O_O I can't believe what happened today...
Well, we were going to Chilliwack to see the fishing hatchery, right? It was raining.. but.. yeah, anyways, we saw a bunch of fish, some were dead.. and got souvenirs.. But this was kind of something that creeped me out.
Somewhere near the maple trees was a black cat, I think it was the owner's? Well, after that, we had our bad luck. What was the bad luck? Well..
We were going to refill on gas, and for some reason, my door wasn't shut.. and when we did a stop on the lane, we realized that the car was out of motor oil/leaking motor oil.. While we, um.. sat there waiting for the car temperature to go down, my dad called his friend for a toll truck number..
The price alone was 200 something!! O_O And if we dropped it off at a repair shop we would have to pay 100 dollars more! So we opted to go to our house, leave the car there and figure out how to fix it tomorrow.. XD
It was fine the rest of the way back home, but I STILL think it was the black cat which caused our bad luck. You may remember from my July post that I have received bad luck from black cats before.. O_o
Well, have a Happy Halloween~ If your trick-or-treating, stay safe! XDXD I sound like a teacher.
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Too late to apologize-Timbaland feat. One Republic
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Yay! Today was fun~ <3
XD I'll explain why. It's in the morning.. somewhere before the bell was going to ring.. the teachers were dressed up as mad scientists and some of them ghostbusters! Hmm.. I wonder if their backpacks are desktop drives?! That must be heavy. Anyways, Christy drags me and Sunny in, and we both get a make up session. Sunny gets sprayed with purple hair spray.. I get make up from Brooklyn? XD Anyways, when the bell rang, I saw something strange disturbing.. Isaiah in a lady costume. O_O He was strutting strangely... And as you might have guessed, we all voted for him as best costume. XD T_T People kept pulling my angel feathers! Viv is blessed with more luck than I am this year. Hee, I liked the wand. :3 And she takes her camera everywhere to shoot pictures. AND, SHE GOT A PIC OF HATSUNE MIKU!! X3!!!! Miku was even carrying the leek.. O_O
YAY! I won't be frowned on if I dress up as Mikuru-chan next year~ I'm not sure of bunny or maid. O_O Either way, they're so moe. Anyways, in Drama, we chased Jason around like crazy because of a skit we were doing.. a skit that involved..
J U S T I N B I E B E R...
Anyways, it turned out pretty well, I think. XD I hope we didn't have the back to the audience though. I'm gonna do my pointillism (It's spelled weird..) on Mamegoma! It's the seal! It's really cute! XD Viv is doing it on the SOS brigade symbol. And now that I think about it, it DOES look like a drunken tape-worm. Oh yeah, at the beginning of the day, we were told about a scary story again~~<3 XD It was funny because the scary music was on, and you could hear screaming in the background while Ms. Roberts told the story. XDXD Isaiah, he came up to Ms. Roberts, and sat right next to her, and when she got to the Climax, she leaned in closer to him and bought out her shot needle. That was enough to send him back running.. XDXD The story was about a old man's eye, and how the mad scientist was so scared of it, he wanted to kill him. And he did, but then apparently, he gets scared of the sound of his guilty heartbeat? Ahhh.. that was good.
Continuing from earlier, after Drama, Nut Break came and went.. And we were doing activities. We were doing Bingo first. And man, did I have bad luck in the first one, but I was SOO close to a Blackout on the 2nd one. We were playing for a X on the second one, btw. XD
Then we switched for Jeopardy. And they were jeopardizing my wings again. Anyways, our control wouldn't work! Also, we found out that if you stare into a mirror at midnight, you will see your future husband. O_O You know what my answer was? Bloody Mary. XD
And then there's the Math Arithmetics.. I didn't get it.. What's Boo supposed to mean?!? So, after some turns, the group in the middle won.And then we switched again. Mummy wrapping.. I got wrapped up.. but they rapidly ran out of toilet paper.. Ms. Plesha took a picture, actually. O_O I don't want to know how Ilook like. XD
Apparently, David was the best mummy. :D XDXD
Then we played a Memory game? Yay! I was with Nick C in this one. He's dressed up as a nerd/businessman, actually. XD For some reason, KLAUS was there, too. Viv, you know who I'm talking about. XD
We still lost, but it was a close one! And then I'm not going to bother talking about Lunch.. it was boring.. We had spirit assembly later..
And I'm kind of mad because they didn't vote for Miku! T_T Yay~ Gabby was up there!! They did a catwalk around the gym, and then we had pumpkin bowling.. I'm not actually sure what happened because it was hard to see through the camera. But the whole time, Ghostbusters was playing. And as you may guess, the 'Ghostbusters' of the school was walking around. And then we had.. trivia? Or was it the pumpkin guts thing..?? Ohh.. that was disgusting. XD I don't know any of the ingredients. Except maybe the 5th one was..cake? We were forced to say "Nasty.." Which is a pretty good summary. XD I have no idea what the 6th one was, but it was.. it was brown. O_O Yay~~ Heather, Kelsey, and Keiko was there! :3 And Sunny was looking at me when they said, "Kelly". XD Then, we dressed up teachers as pumpkins. Ha! Mr. Dudley looked strange, with the Joker make up and all..
Why so serious? XD
And then, the teams went around grabbing candy. I believe Hurricane has the most winners in all of the games..
And then, we did the trivia? I was right in most ones! But probably because of jeopardy. XD And then, when they did 'The Rising Suns' thing.. Oh man, it was great. Love this school :3.
Next week, we're having Breakfast with a book. I can read my Canadian Hauntings book.. Or, maybe I can borrow Vampire Knight from Cassie~~ She has volumes 1-3, I think. XD :D
That's all! Farewell for now!
Mood Song: Bokura no Love Style- Ouran High Host Club
XD I'll explain why. It's in the morning.. somewhere before the bell was going to ring.. the teachers were dressed up as mad scientists and some of them ghostbusters! Hmm.. I wonder if their backpacks are desktop drives?! That must be heavy. Anyways, Christy drags me and Sunny in, and we both get a make up session. Sunny gets sprayed with purple hair spray.. I get make up from Brooklyn? XD Anyways, when the bell rang, I saw something strange disturbing.. Isaiah in a lady costume. O_O He was strutting strangely... And as you might have guessed, we all voted for him as best costume. XD T_T People kept pulling my angel feathers! Viv is blessed with more luck than I am this year. Hee, I liked the wand. :3 And she takes her camera everywhere to shoot pictures. AND, SHE GOT A PIC OF HATSUNE MIKU!! X3!!!! Miku was even carrying the leek.. O_O
YAY! I won't be frowned on if I dress up as Mikuru-chan next year~ I'm not sure of bunny or maid. O_O Either way, they're so moe. Anyways, in Drama, we chased Jason around like crazy because of a skit we were doing.. a skit that involved..
J U S T I N B I E B E R...
Anyways, it turned out pretty well, I think. XD I hope we didn't have the back to the audience though. I'm gonna do my pointillism (It's spelled weird..) on Mamegoma! It's the seal! It's really cute! XD Viv is doing it on the SOS brigade symbol. And now that I think about it, it DOES look like a drunken tape-worm. Oh yeah, at the beginning of the day, we were told about a scary story again~~<3 XD It was funny because the scary music was on, and you could hear screaming in the background while Ms. Roberts told the story. XDXD Isaiah, he came up to Ms. Roberts, and sat right next to her, and when she got to the Climax, she leaned in closer to him and bought out her shot needle. That was enough to send him back running.. XDXD The story was about a old man's eye, and how the mad scientist was so scared of it, he wanted to kill him. And he did, but then apparently, he gets scared of the sound of his guilty heartbeat? Ahhh.. that was good.
Continuing from earlier, after Drama, Nut Break came and went.. And we were doing activities. We were doing Bingo first. And man, did I have bad luck in the first one, but I was SOO close to a Blackout on the 2nd one. We were playing for a X on the second one, btw. XD
Then we switched for Jeopardy. And they were jeopardizing my wings again. Anyways, our control wouldn't work! Also, we found out that if you stare into a mirror at midnight, you will see your future husband. O_O You know what my answer was? Bloody Mary. XD
And then there's the Math Arithmetics.. I didn't get it.. What's Boo supposed to mean?!? So, after some turns, the group in the middle won.And then we switched again. Mummy wrapping.. I got wrapped up.. but they rapidly ran out of toilet paper.. Ms. Plesha took a picture, actually. O_O I don't want to know how Ilook like. XD
Apparently, David was the best mummy. :D XDXD
Then we played a Memory game? Yay! I was with Nick C in this one. He's dressed up as a nerd/businessman, actually. XD For some reason, KLAUS was there, too. Viv, you know who I'm talking about. XD
We still lost, but it was a close one! And then I'm not going to bother talking about Lunch.. it was boring.. We had spirit assembly later..
And I'm kind of mad because they didn't vote for Miku! T_T Yay~ Gabby was up there!! They did a catwalk around the gym, and then we had pumpkin bowling.. I'm not actually sure what happened because it was hard to see through the camera. But the whole time, Ghostbusters was playing. And as you may guess, the 'Ghostbusters' of the school was walking around. And then we had.. trivia? Or was it the pumpkin guts thing..?? Ohh.. that was disgusting. XD I don't know any of the ingredients. Except maybe the 5th one was..cake? We were forced to say "Nasty.." Which is a pretty good summary. XD I have no idea what the 6th one was, but it was.. it was brown. O_O Yay~~ Heather, Kelsey, and Keiko was there! :3 And Sunny was looking at me when they said, "Kelly". XD Then, we dressed up teachers as pumpkins. Ha! Mr. Dudley looked strange, with the Joker make up and all..
Why so serious? XD
And then, the teams went around grabbing candy. I believe Hurricane has the most winners in all of the games..
And then, we did the trivia? I was right in most ones! But probably because of jeopardy. XD And then, when they did 'The Rising Suns' thing.. Oh man, it was great. Love this school :3.
Next week, we're having Breakfast with a book. I can read my Canadian Hauntings book.. Or, maybe I can borrow Vampire Knight from Cassie~~ She has volumes 1-3, I think. XD :D
That's all! Farewell for now!
Mood Song: Bokura no Love Style- Ouran High Host Club
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Halloween.. plans?
XD Yay! Tomorrow's the party~~ Even though we still have explorations. Oh well.
I got my wings and halo! Seriously though, I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.. my wings are half-cotton. T_T Christy wants to do my make up, so I might come early. XD Sunny's getting make up, too! Not sure about Viv, but I don't care, she's dressing up as Nagato Yuki! :D :D
Maybe I'll go as Asakura/Mikuru next year....
~Angelic Espeon~
MOOD SONG: Chihara Minori-Greed's Accident
I got my wings and halo! Seriously though, I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.. my wings are half-cotton. T_T Christy wants to do my make up, so I might come early. XD Sunny's getting make up, too! Not sure about Viv, but I don't care, she's dressing up as Nagato Yuki! :D :D
Maybe I'll go as Asakura/Mikuru next year....
~Angelic Espeon~
MOOD SONG: Chihara Minori-Greed's Accident
Sunday, October 24, 2010
You can find Milotic in Route 1 now!
Apparently, you can find it in special spots. Probably Marriland has something on it?
XD That's all right now. See ya!
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Just so you know-Jesse Mtcartney (Did I spell that right? O_o")
Apparently, you can find it in special spots. Probably Marriland has something on it?
XD That's all right now. See ya!
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood Song: Just so you know-Jesse Mtcartney (Did I spell that right? O_o")
This is just cruel. How many of you have experienced the pain of a slow, unreliable internet source? T_T
This thing has been off on me for about an hour…It kind of makes me sad. XD
Anyways, sorry to Vivi because it made me suddenly log off on you. Stupid internet waves! D:
Well, it gives me time to train my Lady. She’s only level 13. And Karen’s level 18.. sigh. Before you ask, I just defeated the weirdly dressed up Team Plasma. With my Futachimaru. Oh man, I can’t say how proud I am about the little fighter. XD I’m waiting for its final evolution into Daikenki. My friend, he evolved his starter, Tsutarja/Tsutaaja into Jaroda at the 3rd gym. XD Well, I’m nearing level 20. It’s rather easy to train with the thick grass and all. It’s hard understanding the Japanese, but with the help of the Pokemon moves menu and the attack stats, I’m getting the hang of it? It’s too bad I can’t see the storyline, though. D:
These is Karen’s moves so far.. (NO LAUGHING! T_T)
Karen, Futachimaru- At level 18. Female.
Ability: Torrent
Shell Blade
Water Gun
Tail Whip..Actually, I forgot.. XD
By the looks of it, I don’t think Viv is having much luck with my SDHC either… Oh well, I’m glad you’re trying! Ahh.. I’m addicted to this font now. It’s Jokerman. I doubt you can see it, but.. yeah. D:
I got into a double battle on thick grass~ It’s with the electric horse and Starly’s cousin..I think the name is Mamepato? I forgot. XD I had the strangest dream..
The school was in a field trip in a butterfly garden, and when we got free time, I somehow find myself walking alone? Butterflies are lying everywhere, and when I step near them, they fly away.. then I walk past this huge brown one, I forgot what’s it’s name was, but it’s in Animal Crossing..XD Anyways, it grabbed my back. O_O Idk how, but it did. I was running away and it kept grabbing at my back. Haley and another person manage to pry it off. But.. it still finds its way on my back. Then the dream ends? Does anyone know what this means?? T_T? Please comment if you do...Onegaiii~ XD
Well, I guess that’s all for now? My brother’s ranting about his birthday. XD I think it’s on the 27th. Or maybe it’s because he puts, “Soon lah.. Soon lah!” On the 27th. Not kidding. XD
Well, bye!
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood song: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu-COOL EDITION
This thing has been off on me for about an hour…It kind of makes me sad. XD
Anyways, sorry to Vivi because it made me suddenly log off on you. Stupid internet waves! D:
Well, it gives me time to train my Lady. She’s only level 13. And Karen’s level 18.. sigh. Before you ask, I just defeated the weirdly dressed up Team Plasma. With my Futachimaru. Oh man, I can’t say how proud I am about the little fighter. XD I’m waiting for its final evolution into Daikenki. My friend, he evolved his starter, Tsutarja/Tsutaaja into Jaroda at the 3rd gym. XD Well, I’m nearing level 20. It’s rather easy to train with the thick grass and all. It’s hard understanding the Japanese, but with the help of the Pokemon moves menu and the attack stats, I’m getting the hang of it? It’s too bad I can’t see the storyline, though. D:
These is Karen’s moves so far.. (NO LAUGHING! T_T)
Karen, Futachimaru- At level 18. Female.
Ability: Torrent
Shell Blade
Water Gun
Tail Whip..Actually, I forgot.. XD
By the looks of it, I don’t think Viv is having much luck with my SDHC either… Oh well, I’m glad you’re trying! Ahh.. I’m addicted to this font now. It’s Jokerman. I doubt you can see it, but.. yeah. D:
I got into a double battle on thick grass~ It’s with the electric horse and Starly’s cousin..I think the name is Mamepato? I forgot. XD I had the strangest dream..
The school was in a field trip in a butterfly garden, and when we got free time, I somehow find myself walking alone? Butterflies are lying everywhere, and when I step near them, they fly away.. then I walk past this huge brown one, I forgot what’s it’s name was, but it’s in Animal Crossing..XD Anyways, it grabbed my back. O_O Idk how, but it did. I was running away and it kept grabbing at my back. Haley and another person manage to pry it off. But.. it still finds its way on my back. Then the dream ends? Does anyone know what this means?? T_T? Please comment if you do...Onegaiii~ XD
Well, I guess that’s all for now? My brother’s ranting about his birthday. XD I think it’s on the 27th. Or maybe it’s because he puts, “Soon lah.. Soon lah!” On the 27th. Not kidding. XD
Well, bye!
~Angelic Espeon~
Mood song: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu-COOL EDITION
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Ugh, fanfiction writing can mess up your neck..
Anyways, hi there! It's been a short time since I last wrote an entry. But anyways, I guess I'm going to put this here because MSN is being stupid and not letting me access fanfiction central.
Next up:
Time Travel-Episode 2
Ikusen Academy- Episode..25? O_O
Sakura Kiss-Cont. from Episode 2
Parallel Worlds-Episode 2
Aghhh.. Why must the plots stretch soo long? Why is my brainstorm soo long?! T_T
Oh well. At least there's no writer's block. Hrmmm..XD
Marriland's done his Black/White walkthrough, now! =D Man, is that convenient..
I guess that's all again? Well, bye.
~Angelic Espeon likes purple.~
Anyways, hi there! It's been a short time since I last wrote an entry. But anyways, I guess I'm going to put this here because MSN is being stupid and not letting me access fanfiction central.
Next up:
Time Travel-Episode 2
Ikusen Academy- Episode..25? O_O
Sakura Kiss-Cont. from Episode 2
Parallel Worlds-Episode 2
Aghhh.. Why must the plots stretch soo long? Why is my brainstorm soo long?! T_T
Oh well. At least there's no writer's block. Hrmmm..XD
Marriland's done his Black/White walkthrough, now! =D Man, is that convenient..
I guess that's all again? Well, bye.
~Angelic Espeon likes purple.~
God, I'm sleepy. So very sleepy..
Well, anyways.. I guess this is one way for a different font? XD But I like the theme. Have you seen my friend's blog? Her header's just awesome. I'll put the link after my signature..
YAY! It's a long weekend. But, I'm really bored.. D: Ugh. I wish Vivi goes on more! T_T
So, anyways, on DESMUME, I'm still over training Karen. XD I'm going to see if I can manage on her alone/ catch Pokemon that are same level and train from there. IDK what to do about HM Slaves.. Suggestions? XD
Hmmmmm.. what else. Oh yeah, Halloween's coming up. I STILL don't have the wings.. or the halo. Oh well.. I might go on a costume shopping binge on Monday. XDXD
My friend's dressing up as Nagato Yuki. :D I'd dress up as Asahina-san, but I don't have enough money for a maid costume.. =o="
Well, I guess that's it. Ja ne!
~Angelic Espeon~
P.S. Oh yeah, my friend's blog link: http://randomchangingme.wordpress.com/
Well, anyways.. I guess this is one way for a different font? XD But I like the theme. Have you seen my friend's blog? Her header's just awesome. I'll put the link after my signature..
YAY! It's a long weekend. But, I'm really bored.. D: Ugh. I wish Vivi goes on more! T_T
So, anyways, on DESMUME, I'm still over training Karen. XD I'm going to see if I can manage on her alone/ catch Pokemon that are same level and train from there. IDK what to do about HM Slaves.. Suggestions? XD
Hmmmmm.. what else. Oh yeah, Halloween's coming up. I STILL don't have the wings.. or the halo. Oh well.. I might go on a costume shopping binge on Monday. XDXD
My friend's dressing up as Nagato Yuki. :D I'd dress up as Asahina-san, but I don't have enough money for a maid costume.. =o="
Well, I guess that's it. Ja ne!
~Angelic Espeon~
P.S. Oh yeah, my friend's blog link: http://randomchangingme.wordpress.com/
Saturday, October 9, 2010
And, well...
Sniff sniff..
And by sniff sniff, I'm trying to get my TTDS patch to work..
It's for Black and White.
Anyone know how to fix it? Whenever I load it, it just.. it never starts, basically, it stays in loading frenzy.. forever.. D:
Does anyone know? Please post a comment.. I really, really want to play it on my DS, and so far, I don't have enough money to buy the actual game. T_T
~Angelic Espeon, Devilish Umbreon is looking for you!~
And by sniff sniff, I'm trying to get my TTDS patch to work..
It's for Black and White.
Anyone know how to fix it? Whenever I load it, it just.. it never starts, basically, it stays in loading frenzy.. forever.. D:
Does anyone know? Please post a comment.. I really, really want to play it on my DS, and so far, I don't have enough money to buy the actual game. T_T
~Angelic Espeon, Devilish Umbreon is looking for you!~
Thursday, October 7, 2010
So much memories..
This song brings me much memories. :D
LOL, I remember when my friend and I, we used to go to Yahoo to chat, and when we did, we pretended we were ninjas from Naruto.. Those were some good times. To be honest all Naruto's openings are pretty good. Although I stopped watching at Shipuuden. D:
I liked this one, though.
Great.. another flashback. Have you had those moments?
:) I like the song's lyrics.
"You said if you could fly, you would never again come back down.. You kept aiming for it, that blue, blue, sky.
You've yet to remember "sadness", just now began to experience "pain". Even the feelings I held onto for you, are just now changing into words. As you awaken from that dream..to a unknown world..Spread your wings, take off!"
"You said if you could fly.. you would never again come back down.. You had always aimed for it, for those white, white clouds. If you break through, you know you'll find it.. So just try, try until you break free to that blue, blue sky."
Ahahahaha.. off track. Anyways, I was thinking for a while, and it made me realize, it's been 3 years since that friend and I saw each other. The days when we did, though. Was filled with fun.. I could remember.
This is a question I want to ask; have you ever left a friend while you moved? Have you contacted ever since?
I have.. and it seems we're doing pretty good. So..
XD Sorry if I offended anyone in any way..
~Devious Angelic Espeon~
LOL, I remember when my friend and I, we used to go to Yahoo to chat, and when we did, we pretended we were ninjas from Naruto.. Those were some good times. To be honest all Naruto's openings are pretty good. Although I stopped watching at Shipuuden. D:
I liked this one, though.
Great.. another flashback. Have you had those moments?
:) I like the song's lyrics.
"You said if you could fly, you would never again come back down.. You kept aiming for it, that blue, blue, sky.
You've yet to remember "sadness", just now began to experience "pain". Even the feelings I held onto for you, are just now changing into words. As you awaken from that dream..to a unknown world..Spread your wings, take off!"
"You said if you could fly.. you would never again come back down.. You had always aimed for it, for those white, white clouds. If you break through, you know you'll find it.. So just try, try until you break free to that blue, blue sky."
Ahahahaha.. off track. Anyways, I was thinking for a while, and it made me realize, it's been 3 years since that friend and I saw each other. The days when we did, though. Was filled with fun.. I could remember.
This is a question I want to ask; have you ever left a friend while you moved? Have you contacted ever since?
I have.. and it seems we're doing pretty good. So..
XD Sorry if I offended anyone in any way..
~Devious Angelic Espeon~
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Ah.. my dad might sign me up for piano. We got the keyboard up! And before you ask, a actual piano, baby or other-wise, is too big. and expensive. and..loud. XD That would be the reason why I might be busy on Friday. So.. yeah.
On Pokemon Black:
"What's this? Your Karen is evolving!
Congratulations! Karen evolved into FUTACHIMARU!"
Yup.. she was level 17, and so.. yeah. I'm not far in the game. ^_^"
Does anyone know where to find a Kojofuu? It looks like this:

And the reason I want it? It's evolution looks like a female Mewtwo. XD
If anyone knows, please tell me. :) XD
So, I just defeated Team Plasma. I'm training my Tabunne and Shimama, so that's why it took a while. XD
Well.. I have nothing else to say. Bye!
~Angelic Espeon is friends with Isshu~
On Pokemon Black:
"What's this? Your Karen is evolving!
Congratulations! Karen evolved into FUTACHIMARU!"
Yup.. she was level 17, and so.. yeah. I'm not far in the game. ^_^"
Does anyone know where to find a Kojofuu? It looks like this:
And the reason I want it? It's evolution looks like a female Mewtwo. XD
If anyone knows, please tell me. :) XD
So, I just defeated Team Plasma. I'm training my Tabunne and Shimama, so that's why it took a while. XD
Well.. I have nothing else to say. Bye!
~Angelic Espeon is friends with Isshu~
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Pokemon Black! Info on my team.. Ish. XD
Woohoo! Go, Mijumaru!! Go, go, go! >:D
XD Right now, I'm trying to catch a Tabunne. She finally appeared.. apparently, Marriland said she appears in shaking grass.. But that took a while.. XD And under Desmume standards, it was pretty hard to see. But I am now engaging in battle with it. :) I was trying to catch Shimama. XD Like I said, Tabunne is rather.. like Ditto. Okay, anyways.. I'm not even on the 2nd gym yet, and here's my team. Or the team I plan to have.. So far, they're girls. O.o It was a coincidence. XD
Daikenki, Karen,Female.
Tabunne, Faith, Also female.
Zebraiika (I forgot how it's spelled..),Light, Female..
Reshiram, (Maybe Kaiba.. XD) Flame, ??? gender.
Doredia, (Traded from this city.. I forgot which one.) Flora, Female.
Swanna, Laira, Female. This one is for my flying type. Before Reshiram. XD
I may replace Doredia with Shikijika's evolution. Shikijika is the deer. :)
A lot of which I won't get until much later. Pwehh.. :( Anyways, I'm now on Route 3. As I said, I was trying to catch Shimama. :3 I just caught Tabunne! Yay! XD I only know it has Double Slap and Growl. What else? Can anyone tell me?
Anyways.. I wanna read my friend's blog, so I'll end it here, okay? ^_^
~Angelic Espeon~
XD Right now, I'm trying to catch a Tabunne. She finally appeared.. apparently, Marriland said she appears in shaking grass.. But that took a while.. XD And under Desmume standards, it was pretty hard to see. But I am now engaging in battle with it. :) I was trying to catch Shimama. XD Like I said, Tabunne is rather.. like Ditto. Okay, anyways.. I'm not even on the 2nd gym yet, and here's my team. Or the team I plan to have.. So far, they're girls. O.o It was a coincidence. XD
Daikenki, Karen,Female.
Tabunne, Faith, Also female.
Zebraiika (I forgot how it's spelled..),Light, Female..
Reshiram, (Maybe Kaiba.. XD) Flame, ??? gender.
Doredia, (Traded from this city.. I forgot which one.) Flora, Female.
Swanna, Laira, Female. This one is for my flying type. Before Reshiram. XD
I may replace Doredia with Shikijika's evolution. Shikijika is the deer. :)
A lot of which I won't get until much later. Pwehh.. :( Anyways, I'm now on Route 3. As I said, I was trying to catch Shimama. :3 I just caught Tabunne! Yay! XD I only know it has Double Slap and Growl. What else? Can anyone tell me?
Anyways.. I wanna read my friend's blog, so I'll end it here, okay? ^_^
~Angelic Espeon~
Friday, October 1, 2010
Songs.. XD
Take time to realize,
Your warmth is crashing down on in..
Take time to realize,
that I am on your side..
Didn't I, didn't I tell you?
But I can't spell it out for you,
You know, it's never going to be that simple.
Though I can't, spell it out for you...
If you just realize, what I just realized,
then we'd be perfect for each other and we'll never find another,
Just realize, what I just realized...
We'd never have to wonder, what we missed out on each other now..
LOL, WHAT POSSESSED ME TO SAY THAT?! Just kidding.. I like that song. :)
Hmm.. I'm not sure what to do about that. And another video session. Ish.
I saw you talking on the phone.
I know you are not alone.
But you steal my heart away.
Yeah, you steal my heart away.
You're acting like your on your on,
but I saw you standing with a girl.
Stop trying to steal my heart away,
stop trying to steal my heart away..
I don't know where we are going.
I don't know who we are.
"I can feel your heartbeat.. I can feel your heartbeat.."
He said to me.
I can feel your heartbeat,
running through me..
LOL, I think I should end this. Before another lyric fest. Bye!! :)
Btw, yes, I only do it up to the end of the chorus. Don't smack me. :D
~Angelic Espeon~
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