way, I love the chorus part, and the part where Len says for Rin to be happy and how he'd protect her.. at the ..bridge part. I heard shiawase, so I'm pretty sure that's what he said. The voice at the end is Yamai! YAY! Before the song ends, where Rin cries. ...
Aw.. I feel sorry for her.
The last song here is Regret Message, because it's the last song they did for the evil series. What they say at the prologue is basically the chorus, but Rin says that she doesn't need the bottle, when Len is the one who fulfills her wishes. And this does make me more sad than Servant of Evil does, because I know the feeling of regret and wishing you did some things earlier. Such a true song.
Anyway, apparently, the reason she saw Len was because she cut herself with the bottle, and something happened, and she started seeing things-- but that doesn't mean she dies, you haters.
And I think the dialogue at the end is the prelude to KOKORO, but with a different story, because Len is there as well. And of course, Rin drops a tear.
Awwez, the twinz are so cute, *spaz attack*
Okay, bye bye now, I've got to be an otaku and stare longingly at cosplay outfits-- Don't ask.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Meltdown - Kagamine Rin
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