Today, I had contact from a old friend i knew before i moved. I'm glad ... she still remembers the deep bond we used to have and our happy friendship...(EVEN THOUGH IT WAS KIND OF BUMPY) so i hope she sms me again... ^^
Typing today, yay! I finally beat Flint. Here's the RANDOM! part.... Magmotar has chapped lips... When i fought him I always thought of him as....ULTRA SCARY LIP SUCKER! Sorry Vivi ok that was really random.
Hi and today I'm gonna talk to you about Flint's annoying Magmotar, the star Pokemon of his team. Magmotar knows Earthquake, which is a BOO for my Empoleon, at this point , it'd be best if your Pokemon 's faster than Magmotar and is stronger than Magmotar.
Hihiz! Yes even though i think introductions are annoying, i shall INTRODUCE myself. My name 's Kelly, sometimes people call me Kel, u can call me that or Kelly. I really love Pokemon so I'll post about them sometimes. I'm pretty new here and will appreciate if someone helps. Please don't expect much from me as I don't really do much. Hey! While typing i typed the colors of all the Eeveelutions! See ? Flareon=Orange/Red Vaporeon/Glaceon= Blue Umbreon/Jolteon=Yellow Espeon=Purple Leafeon= Green
So, my mom has taken on an hobby to Origami, actually i want to learn some Origami,too. Occasionally she asks me to view videos on youtube on how to build certain things for Origami! And most of the time she's suscessful in making the item. So, I'll try and see if she can make Mametchi and give it to Vivian as a gift.
Didn't do much today , 'cept that i got a SapphireSwinub, I was busy the other days searching for Eevee dnas so i didn't go on. Anyways, the search wasn't successful (I've searched like, 769 times!) So, wish me luck! Umbreon is the strongest in my team, i plan to train some more to lv100 ! I have a lot to do... I'm sorry but i have to go now, bye!
Today i brought my ds lite to school, Viv and I were making poffins, it was awesome! We didn't burn it once...and i still wish i have Tamagotchi Cornershop 3 will be super great if i have it! Anyways i'm doing good in Animal Crossing I'm doing bad against Flint.:(
That crazy dungeon was horrible it's got tons of trainers... but it was good training though! I managed to get through the road and have beaten Aaron! It's a sad thing that StarOcean's still lv49 while my others are lv50s Don't worry StarOcean u're gonna catch up soon.
Yahoo! I got an advantage against electric types! Don't worry, I'll pose my rpg diary soon Here's the Star Pokes of my team... Starlight (Empoleon) lv 49 Starocean (Staraptor) lv 46 Shine!!(Luxray) lv 49 Training: Amber (Ponyta)lv 26 Serenity(Gardevoir) lv 39 Angel (Swablu) lv 28
I got a NDS Lite! They had a sale at Zellers for only 75 bucks! The sale is still on tomorrow but I'm not sure they will still have ds lites! I got a Blue and Black one! I put a cinnamoroll sticker on it! I'm playing Platinum right now, so bye!
So.. when i went out yesterday, it was exciting!!! First, my mom and I walked the long trail to Coquitlam Mall. After, my dad picked us up and we picked up my brother. We then went to Richmond. After Dinner, we went to the night market. It was SOOOOOOOO fun! we bought 2 Pokemon Posters. What a Happy Day!!!
I got my promo poke, Spheal! Yay! Unfortunately,Ouran101 wasn't online :(. Ah's been going great Surskit's evolved to Masquerain! ^^Hm...I'm still looking in Mew's island so I can unlock Giratina's Mountain!!!! V2 of the RPG is almost done! YAY! I just wished Ouran101 was here to share the fun... I have to go now, Bye! Love, Jirachi and Manaphy A.K.A. Luna!!! P.S. No Eevees Still?
So...It's I'm buying the R4 this Sunday or Next Sunday, I'm hoping it's today so i continue my adventures faster..! My hope is that the store is open on Sundays. Maybe I'm buying it tomorrow but that's kinda unlikely..:( MUST GET IT NOW! don't worry I'll pose my RPG Diary soon, but Viv didn't come on yesterday :(.
Glaceon, A.K.A. Viv is gonna give me Eevees! Yay! I'm gonna evolve them to Jolteon, Umbreon well the rest I'll decide soon. Woah Viv's giving me alot of pokes, thanks Viv! I'm watching "Sleepless in Pre-Battle" Watching it makes me kinda sleepy... Hope i don't get nightmare!
So... Haley and I were making posters for Pajama day, but it was ruined cuz of Track Attack, Darn it. So our hard work was wasted too bad :( but there's always next year and they're using our posters! ^_^
Yay!!!!! Arceus is finally lv 100! Now I'm gonna train up my Surskit !!!! Ouran101 is online right now, I'm so happy! But now I'm hoping that my Pokemon will have enough space for another lv 100...Just Kidding! Anyways.... I just got my promo poke, SapphirePhanpy! Ouran101 got a female one, I'm kind of busy so, see ya soon!
Love, Jirachi and Manaphy A.K.A. Luna!!! XD
P.S. Hey why isn't there any Eevees?!?!?! P.P.S. .... Let's unlock Giratina's Mountain!
Yay! I got a ShinySurskit! Well...Viv gave me a random video on youtube it was so RANDOM! It was something like, BCNW Pokemon Parody You should watch it i highly reccomend it! I want Platinum, I want Jirachi and I want Latias! Well... I can't get it all now but oh well... see you soon!
So, it turns out I have to get a new R4 card, and that my white one was broken, but I won't give up! XD I started a bit of my journey thanks to Viv!!!!!! Yay she's on! And...I really wish i can recover Diamond such luck...Oh well! I won't give up! I'm going to train up my Pokemon! Stay tuned!
I'm training CrystalLarvitar today, and it's going great! I'm still looking for Eevee so i can evolve it into Espeon which i love. Well,I'm gonna be busy with training and finding dnas, so bye!
I'm trying my luck at the mini games and Pokemon hunting...I wish Ouran101 is on then i can chat with her and stuff. Well, I got a GoldenArcues, neat! I'm training my CrystalLarvitar right now. Her training's going great but i wish i had an Espeon. Oh well! Another day at the rpg